Deltacloud Tracker Design (Draft)

David Lutterkort lutter at
Fri Jun 8 10:33:38 UTC 2012

On Thu, 2012-06-07 at 16:35 -0400, Matt Wagner wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 07, 2012 at 09:15:58PM +0200, Jan Provazník wrote:
> > >---
> > >title: Deltacloud Tracker Design (Draft)
> > >extension: html
> > >filter:
> > >  - markdown
> > >  - outline
> > >---
> > >
> > ># Introduction
> > >
> > >The purpose of Deltacloud Tracker [TODO: find a snazzier name] is to allow
> > >clients to be notified of state changes in cloud resources through
> > >callbacks rather than by polling themselves. Under the hood, the tracker
> > >will of course have to poll, too.
> I may be missing some context, but this seems to overlap very heavily
> with what we try to do with dbomatic, except that our implementation is
> in need of an overhaul.

I was under the impression that what Jan and Martyn were talking about
was that overhaul.

>  This seems like it might be the perfect
> opportunity to put in motion some of the ideas we've been talking about,
> such as building out modular tools that exist somewhere in between
> Aeolus and Deltacloud but aren't necessarily firmly anchored to one.

The reason why I like this as part of DC is that we can hook it in at
the driver level, and make hte functionality accessible through each of
the three frontends that DC has.

> Right now, dbomatic just polls cloud providers through Deltacloud and
> directly updates the Conductor database. We've talked in the past about
> how we don't love this, and how one option might be to call into
> Conductor in some fashion to effect updates.
> So a sort of engine that sits there polling cloud providers for changes,
> and fires notifications to registered agents when things change, could
> seemingly fulfill our dbomatic needs and also act as the "Tracker" you
> describe.
> Does this make sense, or am I just a crazy idealist? I don't have a
> strong opinion whether it's a "Deltacloud thing" or an "Aeolus thing,"
> but I think it would be useful for both of us.

Yes, that's pretty much the intent behind DC Tracker.


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