aeolus-configure parameters - Was: Aeolus Community Assessment

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at
Thu Jun 7 18:47:50 UTC 2012

On 07/06/12 05:44 +1000, Justin Clift wrote:
>On 07/06/2012, at 4:42 AM, Matt Wagner wrote:
>> I think aeolus-configure is really slick and makes things 100 times
>> easier than it used to be, but "edit this yaml file based on what this
>> wiki page suggests" is _still_ not very intuitive for RHEV and vSphere
>> configs. I'm not sure just yet on how we can solve that, but it's
>> definitely something deserving some attention.
>Other ways we could get info from the user:

Justin, I like the direction of these ideas, and I would further say,
maybe now is the time to get rid of these 'files on system' as part of
this 'improve ease of use' effort.  Conductor already stores account
details, why not also all these kinds of details about a given
provider?  If done properly, it could keep in the modular theme, be
fully accessible via api, and save us munging files on the system, or
expecting users to do the same.


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