aeolus-configure parameters - Was: Aeolus Community Assessment

Justin Clift jclift at
Wed Jun 6 19:44:26 UTC 2012

On 07/06/2012, at 4:42 AM, Matt Wagner wrote:
> I think aeolus-configure is really slick and makes things 100 times
> easier than it used to be, but "edit this yaml file based on what this
> wiki page suggests" is _still_ not very intuitive for RHEV and vSphere
> configs. I'm not sure just yet on how we can solve that, but it's
> definitely something deserving some attention.

Other ways we could get info from the user:

 + Command line argument style

    * aeolus-configure --rhev-nfs

   Long command lines aside, this would be beneficial for scripting.

 + Interactive command line style

     * What's the name of your oVirt/RHEV NFS server? []
     * What is the mount point for its export domain? [/export/ovirtexport]

   Good for newbies?

 + Web interface (not aeolus-configure based)

   (UX experts for this one :>)

From the Aeolus installer's (SysAdmin) perspective, the command line
style is good for scripting.  Whereas having everything configurable from
the web interface is more in line with our stated (UX friendly) end vision.

No idea how important fixing this stuff is though, in comparison to other

+ Justin

Aeolus Community Manager

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