Aeolus Community Assessment

Mo Morsi mmorsi at
Thu Jun 7 09:57:58 UTC 2012

On 06/07/2012 01:01 PM, Imre Farkas wrote:
> On 2012-06-07 08:44, Jan Provaznik wrote:
>> As you said, we should let people know that Aeolus exists which we
>> probably don't do loud enough. Also we should offer them easy way how to
>> try it. But installing Aeolus on non-rpm systems (and non-rpm systems
>> are majority) is pretty difficult. I don't think many people pass
>> through this level. So one of first steps would be creation of general
>> .tar.gz package(s) which can be installed on any distro (+some
>> installation script like aeolus-configure).
> +1000
> I definitely agree with everyone on how important it is for us to
> reach out more people and gather feedback. I think the biggest
> obstacle to this is the limited availability of our packages. We
> should put more effort to create tarballs.

Whenever we tag anything in github (which we usually do at the end of
every sprint), new tarballs are automatically created:

> Also, we could emphasize more that we are really listening to our
> users by e.g. creating a new page on our website for suggesting and
> voting for features.
> Imre

We can easily facilitate this through redmine, anyone is currently able
to create an account and submit a new feature request.

Both of these are not on the website, Justin could ya put this on the
'community' and 'download' pages or similar? Thanks


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