Aeolus Community Assessment

Imre Farkas ifarkas at
Thu Jun 7 11:01:11 UTC 2012

On 2012-06-07 08:44, Jan Provaznik wrote:
> As you said, we should let people know that Aeolus exists which we
> probably don't do loud enough. Also we should offer them easy way how to
> try it. But installing Aeolus on non-rpm systems (and non-rpm systems
> are majority) is pretty difficult. I don't think many people pass
> through this level. So one of first steps would be creation of general
> .tar.gz package(s) which can be installed on any distro (+some
> installation script like aeolus-configure).

I definitely agree with everyone on how important it is for us to reach 
out more people and gather feedback. I think the biggest obstacle to 
this is the limited availability of our packages. We should put more 
effort to create tarballs.

Also, we could emphasize more that we are really listening to our users 
by e.g. creating a new page on our website for suggesting and voting for 


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