[PATCH conductor] Update travis-ci config file to match new bundler usage changes in RM 3455

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Thu Jul 26 13:35:10 UTC 2012

On 20/07/12 17:45 -0700, Richard Su wrote:
>1. Use Gemfile instead of Gemfile.in.
>2. Remove USE_BUNDLER environment variable.
>3. Add "--path bundle" to "bundle install"
>4. "bundle exec" all rake commands. Not doing so would produce this error:
>"You have already activated rake 0.9.2, but your Gemfile requires rake
>Using bundle exec may solve this."
You may have other reasons for bundling to a path, but if you didn't
do it before you don't _have_ to do it now - that is largely to keep
folks that want to do rpm installs from installing their bundle deps
system-wide.  I think travis already has you pretty well sandboxed for
each run though, yes?  Assuming yes, this could safely use just
'bundle' and run commands as you had them before.  I realize this was
probably due to my own lack of clarity explaining how this works, so
if you want to ping me, I can swap those bit s back and save you the
time.  Sorry I didn't notice this part when you sent the patch.  OTOH,
this setup is valid as well, so we could certainly leave it if we
want, just wanted to bring up that it is not strictly needed.


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