RFC: Sprint summary emails

Steve Loranz sloranz at redhat.com
Mon Jul 23 21:03:59 UTC 2012

Why wouldn't one just look at the current sprint in Redmine? This seems redundant.


On Jul 23, 2012, at 3:28 PM, Matt Wagner wrote:

> Hi folks,
> As I return from PTO and try to catch up, I wanted to propose an idea.
> I think it'd be swell if, at the beginning of each sprint, we sent out
> an email outlining what we hope to accomplish, with a little blurb on
> each story, a quick estimate, and who (if anyone yet) is taking it. It
> could also spell out the start and end dates, as well as any other
> notable dates (code freeze, etc.) It would help people like me get up to
> speed more quickly, but much more importantly, I think it would be
> interesting to people monitoring Aeolus development but not necessarily
> participating full-time.
> Picking a random example from the backlog that I'm semi-familiar with,
> we have #3499, which reads "As a user, I want a consistent, coherent UI"
> with no further explanation. There's been other discussion of this, so I
> happen to know what it means, but it's ultra-vague as published in
> Redmine. It seems like it would be quite helpful if it got a blurb in a
> beginning-of-sprint email like:
> -------%<----------
> #3499 - As a user, I want a consistent, coherent UI
> We've been gathering a list of UI annoyances on the wiki:
> https://www.aeolusproject.org/redmine/projects/aeolus/wiki/List_of_UI_Annoyances
> For this story, we plan to review that list and identify the "quick
> fixes" that don't require much discussion/consideration, and then
> implement them. This should make the Aeolus user experience much more
> satisfying.
> Jiri has volunteered to lead this; it is estimated at 13 points.
> -------%<----------
> Admittedly, writing this up for each story is a decent bit of work.
> However, it's really nothing but a quick summary of what we discuss on
> sprint planning calls. I think this would have two benefits:
> 1.) It would be very useful as far as making it clear what we are doing,
> especially to outsiders. (It would have an incidental benefit for people
> like me, that miss a sprint planning call, but that's not the primary
> goal.)
> 2.) It would force us start to write decent descriptions for our tasks.
> If people agree that this is useful, I'd be happy to take a stab at
> writing it up next sprint during/after the planning call. What do you
> think? And should Conductor/Infra emails be separate, or combined?
> -- Matt

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