[PATCH conductor 0/1] #790516 - Conductor only shows instance IP/hostnames

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at redhat.com
Wed Feb 15 00:29:48 UTC 2012

If a provider reports a VNC address through Deltacloud, we no longer store that as an instance hostname. This also ensures that we will not count MAC addresses.

I cleaned up the code ever so slightly while I was doing this.

Note that I'm still uncertain how we can write tests for DBomatic given its architecture, so, although this seems like a pretty obvious candidate for some basic tests, I have no provided any. If I'm overlooking something simple, please fill me in. Otherwise, I still think we should consider rewriting this at some point.

I put a few quick notes that may be helpful in testing here: https://gist.github.com/1832019

-- Matt

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