Brainstorming tasks for next sprint

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at
Tue Feb 14 14:29:04 UTC 2012

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 02:18:11PM +0000, Martyn Taylor wrote:
> On 02/13/2012 09:06 PM, Matt Wagner wrote:
> >b.) Smarter matching of where we launch instances. I don't think this
> >will be something we get right the first time -- it seems like there are
> >a bunch of criteria that different people will weigh differently. But I
> >think that's all the more reason to start out with something now and
> >iterate over it. Our 'priority' concept helps somewhat, but it still
> >feels pretty constrained. It feels like we've worked to make it easy to
> >launch an instance in the cloud of your choosing (a noble enough goal, I
> >admit), as opposed to allowing you to launch an instance and let
> >Conductor do something intelligent on its own.
> I'd like to see some pluggable policy for this?

I think this is a good idea, both architecturally and as a way to get us
rolling. Then we can potentially start the ball rolling with a few
simple policies and expand from there.

-- Matt

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