Direction for Conductor development scripts/tooling

John Eckersberg jeckersb at
Tue Aug 21 15:21:20 UTC 2012

I keep coming back to using puppet to handle the dev setup the more I
think about it.  Granted, I am probably biased, having used it for at
least a man-year for better or worse :)

Here's what I think we need to be able to do:

1. Install required dependencies in a platform-agnostic manner.  Puppet
can do this (yum for rpm-based, apt for deb-based,
whatever-the-heck-mac-os-uses works too)

2. Clone dev-sources from upstream source (conductor, imagefactory,
deltacloud, audrey, configure?)

3. Drop any needed config files into the cloned source repos

4. Ad-hoc things to run (db:migrate, etc.)

5. Start services from source checkout

That's at a high level.  The reason I really tend towards puppet is
because in the details, there's a whole boatload of things that are
inter-dependent on each other and need to happen in some sort of
ordering, but at the same time need to be platform-agnostic.  Puppet is
good at this.  Other tools will be a bear to make functional across
platforms and make sure all the dependencies are wired up properly.

Maybe I'm in an optimistic mood, but I think a first pass at this is
attainable within a single sprint.

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