On 04/30/2014 04:08 PM, Jan Lieskovsky wrote:
Hello folks,
in effort to increase discoverability of security compliance solutions, Simon created github's entry for OpenSCAP ecosystem yesterday: [1] https://github.com/OpenSCAP
collecting all the relevant tools / products, necessary to perform security compliance checks in automated way. The intention of this ecosystem is to have all the parts available at one place, so people interested in automated SCAP scans wouldn't need to search for:
- the scanner,
- tailoring / remediation tool,
- the content itself
at three different locations.
For now those repositories are just mirrors of their parental ones (copies which will get updated on regular basis - Simon can clarify how often).
Once a while. :)
If any of the projects likes the new location and wants to use it as the upstream. I am prepared to hand over the permissions.
Together with this change, we have received proposal of icon / logo for the SCAP security guide project. Though yet before you download & inspect the attached tarballs, I need to mention, there are two versions of the icons attached:
- one is for current "SCAP Security Guide" project name (SCAP_logos_SCAP_security_guide.tar.gz),
- the second to see the proposal if the name of the project would change to "OpenSCAP Security Guide" (OpenSCAP_logos_SCAP_security_guide.tar.gz)
Since there's effort to create OpenSCAP ecosystem, of which SCAP security guide project is its indisputable part, besides cloning the repository, the other natural subsequent step, coming to mind is to have the project renamed from SCAP security guide to OpenSCAP security guide.
In our opinion, look at OpenSCAP ecosystem [1] might induce the potential user's impression, the whole project being organized properly (all parts being available at one place and all parts named by same prefix, differing just by component's name).
The pros / cons of the name change as I was able to collect are as follows:
whole (security compliance) solution can be viewed / looked at like having organized & unified form (distinguished just by component's name / colour of the icon),
all the necessary bits are reachable at one place (=> lowering the potential user's "start barrier" in effort to get familiar with the concept)
user's accustomed to old name might get confused. It might need to take some time till they get accustomed to start using new name,
the content being named "OpenSCAP Security Guide" (IOW with OpenSCAP brand) might induce the impression, it's not usable in other tools / scanners than just by OpenSCAP one. This could be overcome by us providing tutorial articles / images pinpointing the use of SCAP Security Guide content with tools (scanners) other than OpenSCAP to disperse the potential confusion (clearly state it's possible to use it in other scanners too).
To express my subjective opinion I like the idea of the project to be renamed to "OpenSCAP Security Guide". But wanted to know wider opinions from the community on the potential translation.
Please express you preference(s).
Thank you && Regards, Jan.
Jan iankko Lieskovsky / Red Hat Security Technologies Team
P.S.: Attached are icons / logos for both alternatives.
I very much like the unified look of the OpenSCAP* icons. I believe that we don't need to rename the individual projects. However, I like the OpenSCAP brand, and I believe that using OpenSCAP* icons brings a value, i.e. it could be more digestible for newcomers.