Thanks a lot, and you are absolutely right with this patch thing...

I guess there is  a complete build with this patch already applied, isn't there? It looks very time consuming to build an app like this, is it really necessary? Stg similar that it was to build a new Linux kernel on my 386SX/256M back in 1985. :)

Anyway, I have found several pages with build instruction, please help me which is the recommended one to follow, and how can I select the correct brach to build with the proper patch!



2013/11/7 Thomas Segismont <>
Le 05/11/2013 22:21, Attila Heidrich a écrit :

Am I still the only one on the planet using Pg9.2 as the backend?
It constantly grows the number of open files, the only workaroung I have
found, that I restart the RHQ servers once in every day - the two server
restart are shifted 12 hours. The number of open files ranges between
approximately 6K and 12K after and before restart.

Yes, I use postgres plugin - but I have tried without it, and there's no
difference at all. It is clear for me thet the server itself causes the

Should I really use another version of Pg? Or a different Database?
What's the recommendation?



p.s. It is a fresh install... Debian 7, as the previous one, Pg is from
Pg repo, RHQ is 4.9

rhq-users mailing list

Hi Attila,

Please read my previous reply to the same topic.

I use Pg9.2 (for development) and have no problem of this kind. But there are many parameters which can interfere (load, sysconfig parameters,... etc).

Most likely you hit Bug 1009640 - "JDBC connections leaked during baseline calculations". We can help you rebuild RHQ 4.9 with the necessary patch, or build the master branch.

One good way to determine if the version of Postgres is the problem is to install Pg 9.1 on your system. As you're already pulling the database server binaries from Pg Debian repository, this should not be too difficult.

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