Hi all. I need to setup a freeIPA replica and not sure which is the best and more reliable. I found a few people preparing the replica from the server others just installing the replica on another machine with the appropriate configuration.
Any info/docs?
Alfredo De Luca via FreeIPA-users wrote:
Hi all. I need to setup a freeIPA replica and not sure which is the best and more reliable. I found a few people preparing the replica from the server others just installing the replica on another machine with the appropriate configuration.
Any info/docs?
It depends on the version of IPA (and the knowing the distro would help too).
For 4.x+ you want to start with:
$ ipa domainlevel-get
If it is domain level 1 then you can install the new machine as an IPA client and then promote it to a master by running ipa-replica-install.
For domain-level 0 you need to run ipa-replica-prepare on an existing master and then ipa-replica-install <gpg file> on the new master.
Thanks Rob. IPA version is 4.5.4 and I d's lev 1 domain. So I'll try to with up client then ups replica install. thx
On Fri, 20 Jul 2018, 19:54 Rob Crittenden, rcritten@redhat.com wrote:
Alfredo De Luca via FreeIPA-users wrote:
Hi all. I need to setup a freeIPA replica and not sure which is the best and more reliable. I found a few people preparing the replica from the server others just installing the replica on another machine with the appropriate configuration.
Any info/docs?
It depends on the version of IPA (and the knowing the distro would help too).
For 4.x+ you want to start with:
$ ipa domainlevel-get
If it is domain level 1 then you can install the new machine as an IPA client and then promote it to a master by running ipa-replica-install.
For domain-level 0 you need to run ipa-replica-prepare on an existing master and then ipa-replica-install <gpg file> on the new master.