From: Jan Provaznik <jprovazn(a)>
Removed code for rendering JS tables which we don't user anymore.
src/app/helpers/application_helper.rb | 107 ---------------------------------
src/public/javascripts/application.js | 48 ---------------
2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/app/helpers/application_helper.rb b/src/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
index c3cf0cc..a2e74b5 100644
--- a/src/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
+++ b/src/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
@@ -20,31 +20,6 @@
# Likewise, all the methods added will be available for all controllers.
module ApplicationHelper
- def confirmation_dialog(div_id, text, action)
- %{
- <div id="#{div_id}" style="display:none;">
- <div class="confirm_dialog_title">
- <div class="confirm_dialog_header">#{text}</div>
- <div style="clear:both;"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="confirm_dialog_footer">
- <div class="button">
- <div class="button_left_grey"></div>
- <div class="button_middle_grey"><a href="#" onclick="$(document).trigger('close.facebox')">Cancel</a></div>
- <div class="button_right_grey"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="button">
- <div class="button_left_blue"></div>
- <div class="button_middle_blue"><a href="#" onclick="#{action}">OK</a></div>
- <div class="button_right_blue"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- }
- end
def number_to_duration(input_num)
input_int = input_num.to_i
hours_to_seconds = [input_int/3600 % 24,
@@ -59,29 +34,6 @@ module ApplicationHelper
day_str + hours_to_seconds
- def column_header(column, order, order_dir, check_all)
- next_dir = order_dir.to_s == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'
- if order and column[:id] == order
- dir = order_dir.to_s == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'
- cls = "ordercol #{dir}"
- else
- cls = nil
- end
- if column[:sortable]
- label = link_to(
- column[:header],
- {:action => controller.action_name, :partial => true, :order => column[:id], :order_dir => next_dir, :search => params[:search]},
- :class => cls)
- elsif check_all.to_s == column[:id]
- label = check_box_tag 'check_all'
- else
- label = column[:header]
- end
- content_tag 'th', label
- end
# Fields example:
# [
# { :name => 'Pool name', :sort_attr => 'name'},
@@ -135,65 +87,6 @@ module ApplicationHelper
- def paginated_table(html_id, columns, data, opts = {})
- search_url = url_for(:partial => true, :order => opts[:order], :order_dir => opts[:order_dir])
- # for now submit url for base table form can be same as search url
- # it's possible to change it in a future
- submit_url = search_url
- extend_table_js = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">Conductor.extendTable({id: '##{html_id}',single_select:#{opts[:single_select] ? true : false}});#{opts[:load_callback]};</script>"
- extend_sfield_js = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">Conductor.extendTableSearchField({id: '##{html_id}'})</script>"
- rows = do |rec|
- if block_given?
- capture_haml{yield rec}
- else
- content_tag 'tr', :class => cycle('even', 'odd') do
- { |c| content_tag 'td', rec[c[:id]] }
- end
- end
- end
- header_cols = {|c| column_header(c, opts[:order], opts[:order_dir], opts[:check_all])}
- table = content_tag 'table' do
- content_tag('thead', content_tag('tr', header_cols)) + content_tag('tbody', rows)
- end
- internal_header = content_tag 'div', :class => 'header' do
- content_tag('div', opts[:title], :class => 'title')
- end
- internal_footer = content_tag 'div', :class => 'footer' do
- will_paginate(data, :params => {:partial => true}).to_s +
- page_entries_info(data).to_s
- end
- ajax_content = table + internal_footer + extend_table_js
- if params[:partial] and request.xhr?
- ajax_content
- else
- wrapped_table = content_tag 'div', :class => 'wrapped_table' do
- internal_header +
- content_tag('div', ajax_content, :class => 'wrapper')
- end
- base_form = content_tag 'form', :action => submit_url, :class => 'dtable_form' do
- opts[:header].to_s + wrapped_table + opts[:footer].to_s
- end
- # search field is in separate form because of submitting on enter key
- search_field = content_tag 'form', :action => search_url, :class => 'search_field' do
- 'Search ' + text_field_tag('search', params[:search], :size => 10, :value => params[:search]) + extend_sfield_js
- end
- content_tag 'div', :id => html_id, :class => "dtable #{opts[:class]}" do
- base_form + search_field
- end
- end
- end
# Integration of rack-restful_submit convention to be able to call
# RESTful resources defined by Rails conventions without Javascript.
diff --git a/src/public/javascripts/application.js b/src/public/javascripts/application.js
index bb23e4e..cd4a0dc 100644
--- a/src/public/javascripts/application.js
+++ b/src/public/javascripts/application.js
@@ -3,54 +3,6 @@
$.extend(Conductor, {
- extendTable: function(options) {
- var table = $(;
- var wrapper = $(".wrapper", table);
- // show searchfield (it's disabled by default because with JS off,
- // when enter is pressed in search field, form is submited)
- $(".search_field", table).css('display', 'block');
- // make column head links ajax
- $("table thead tr th a", table).click(function() {wrapper.load($(this).attr('href'));return false;});
- // pagination links should be ajax too
- $(".pagination a", table).click(function() {wrapper.load($(this).attr('href'));return false;});
- // check all checkboxes when checking "check all"
- $("input[name='check_all']", table).click(function() {$("input[name='ids[]']", table).attr('checked', $(this).attr('checked'))});
- // check checkbox if row is clicked
- $("table tbody tr", table).click(function(ev) {
- var on_checkbox = $('name') == 'ids[]';
- var box = $("input[name='ids[]']", this);
- var old_val = box.attr('checked');
- if (options.single_select || !on_checkbox) $("input[name='ids[]']", table).attr('checked', false);
- // when click is on checkbox, value is already toggled
- box.attr('checked', on_checkbox ? old_val : !old_val);
- });
- },
- extendTableSearchField: function(options) {
- var table = $(;
- var wrapper = $(".wrapper", table);
- $(".search_field input", table).keypress(function(ev) {
- var delay = 1000;
- if (ev.keyCode == 13) {
- delay = 0;
- ev.preventDefault();
- }
- if (table.searching) clearTimeout(table.searching);
- table.searching = setTimeout(function() {
- $(".wrapper", table).mask('Searching...');
- table.search_lock = false;
- var search = $(".search_field input", table).val();
- var url = $("form", table).attr('action') + '&search=' + search;
- wrapper.load(url, function() {$(".wrapper", table).unmask()});
- }, delay);
- });
- },
positionFooter: function () {
var $footer = $('footer');
if ($(document.body).height() < $(window).height()) {