I am trying to setup a test environment where each database should
contain multiple suffixes. I have 6 organizations:
- o=a1,dc=org,dc=net
- o=a2,dc=org,dc=net
- o=b1,dc=org,dc=net
- o=b2,dc=org,dc=net
- o=c1,dc=org,dc=net
- o=c2,dc=org,dc=net
a1 and a2, should belong to userRoot, which is "mastered" in server1,
b1 and b2 should belog to database px02, which is mastered in server2,
and so with c1 and c2. Is this possible to do? I am trying to do it,
creating a new sub-suffix b1, allowing the console to autocreate
database px02. Then I create a new sub-suffix b2, without creating any
database. Then, i try to assing the database px02 previously created,
but i get an error in the console, and in the logs: "ERROR: backend
px_02 is already pointed to by a mapping tree node. Only one mapping
tree node can point to a backend", so I think this is not possible.
Any ideas?
CentOS 5.5 + 389-ds-base-