[PATCH conductor] RM 3181 - delayed_job support - revised

Richard Su rwsu at redhat.com
Tue May 8 16:23:44 UTC 2012

On 05/07/2012 09:37 AM, Jason Guiditta wrote:
> On 04/05/12 17:22 -0700, Richard Su wrote:
>> rev2 - Rebased. Incorporated Jay's feedback; to leave db migration
>> the same as there are no changes and to update Gemfile.lock.
>> Add delayed_job version 2.1.4 back into our environment: db migration,
>> initializer, and script.
>> Created systemd configuration file. Spec file installs config file into
>> /lib/systemd/system.
>> The service is named conductor-delayed_job and can be controlled through
>> either of these two commands:
>> "systemctl start/stop/status conductor-delayed_job.service"
>> "service conductor-delayed_job start/stop/status"
>> Service brings up 2 workers to process the queue.
> ACK, with 2 minor nits:
> 1) I dont think the dj log being in usr/share is going to fly, is
> there really no way around this?  And if not, how long until we can
> move to 3.0, where you mention this should fixed?
3.0 will bring in this change


which will allow us to redirect the log to another location.

That reminds me that I need to test the 3.0 rpms Vit produced in rawhide 
and then we see about getting them released.

> 2) in the test job you sent me, it looks like it is supposed to
> process 100 jobs, but in the log for dj, I only see 98.  Am I missing
> something?

There are two workers so one probably did 98 and the other 2. Cool, you 
did see that in your follow up email.
> -j

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