[PATCH conductor] RM 3181 - delayed_job support - revised

Jason Guiditta jguiditt at redhat.com
Mon May 7 16:37:26 UTC 2012

On 04/05/12 17:22 -0700, Richard Su wrote:
>rev2 - Rebased. Incorporated Jay's feedback; to leave db migration
>the same as there are no changes and to update Gemfile.lock.
>Add delayed_job version 2.1.4 back into our environment: db migration,
>initializer, and script.
>Created systemd configuration file. Spec file installs config file into
>The service is named conductor-delayed_job and can be controlled through
>either of these two commands:
>"systemctl start/stop/status conductor-delayed_job.service"
>"service conductor-delayed_job start/stop/status"
>Service brings up 2 workers to process the queue.

ACK, with 2 minor nits:

1) I dont think the dj log being in usr/share is going to fly, is
there really no way around this?  And if not, how long until we can
move to 3.0, where you mention this should fixed?

2) in the test job you sent me, it looks like it is supposed to
process 100 jobs, but in the log for dj, I only see 98.  Am I missing


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