Engineer thesis. Request for help.

N.Busch at N.Busch at
Fri Dec 16 15:18:28 UTC 2011

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a third year student of computer science faculty at IC&CE Warsaw
University of Technology. I am writing to you to ask for more information
about Aeolus Project.

This year I need to choose my engineer-thesis topic. The topic I would
like to write my thesis about is: "Intermediate layers of heterogeneous
access to processing environments in the cloud". 'Cloud' is an issue that
interests me the most. My promoter told me that I will get this topic if I
make a good report about Aeolus Project for next week. I have read the
documentation of course but I would be more than thankful if you could
tell me more about Aeolus Project and your cloud architecture.

At the very end once again I ask for information about Aeolus Project.
Information from you could be crucial for me to get the engineer-thesis
topic of my dreams.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Norbert R. Busch

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