Fedora Infrastructure Video Published

nitesh narayan lal niteshnarayan at fedoraproject.org
Sat Sep 21 06:52:56 UTC 2013

Hi all,

So finally Fedora Infrastructure Videos are ready and published and credit
goes to Ralph Bean, Attila Ökrös & Tatica.
Videos are available on vimeo Fedoraproject
<http://vimeo.com/fedoraproject>channel .
Fedora InfraGeneric <http://vimeo.com/74938318>
Fedora InfraApps <http://vimeo.com/75025897>
Fedora Videos might be growing slower but its growing strongly.
It would be great if we can have more videos like this for other teams as
would help the new comers and users to understand things  easily and
So what are you waiting for, lets make your own team video now.

Nitesh Narayan Lal
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