Making Videos For Ask Fedora Questions

Ankur Sinha sanjay.ankur at
Fri Oct 4 02:35:01 UTC 2013


The idea's good. However, if you look at implementation details, I see a
few issues that need to be sorted out first:

On Fri, 2013-10-04 at 07:11 +0530, nitesh narayan lal wrote:
> Just had a random thought if its possible to give folks an option to
> make a How-To Videos for answering a question at ask-Fedora.

How do you give them this option? Askbot doesn't have any such feature.

>  If its
> been accepted as an answer then they will be given few extra Karma
> points.

How do you give them extra karma points? Again, Askbot doesn't have this
coded in. 

> This would help us to collect number of How-To tutorial videos.
> Although everyone won't be involved but even if few of them do, we are
> good.

I think it'll make more sense to find frequently asked questions off
askfedora, and try to make video solutions to them if applicable. If
they're already answered, that's even better. These can then be placed
at multiple locations, including as answers to ask fedora questions. I
think Marcel, over at mktg, was already planning to make a weekly list
of good questions. 


askfedora -> good questions -> good answers -> make video

rather than,

askfedora -> questions -> video answers -> good answer? bad answer?
accepted? rejected? better answer given?

What do you think?
Warm regards,
Ankur (FranciscoD)

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