Change in vdsm[master]: virt: move Drive into vmdevices

fromani at fromani at
Tue Oct 28 14:17:48 UTC 2014

Francesco Romani has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: virt: move Drive into vmdevices

virt: move Drive into vmdevices

no code changes besides import fixes.

Change-Id: Iaa7fe68e8a5b0d0d9203d0870523f988acbc46d4
Signed-off-by: Francesco Romani <fromani at>
M tests/
M vdsm/virt/
M vdsm/virt/
3 files changed, 329 insertions(+), 327 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// refs/changes/60/34560/1

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 3ab00a0..1d9b980 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -672,14 +672,14 @@
         for driveInput, driveOutput in zip(sharedConfigs, expectedStates):
-            drive = vm.Drive({}, self.log, **driveInput)
+            drive = vmdevices.Drive({}, self.log, **driveInput)
             self.assertEqual(drive.extSharedState, driveOutput)
         # Negative flow, unsupported value
         driveInput.update({'shared': 'UNKNOWN-VALUE'})
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            drive = vm.Drive({}, self.log, **driveInput)
+            drive = vmdevices.Drive({}, self.log, **driveInput)
     def testDriveXML(self):
         SERIAL = '54-a672-23e5b495a9ea'
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
         for (devConf, xml, blockDev, vmConf) in \
                 zip(devConfs, expectedXMLs, blockDevs, vmConfs):
-            drive = vm.Drive(vmConf, self.log, **devConf)
+            drive = vmdevices.Drive(vmConf, self.log, **devConf)
             # Patch Drive.blockDev to skip the block device checking.
             drive._blockDev = blockDev
             self.assertXML(drive.getXML(), xml % SERIAL)
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@
         for (devConf, exceptionMsg) in \
                 zip(devConfs, expectedExceptMsgs):
-            drive = vm.Drive(vmConf, self.log, **devConf)
+            drive = vmdevices.Drive(vmConf, self.log, **devConf)
             # Patch Drive.blockDev to skip the block device checking.
             drive._blockDev = False
@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@
     def testSetIoTune(self):
         drives = [
-            vm.Drive({
+            vmdevices.Drive({
                 "specParams": {
                     "ioTune": {
                         "total_bytes_sec": 9999,
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@
         domainID = uuid.uuid4()
         drives = [
-            vm.Drive(
+            vmdevices.Drive(
                     "specParams": {
                         "ioTune": {
@@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@
-            vm.Drive(
+            vmdevices.Drive(
                     "specParams": {
                         "ioTune": {
diff --git a/vdsm/virt/ b/vdsm/virt/
index bbf5ec2..588ad79 100644
--- a/vdsm/virt/
+++ b/vdsm/virt/
@@ -141,18 +141,6 @@
                 vmstatus.UP, vmstatus.WAIT_FOR_LAUNCH)
-    NONE = "none"
-    EXCLUSIVE = "exclusive"
-    SHARED = "shared"
-    TRANSIENT = "transient"
-    @classmethod
-    def getAllValues(cls):
-        # TODO: use introspection
-        return (cls.NONE, cls.EXCLUSIVE, cls.SHARED, cls.TRANSIENT)
 # These strings are representing libvirt virDomainEventType values
 _EVENT_STRINGS = ("Defined",
@@ -632,311 +620,6 @@
         return f
-class Drive(vmdevices.Base):
-    __slots__ = ('iface', 'path', 'readonly', 'bootOrder', 'domainID',
-                 'poolID', 'imageID', 'UUID', 'volumeID', 'format',
-                 'propagateErrors', 'address', 'apparentsize', 'volumeInfo',
-                 'index', 'name', 'optional', 'shared', 'truesize',
-                 'volumeChain', 'baseVolumeID', 'serial', 'reqsize', 'cache',
-                 '_blockDev', 'extSharedState', 'drv', 'sgio', 'GUID',
-                 'diskReplicate')
-    VOLWM_CHUNK_MB = config.getint('irs', 'volume_utilization_chunk_mb')
-    VOLWM_FREE_PCT = 100 - config.getint('irs', 'volume_utilization_percent')
-    VOLWM_CHUNK_REPLICATE_MULT = 2  # Chunk multiplier during replication
-    def __init__(self, conf, log, **kwargs):
-        if not kwargs.get('serial'):
-            self.serial = kwargs.get('imageID'[-20:]) or ''
-        super(Drive, self).__init__(conf, log, **kwargs)
-        # Keep sizes as int
-        self.reqsize = int(kwargs.get('reqsize', '0'))  # Backward compatible
-        self.truesize = int(kwargs.get('truesize', '0'))
-        self.apparentsize = int(kwargs.get('apparentsize', '0'))
- = self._makeName()
-        self.cache = config.get('vars', 'qemu_drive_cache')
-        if self.device in ("cdrom", "floppy"):
-            self._blockDev = False
-        else:
-            self._blockDev = None
-        self._customize()
-        self._setExtSharedState()
-    def _setExtSharedState(self):
-        # We cannot use tobool here as shared can take several values
-        # (e.g. none, exclusive) that would be all mapped to False.
-        shared = str(getattr(self, "shared", "false")).lower()
-        # Backward compatibility with the old values (true, false)
-        if shared == 'true':
-            self.extSharedState = DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.SHARED
-        elif shared == 'false':
-            if config.getboolean('irs', 'use_volume_leases'):
-                self.extSharedState = DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.EXCLUSIVE
-            else:
-                self.extSharedState = DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.NONE
-        elif shared in DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.getAllValues():
-            self.extSharedState = shared
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Unknown shared value %s" % shared)
-    @property
-    def hasVolumeLeases(self):
-        if self.extSharedState != DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.EXCLUSIVE:
-            return False
-        for volInfo in getattr(self, "volumeChain", []):
-            if "leasePath" in volInfo and "leaseOffset" in volInfo:
-                return True
-        return False
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        try:
-            value = getattr(self, str(key))
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise KeyError(key)
-        else:
-            return value
-    def __contains__(self, attr):
-        return hasattr(self, attr)
-    def isDiskReplicationInProgress(self):
-        return hasattr(self, "diskReplicate")
-    @property
-    def volExtensionChunk(self):
-        """
-        Returns the volume extension chunks (used for the thin provisioning
-        on block devices). The value is based on the vdsm configuration but
-        can also dynamically change according to the VM needs (e.g. increase
-        during a live storage migration).
-        """
-        if self.isDiskReplicationInProgress():
-            return self.VOLWM_CHUNK_MB * self.VOLWM_CHUNK_REPLICATE_MULT
-        return self.VOLWM_CHUNK_MB
-    @property
-    def watermarkLimit(self):
-        """
-        Returns the watermark limit, when the LV usage reaches this limit an
-        extension is in order (thin provisioning on block devices).
-        """
-        return (self.VOLWM_FREE_PCT * self.volExtensionChunk *
-                constants.MEGAB / 100)
-    def getNextVolumeSize(self, curSize):
-        """
-        Returns the next volume size in megabytes. This value is based on the
-        volExtensionChunk property and it's the size that should be requested
-        for the next LV extension.  curSize is the current size of the volume
-        to be extended.  For the leaf volume curSize == self.apparentsize.
-        For internal volumes it is discovered by calling irs.getVolumeSize().
-        """
-        return (self.volExtensionChunk +
-                ((curSize + constants.MEGAB - 1) / constants.MEGAB))
-    @property
-    def networkDev(self):
-        try:
-            return self.volumeInfo['volType'] == "network"
-        except AttributeError:
-            # To handle legacy and removable drives.
-            return False
-    @property
-    def blockDev(self):
-        if self.networkDev:
-            return False
-        if self._blockDev is None:
-            try:
-                self._blockDev = utils.isBlockDevice(self.path)
-            except Exception:
-                self.log.debug("Unable to determine if the path '%s' is a "
-                               "block device", self.path, exc_info=True)
-        return self._blockDev
-    @property
-    def transientDisk(self):
-        # Using getattr to handle legacy and removable drives.
-        return getattr(self, 'shared', None) == DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.TRANSIENT
-    def _customize(self):
-        if self.transientDisk:
-            # Force the cache to be writethrough, which is qemu's default.
-            # This is done to ensure that we don't ever use cache=none for
-            # transient disks, since we create them in /var/run/vdsm which
-            # may end up on tmpfs and don't support O_DIRECT, and qemu uses
-            # O_DIRECT when cache=none and hence hotplug might fail with
-            # error that one can take eternity to debug the reason behind it!
-            self.cache = "writethrough"
-        elif self.iface == 'virtio':
-            try:
-                self.cache = self.conf['custom']['viodiskcache']
-            except KeyError:
-                pass  # Ignore if custom disk cache is missing
-    def _makeName(self):
-        devname = {'ide': 'hd', 'scsi': 'sd', 'virtio': 'vd', 'fdc': 'fd'}
-        devindex = ''
-        i = int(self.index)
-        while i > 0:
-            devindex = chr(ord('a') + (i % 26)) + devindex
-            i /= 26
-        return devname.get(self.iface, 'hd') + (devindex or 'a')
-    def _checkIoTuneCategories(self, ioTuneParamsInfo):
-        categories = ("bytes", "iops")
-        for category in categories:
-            if ioTuneParamsInfo.get('total_' + category + '_sec', 0) and \
-                    (ioTuneParamsInfo.get('read_' + category + '_sec', 0) or
-                     ioTuneParamsInfo.get('write_' + category + '_sec', 0)):
-                raise ValueError('A non-zero total value and non-zero'
-                                 ' read/write value for %s_sec can not be'
-                                 ' set at the same time' % category)
-    def _validateIoTuneParams(self, params):
-        ioTuneParams = ('total_bytes_sec', 'read_bytes_sec',
-                        'write_bytes_sec', 'total_iops_sec',
-                        'write_iops_sec', 'read_iops_sec')
-        for key, value in params.iteritems():
-            try:
-                if key in ioTuneParams:
-                    params[key] = int(value)
-                    if params[key] >= 0:
-                        continue
-                else:
-                    raise Exception('parameter %s name is invalid' % key)
-            except ValueError as e:
-                e.args = ('an integer is required for ioTune'
-                          ' parameter %s' % key,) + e.args[1:]
-                raise
-            else:
-                raise ValueError('parameter %s value should be'
-                                 ' equal or greater than zero' % key)
-        self._checkIoTuneCategories(params)
-    def getLeasesXML(self):
-        """
-        Create domxml for the drive lease.
-        <lease>
-            <key>volumeID</key>
-            <lockspace>domainID</lockspace>
-            <target offset="0" path="/path/to/lease"/>
-        </lease>
-        """
-        if not self.hasVolumeLeases:
-            return  # empty items generator
-        # NOTE: at the moment we are generating the lease only for the leaf,
-        # when libvirt will support shared leases this will loop over all the
-        # volumes
-        for volInfo in self.volumeChain[-1:]:
-            lease = vmxml.Element('lease')
-            lease.appendChildWithArgs('key', text=volInfo['volumeID'])
-            lease.appendChildWithArgs('lockspace',
-                                      text=volInfo['domainID'])
-            lease.appendChildWithArgs('target', path=volInfo['leasePath'],
-                                      offset=str(volInfo['leaseOffset']))
-            yield lease
-    def getXML(self):
-        """
-        Create domxml for disk/cdrom/floppy.
-        <disk type='file' device='disk' snapshot='no'>
-          <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' cache='none'/>
-          <source file='/path/to/image'/>
-          <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>
-          <serial>54-a672-23e5b495a9ea</serial>
-        </disk>
-        """
-        self.device = getattr(self, 'device', 'disk')
-        source = vmxml.Element('source')
-        if self.blockDev:
-            deviceType = 'block'
-            source.setAttrs(dev=self.path)
-        elif self.networkDev:
-            deviceType = 'network'
-            source.setAttrs(protocol=self.volumeInfo['protocol'],
-                            name=self.volumeInfo['path'])
-            hostAttrs = {'name': self.volumeInfo['volfileServer'],
-                         'port': self.volumeInfo['volPort'],
-                         'transport': self.volumeInfo['volTransport']}
-            source.appendChildWithArgs('host', **hostAttrs)
-        else:
-            deviceType = 'file'
-            sourceAttrs = {'file': self.path}
-            if self.device == 'cdrom' or self.device == 'floppy':
-                sourceAttrs['startupPolicy'] = 'optional'
-            source.setAttrs(**sourceAttrs)
-        diskelem = self.createXmlElem('disk', deviceType,
-                                      ['device', 'address', 'sgio'])
-        diskelem.setAttrs(snapshot='no')
-        diskelem.appendChild(source)
-        targetAttrs = {'dev':}
-        if self.iface:
-            targetAttrs['bus'] = self.iface
-        diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('target', **targetAttrs)
-        if self.extSharedState == DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.SHARED:
-            diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('shareable')
-        if hasattr(self, 'readonly') and utils.tobool(self.readonly):
-            diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('readonly')
-        elif self.device == 'floppy' and not hasattr(self, 'readonly'):
-            # floppies are used only internally for sysprep, so
-            # they are readonly unless explicitely stated otherwise
-            diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('readonly')
-        if hasattr(self, 'serial'):
-            diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('serial', text=self.serial)
-        if hasattr(self, 'bootOrder'):
-            diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('boot', order=self.bootOrder)
-        if self.device != 'lun' and hasattr(self, 'sgio'):
-            raise ValueError("sgio attribute can be set only for LUN devices")
-        if self.device == 'lun' and self.format == 'cow':
-            raise ValueError("cow format is not supported for LUN devices")
-        if self.device == 'disk' or self.device == 'lun':
-            driverAttrs = {'name': 'qemu'}
-            if self.blockDev:
-                driverAttrs['io'] = 'native'
-            else:
-                driverAttrs['io'] = 'threads'
-            if self.format == 'cow':
-                driverAttrs['type'] = 'qcow2'
-            elif self.format:
-                driverAttrs['type'] = 'raw'
-            driverAttrs['cache'] = self.cache
-            if (self.propagateErrors == 'on' or
-                    utils.tobool(self.propagateErrors)):
-                driverAttrs['error_policy'] = 'enospace'
-            else:
-                driverAttrs['error_policy'] = 'stop'
-            diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('driver', **driverAttrs)
-        if hasattr(self, 'specParams') and 'ioTune' in self.specParams:
-            self._validateIoTuneParams(self.specParams['ioTune'])
-            iotune = vmxml.Element('iotune')
-            for key, value in self.specParams['ioTune'].iteritems():
-                iotune.appendChildWithArgs(key, text=str(value))
-            diskelem.appendChild(iotune)
-        return diskelem
 class MigrationError(Exception):
@@ -963,7 +646,7 @@
     log = logging.getLogger("vm.Vm")
     # limit threads number until the libvirt lock will be fixed
     _ongoingCreations = threading.BoundedSemaphore(4)
-    DeviceMapping = ((vmdevices.DISK, Drive),
+    DeviceMapping = ((vmdevices.DISK, vmdevices.Drive),
                      (vmdevices.NIC, vmdevices.NetworkInterface),
                      (vmdevices.SOUND, vmdevices.Sound),
                      (vmdevices.VIDEO, vmdevices.VideoDevice),
@@ -3057,7 +2740,8 @@
         return {'status': doneCode}
     def _createTransientDisk(self, diskParams):
-        if diskParams.get('shared', None) != DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.TRANSIENT:
+        if (diskParams.get('shared', None) !=
+           vmdevices.DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.TRANSIENT):
         # FIXME: This should be replaced in future the support for transient
@@ -3102,7 +2786,7 @@
-        drive = Drive(self.conf, self.log, **diskParams)
+        drive = vmdevices.Drive(self.conf, self.log, **diskParams)
         if drive.hasVolumeLeases:
             return errCode['noimpl']
diff --git a/vdsm/virt/ b/vdsm/virt/
index e6facf1..b9b2f1b 100644
--- a/vdsm/virt/
+++ b/vdsm/virt/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 import libvirt
+from vdsm import constants
 from vdsm import netinfo
 from vdsm import utils
 from vdsm.config import config
@@ -476,6 +477,323 @@
         return bandwidth
+    NONE = "none"
+    EXCLUSIVE = "exclusive"
+    SHARED = "shared"
+    TRANSIENT = "transient"
+    @classmethod
+    def getAllValues(cls):
+        # TODO: use introspection
+        return (cls.NONE, cls.EXCLUSIVE, cls.SHARED, cls.TRANSIENT)
+class Drive(Base):
+    __slots__ = ('iface', 'path', 'readonly', 'bootOrder', 'domainID',
+                 'poolID', 'imageID', 'UUID', 'volumeID', 'format',
+                 'propagateErrors', 'address', 'apparentsize', 'volumeInfo',
+                 'index', 'name', 'optional', 'shared', 'truesize',
+                 'volumeChain', 'baseVolumeID', 'serial', 'reqsize', 'cache',
+                 '_blockDev', 'extSharedState', 'drv', 'sgio', 'GUID',
+                 'diskReplicate')
+    VOLWM_CHUNK_MB = config.getint('irs', 'volume_utilization_chunk_mb')
+    VOLWM_FREE_PCT = 100 - config.getint('irs', 'volume_utilization_percent')
+    VOLWM_CHUNK_REPLICATE_MULT = 2  # Chunk multiplier during replication
+    def __init__(self, conf, log, **kwargs):
+        if not kwargs.get('serial'):
+            self.serial = kwargs.get('imageID'[-20:]) or ''
+        super(Drive, self).__init__(conf, log, **kwargs)
+        # Keep sizes as int
+        self.reqsize = int(kwargs.get('reqsize', '0'))  # Backward compatible
+        self.truesize = int(kwargs.get('truesize', '0'))
+        self.apparentsize = int(kwargs.get('apparentsize', '0'))
+ = self._makeName()
+        self.cache = config.get('vars', 'qemu_drive_cache')
+        if self.device in ("cdrom", "floppy"):
+            self._blockDev = False
+        else:
+            self._blockDev = None
+        self._customize()
+        self._setExtSharedState()
+    def _setExtSharedState(self):
+        # We cannot use tobool here as shared can take several values
+        # (e.g. none, exclusive) that would be all mapped to False.
+        shared = str(getattr(self, "shared", "false")).lower()
+        # Backward compatibility with the old values (true, false)
+        if shared == 'true':
+            self.extSharedState = DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.SHARED
+        elif shared == 'false':
+            if config.getboolean('irs', 'use_volume_leases'):
+                self.extSharedState = DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.EXCLUSIVE
+            else:
+                self.extSharedState = DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.NONE
+        elif shared in DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.getAllValues():
+            self.extSharedState = shared
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Unknown shared value %s" % shared)
+    @property
+    def hasVolumeLeases(self):
+        if self.extSharedState != DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.EXCLUSIVE:
+            return False
+        for volInfo in getattr(self, "volumeChain", []):
+            if "leasePath" in volInfo and "leaseOffset" in volInfo:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        try:
+            value = getattr(self, str(key))
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise KeyError(key)
+        else:
+            return value
+    def __contains__(self, attr):
+        return hasattr(self, attr)
+    def isDiskReplicationInProgress(self):
+        return hasattr(self, "diskReplicate")
+    @property
+    def volExtensionChunk(self):
+        """
+        Returns the volume extension chunks (used for the thin provisioning
+        on block devices). The value is based on the vdsm configuration but
+        can also dynamically change according to the VM needs (e.g. increase
+        during a live storage migration).
+        """
+        if self.isDiskReplicationInProgress():
+            return self.VOLWM_CHUNK_MB * self.VOLWM_CHUNK_REPLICATE_MULT
+        return self.VOLWM_CHUNK_MB
+    @property
+    def watermarkLimit(self):
+        """
+        Returns the watermark limit, when the LV usage reaches this limit an
+        extension is in order (thin provisioning on block devices).
+        """
+        return (self.VOLWM_FREE_PCT * self.volExtensionChunk *
+                constants.MEGAB / 100)
+    def getNextVolumeSize(self, curSize):
+        """
+        Returns the next volume size in megabytes. This value is based on the
+        volExtensionChunk property and it's the size that should be requested
+        for the next LV extension.  curSize is the current size of the volume
+        to be extended.  For the leaf volume curSize == self.apparentsize.
+        For internal volumes it is discovered by calling irs.getVolumeSize().
+        """
+        return (self.volExtensionChunk +
+                ((curSize + constants.MEGAB - 1) / constants.MEGAB))
+    @property
+    def networkDev(self):
+        try:
+            return self.volumeInfo['volType'] == "network"
+        except AttributeError:
+            # To handle legacy and removable drives.
+            return False
+    @property
+    def blockDev(self):
+        if self.networkDev:
+            return False
+        if self._blockDev is None:
+            try:
+                self._blockDev = utils.isBlockDevice(self.path)
+            except Exception:
+                self.log.debug("Unable to determine if the path '%s' is a "
+                               "block device", self.path, exc_info=True)
+        return self._blockDev
+    @property
+    def transientDisk(self):
+        # Using getattr to handle legacy and removable drives.
+        return getattr(self, 'shared', None) == DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.TRANSIENT
+    def _customize(self):
+        if self.transientDisk:
+            # Force the cache to be writethrough, which is qemu's default.
+            # This is done to ensure that we don't ever use cache=none for
+            # transient disks, since we create them in /var/run/vdsm which
+            # may end up on tmpfs and don't support O_DIRECT, and qemu uses
+            # O_DIRECT when cache=none and hence hotplug might fail with
+            # error that one can take eternity to debug the reason behind it!
+            self.cache = "writethrough"
+        elif self.iface == 'virtio':
+            try:
+                self.cache = self.conf['custom']['viodiskcache']
+            except KeyError:
+                pass  # Ignore if custom disk cache is missing
+    def _makeName(self):
+        devname = {'ide': 'hd', 'scsi': 'sd', 'virtio': 'vd', 'fdc': 'fd'}
+        devindex = ''
+        i = int(self.index)
+        while i > 0:
+            devindex = chr(ord('a') + (i % 26)) + devindex
+            i /= 26
+        return devname.get(self.iface, 'hd') + (devindex or 'a')
+    def _checkIoTuneCategories(self, ioTuneParamsInfo):
+        categories = ("bytes", "iops")
+        for category in categories:
+            if ioTuneParamsInfo.get('total_' + category + '_sec', 0) and \
+                    (ioTuneParamsInfo.get('read_' + category + '_sec', 0) or
+                     ioTuneParamsInfo.get('write_' + category + '_sec', 0)):
+                raise ValueError('A non-zero total value and non-zero'
+                                 ' read/write value for %s_sec can not be'
+                                 ' set at the same time' % category)
+    def _validateIoTuneParams(self, params):
+        ioTuneParams = ('total_bytes_sec', 'read_bytes_sec',
+                        'write_bytes_sec', 'total_iops_sec',
+                        'write_iops_sec', 'read_iops_sec')
+        for key, value in params.iteritems():
+            try:
+                if key in ioTuneParams:
+                    params[key] = int(value)
+                    if params[key] >= 0:
+                        continue
+                else:
+                    raise Exception('parameter %s name is invalid' % key)
+            except ValueError as e:
+                e.args = ('an integer is required for ioTune'
+                          ' parameter %s' % key,) + e.args[1:]
+                raise
+            else:
+                raise ValueError('parameter %s value should be'
+                                 ' equal or greater than zero' % key)
+        self._checkIoTuneCategories(params)
+    def getLeasesXML(self):
+        """
+        Create domxml for the drive lease.
+        <lease>
+            <key>volumeID</key>
+            <lockspace>domainID</lockspace>
+            <target offset="0" path="/path/to/lease"/>
+        </lease>
+        """
+        if not self.hasVolumeLeases:
+            return  # empty items generator
+        # NOTE: at the moment we are generating the lease only for the leaf,
+        # when libvirt will support shared leases this will loop over all the
+        # volumes
+        for volInfo in self.volumeChain[-1:]:
+            lease = vmxml.Element('lease')
+            lease.appendChildWithArgs('key', text=volInfo['volumeID'])
+            lease.appendChildWithArgs('lockspace',
+                                      text=volInfo['domainID'])
+            lease.appendChildWithArgs('target', path=volInfo['leasePath'],
+                                      offset=str(volInfo['leaseOffset']))
+            yield lease
+    def getXML(self):
+        """
+        Create domxml for disk/cdrom/floppy.
+        <disk type='file' device='disk' snapshot='no'>
+          <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' cache='none'/>
+          <source file='/path/to/image'/>
+          <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>
+          <serial>54-a672-23e5b495a9ea</serial>
+        </disk>
+        """
+        self.device = getattr(self, 'device', 'disk')
+        source = vmxml.Element('source')
+        if self.blockDev:
+            deviceType = 'block'
+            source.setAttrs(dev=self.path)
+        elif self.networkDev:
+            deviceType = 'network'
+            source.setAttrs(protocol=self.volumeInfo['protocol'],
+                            name=self.volumeInfo['path'])
+            hostAttrs = {'name': self.volumeInfo['volfileServer'],
+                         'port': self.volumeInfo['volPort'],
+                         'transport': self.volumeInfo['volTransport']}
+            source.appendChildWithArgs('host', **hostAttrs)
+        else:
+            deviceType = 'file'
+            sourceAttrs = {'file': self.path}
+            if self.device == 'cdrom' or self.device == 'floppy':
+                sourceAttrs['startupPolicy'] = 'optional'
+            source.setAttrs(**sourceAttrs)
+        diskelem = self.createXmlElem('disk', deviceType,
+                                      ['device', 'address', 'sgio'])
+        diskelem.setAttrs(snapshot='no')
+        diskelem.appendChild(source)
+        targetAttrs = {'dev':}
+        if self.iface:
+            targetAttrs['bus'] = self.iface
+        diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('target', **targetAttrs)
+        if self.extSharedState == DRIVE_SHARED_TYPE.SHARED:
+            diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('shareable')
+        if hasattr(self, 'readonly') and utils.tobool(self.readonly):
+            diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('readonly')
+        elif self.device == 'floppy' and not hasattr(self, 'readonly'):
+            # floppies are used only internally for sysprep, so
+            # they are readonly unless explicitely stated otherwise
+            diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('readonly')
+        if hasattr(self, 'serial'):
+            diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('serial', text=self.serial)
+        if hasattr(self, 'bootOrder'):
+            diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('boot', order=self.bootOrder)
+        if self.device != 'lun' and hasattr(self, 'sgio'):
+            raise ValueError("sgio attribute can be set only for LUN devices")
+        if self.device == 'lun' and self.format == 'cow':
+            raise ValueError("cow format is not supported for LUN devices")
+        if self.device == 'disk' or self.device == 'lun':
+            driverAttrs = {'name': 'qemu'}
+            if self.blockDev:
+                driverAttrs['io'] = 'native'
+            else:
+                driverAttrs['io'] = 'threads'
+            if self.format == 'cow':
+                driverAttrs['type'] = 'qcow2'
+            elif self.format:
+                driverAttrs['type'] = 'raw'
+            driverAttrs['cache'] = self.cache
+            if (self.propagateErrors == 'on' or
+                    utils.tobool(self.propagateErrors)):
+                driverAttrs['error_policy'] = 'enospace'
+            else:
+                driverAttrs['error_policy'] = 'stop'
+            diskelem.appendChildWithArgs('driver', **driverAttrs)
+        if hasattr(self, 'specParams') and 'ioTune' in self.specParams:
+            self._validateIoTuneParams(self.specParams['ioTune'])
+            iotune = vmxml.Element('iotune')
+            for key, value in self.specParams['ioTune'].iteritems():
+                iotune.appendChildWithArgs(key, text=str(value))
+            diskelem.appendChild(iotune)
+        return diskelem
 def initLegacyConf(conf):
     conf['displayPort'] = Graphics.LIBVIRT_PORT_AUTOSELECT
     conf['displaySecurePort'] = Graphics.LIBVIRT_PORT_AUTOSELECT

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Gerrit-Change-Id: Iaa7fe68e8a5b0d0d9203d0870523f988acbc46d4
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: vdsm
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Francesco Romani <fromani at>

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