Change in vdsm[master]: utils: add CommandStream class

Federico Simoncelli fsimonce at
Tue Oct 7 21:11:24 UTC 2014

Federico Simoncelli has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: utils: add CommandStream class

utils: add CommandStream class

Change-Id: Ie015368bb9c5992e5c73a149277c59fc4ffbd570
Signed-off-by: Federico Simoncelli <fsimonce at>
M lib/vdsm/
M tests/
2 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// refs/changes/09/33909/1

diff --git a/lib/vdsm/ b/lib/vdsm/
index 244f0e2..4b0ccb7 100644
--- a/lib/vdsm/
+++ b/lib/vdsm/
@@ -313,6 +313,90 @@
             timeout = max(0, endtime - time.time())
+class CommandStream(object):
+    def __init__(self, command, stdoutcb, stderrcb, cwd=None,
+                 deathSignal=0):
+        self.command = command
+        self.returncode = None
+        self.child = CPopen(self.command, cwd=cwd, close_fds=True,
+                            deathSignal=deathSignal)
+        self.epoll = select.epoll()
+        self.iocb = {
+            self.child.stdout.fileno(): stdoutcb,
+            self.child.stderr.fileno(): stderrcb,
+        }
+        for fd in self.iocb.keys():
+            self.epoll.register(fd, select.EPOLLIN)
+    def terminate(self):
+        self.child.terminate()
+    def kill(self):
+        self.child.kill()
+    def write(self, data):
+        self.child.stdin.write(data)
+    def flush(self):
+        self.child.stdin.flush()
+    def close(self):
+        self.child.stdin.close()
+    def _epoll_input(self, fileno):
+        self.iocb[fileno](, io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE))
+    def _epoll_event(self, fileno):
+        self.epoll.unregister(fileno)
+        del self.iocb[fileno]
+    def _epoll_timeout(self, timeout):
+        fdevents = NoIntrPoll(self.epoll.poll, timeout)
+        for fileno, event in fdevents:
+            if event & select.EPOLLIN:
+                self._epoll_input(fileno)
+            elif event & (select.EPOLLHUP | select.EPOLLERR):
+                self._epoll_event(fileno)
+                # Trying to collect the child status in case the
+                # file descriptor was closed because the process
+                # terminated.
+                self.returncode = self.child.poll()
+    def wait(self, timeout=None):
+        if timeout is None:
+            epoll_remaining = -1
+        else:
+            endtime = os.times()[4] + timeout
+        while self.returncode is None:
+            if timeout is not None:
+                epoll_remaining = endtime - os.times()[4]
+                if epoll_remaining <= 0:
+                    break
+            if len(self.iocb):
+                self._epoll_timeout(epoll_remaining)
+            else:
+                # This is a busy-loop taken from issue5673, and
+                # python 3.4 still uses this implementation.
+                # A smarter solution would be using signalfd or
+                # sigtimedwait but they don't seem to mix well
+                # with multithreading (especially under heavy
+                # load: tens of children from tens of threads).
+                # Anyway we reach this only when both stdout and
+                # stderr are closed, which means that in most of
+                # the cases the child is about to die.
+                time.sleep(0.0005)
+                self.returncode = self.child.poll()
+        return self.returncode
 class AsyncProc(object):
     AsyncProc is a funky class. It wraps a standard subprocess.Popen
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 6e66c02..c279f04 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -22,8 +22,12 @@
 import contextlib
 import errno
 import logging
+import operator
+import signal
 import sys
 import threading
+from contextlib import contextmanager
 from testlib import VdsmTestCase as TestCaseBase
 from testlib import permutations, expandPermutations
@@ -634,3 +638,103 @@
     def test_empty(self):
         self.assertEquals(utils._list2cmdline([]), "")
+class CommandStreamTests(TestCaseBase):
+    @contextmanager
+    def assertElapsed(self, limit):
+        start = os.times()[4]
+        yield
+        elapsed = os.times()[4] - start
+        if elapsed < limit:
+            raise AssertionError("Operation time: %s" % elapsed)
+    def assertNoOutput(self, data):
+        raise AssertionError("Unexpected data: " + repr(data))
+    def test_output(self):
+        text = "Hello World"
+        received = bytearray()
+        def recv_stdout(buffer):
+            # cannot use received += buffer with a variable
+            # defined in the parent function.
+            operator.iadd(received, buffer)
+        p = utils.CommandStream(["echo", "-n", text],
+                                recv_stdout,
+                                self.assertNoOutput)
+        retcode = p.wait()
+        self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(text, str(received))
+    def test_write(self):
+        text = "Hello World"
+        received = bytearray()
+        def recv_stdout(buffer):
+            # cannot use received += buffer with a variable
+            # defined in the parent function.
+            operator.iadd(received, buffer)
+        p = utils.CommandStream(["cat"], recv_stdout,
+                                self.assertNoOutput)
+        p.write(text)
+        p.flush()
+        p.close()
+        retcode = p.wait()
+        self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(text, str(received))
+    def test_timeout(self):
+        p = utils.CommandStream(["sleep", "3"],
+                                self.assertNoOutput,
+                                self.assertNoOutput)
+        with self.assertElapsed(2):
+            retcode = p.wait(2)
+        self.assertEqual(retcode, None)
+        retcode = p.wait()
+        self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
+    def test_terminate(self):
+        p = utils.CommandStream(["sleep", "2"],
+                                self.assertNoOutput,
+                                self.assertNoOutput)
+        p.terminate()
+        retcode = p.wait()
+        self.assertEqual(retcode, -signal.SIGTERM)
+    def test_kill(self):
+        p = utils.CommandStream(["sleep", "2"],
+                                self.assertNoOutput,
+                                self.assertNoOutput)
+        p.kill()
+        retcode = p.wait()
+        self.assertEqual(retcode, -signal.SIGKILL)
+    def test_early_close(self):
+        p = utils.CommandStream(["bash", "-c",
+                                 "exec 1>&-; exec 2>&-; exec sleep 2"],
+                                self.assertNoOutput,
+                                self.assertNoOutput)
+        with self.assertElapsed(2):
+            retcode = p.wait()
+        self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ie015368bb9c5992e5c73a149277c59fc4ffbd570
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: vdsm
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Federico Simoncelli <fsimonce at>

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