Change in vdsm[master]: virt: move migration threads in a separate module

fromani at fromani at
Fri Mar 21 08:28:01 UTC 2014

Francesco Romani has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: virt: move migration threads in a separate module

virt: move migration threads in a separate module

This patch moves the migration control threads
in a separate module.

No functional/behavioural changes.

Change-Id: Ia69c7448b66417c7bba8ae3d301e7d777ca88067
Signed-off-by: Francesco Romani <fromani at>
A vdsm/
M vdsm/
2 files changed, 462 insertions(+), 430 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// refs/changes/70/25970/1

diff --git a/vdsm/ b/vdsm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a684499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vdsm/
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+# Copyright 2008-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license
+import pickle
+import threading
+import time
+import libvirt
+import hooks
+import kaxmlrpclib
+from vdsm import utils
+from vdsm import vdscli
+from vdsm.config import config
+from vdsm.define import NORMAL, errCode, Mbytes
+import vmexitreason
+class MigrationSourceThread(threading.Thread):
+    """
+    A thread that takes care of migration on the source vdsm.
+    """
+    _ongoingMigrations = threading.BoundedSemaphore(1)
+    @classmethod
+    def setMaxOutgoingMigrations(cls, n):
+        """Set the initial value of the _ongoingMigrations semaphore.
+        must not be called after any vm has been run."""
+        cls._ongoingMigrations = threading.BoundedSemaphore(n)
+    def __init__(self, vm, dst='', dstparams='',
+                 mode='remote', method='online',
+                 tunneled=False, dstqemu='', abortOnError=False, **kwargs):
+        self.log = vm.log
+        self._vm = vm
+        self._dst = dst
+        self._mode = mode
+        self._method = method
+        self._dstparams = dstparams
+        self._machineParams = {}
+        self._tunneled = utils.tobool(tunneled)
+        self._abortOnError = utils.tobool(abortOnError)
+        self._dstqemu = dstqemu
+        self._downtime = kwargs.get('downtime') or \
+            config.get('vars', 'migration_downtime')
+        self.status = {
+            'status': {
+                'code': 0,
+                'message': 'Migration in progress'},
+            'progress': 0}
+        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+        self._preparingMigrationEvt = True
+        self._migrationCanceledEvt = False
+        self._monitorThread = None
+    def getStat(self):
+        """
+        Get the status of the migration.
+        """
+        if self._monitorThread is not None:
+            # fetch migration status from the monitor thread
+            self.status['progress'] = self._monitorThread.progress
+        return self.status
+    def _setupVdsConnection(self):
+        if self._mode == 'file':
+            return
+        # FIXME: The port will depend on the binding being used.
+        # This assumes xmlrpc
+        hostPort = vdscli.cannonizeHostPort(
+            self._dst, self._vm.cif.bindings['xmlrpc'].serverPort)
+        self.remoteHost, self.remotePort = hostPort.rsplit(':', 1)
+        if config.getboolean('vars', 'ssl'):
+            self.destServer = vdscli.connect(
+                hostPort,
+                useSSL=True,
+                TransportClass=kaxmlrpclib.TcpkeepSafeTransport)
+        else:
+            self.destServer = kaxmlrpclib.Server('http://' + hostPort)
+        self.log.debug('Destination server is: ' + hostPort)
+        try:
+            self.log.debug('Initiating connection with destination')
+            status = self.destServer.getVmStats(
+            if not status['status']['code']:
+                self.log.error("Machine already exists on the destination")
+                self.status = errCode['exist']
+        except Exception:
+            self.log.error("Error initiating connection", exc_info=True)
+            self.status = errCode['noConPeer']
+    def _setupRemoteMachineParams(self):
+        self._machineParams.update(self._vm.status())
+        # patch VM config for targets < 3.1
+        self._patchConfigForLegacy()
+        self._machineParams['elapsedTimeOffset'] = \
+            time.time() - self._vm._startTime
+        vmStats = self._vm.getStats()
+        if 'username' in vmStats:
+            self._machineParams['username'] = vmStats['username']
+        if 'guestIPs' in vmStats:
+            self._machineParams['guestIPs'] = vmStats['guestIPs']
+        if 'guestFQDN' in vmStats:
+            self._machineParams['guestFQDN'] = vmStats['guestFQDN']
+        for k in ('_migrationParams', 'pid'):
+            if k in self._machineParams:
+                del self._machineParams[k]
+        if self._mode != 'file':
+            self._machineParams['migrationDest'] = 'libvirt'
+        self._machineParams['_srcDomXML'] = self._vm._dom.XMLDesc(0)
+    def _prepareGuest(self):
+        if self._mode == 'file':
+            self.log.debug("Save State begins")
+            if self._vm.guestAgent.isResponsive():
+                lockTimeout = 30
+            else:
+                lockTimeout = 0
+            self._vm.guestAgent.desktopLock()
+            #wait for lock or timeout
+            while lockTimeout:
+                if self._vm.getStats()['session'] in ["Locked", "LoggedOff"]:
+                    break
+                time.sleep(1)
+                lockTimeout -= 1
+                if lockTimeout == 0:
+                    self.log.warning('Agent ' + +
+                                     ' unresponsive. Hiberanting without '
+                                     'desktopLock.')
+                    break
+            self._vm.pause('Saving State')
+        else:
+            self.log.debug("Migration started")
+            self._vm.lastStatus = 'Migration Source'
+    def _recover(self, message):
+        if not self.status['status']['code']:
+            self.status = errCode['migrateErr']
+        self.log.error(message)
+        if self._mode != 'file':
+            try:
+                self.destServer.destroy(
+            except Exception:
+                self.log.error("Failed to destroy remote VM", exc_info=True)
+        # if the guest was stopped before migration, we need to cont it
+        if self._mode == 'file' or self._method != 'online':
+            self._vm.cont()
+        # either way, migration has finished
+        self._vm.lastStatus = 'Up'
+    def _finishSuccessfully(self):
+        self.status['progress'] = 100
+        if self._mode != 'file':
+            self._vm.setDownStatus(NORMAL, vmexitreason.MIGRATION_SUCCEEDED)
+            self.status['status']['message'] = 'Migration done'
+        else:
+            # don't pickle transient params
+            for ignoreParam in ('displayIp', 'display', 'pid'):
+                if ignoreParam in self._machineParams:
+                    del self._machineParams[ignoreParam]
+            fname = self._vm.cif.prepareVolumePath(self._dstparams)
+            try:
+                with open(fname, "w") as f:
+                    pickle.dump(self._machineParams, f)
+            finally:
+                self._vm.cif.teardownVolumePath(self._dstparams)
+            self._vm.setDownStatus(NORMAL, vmexitreason.SAVE_STATE_SUCCEEDED)
+            self.status['status']['message'] = 'SaveState done'
+    def _patchConfigForLegacy(self):
+        """
+        Remove from the VM config drives list "cdrom" and "floppy"
+        items and set them up as full paths
+        """
+        # care only about "drives" list, since
+        # "devices" doesn't cause errors
+        if 'drives' in self._machineParams:
+            for item in ("cdrom", "floppy"):
+                new_drives = []
+                for drive in self._machineParams['drives']:
+                    if drive['device'] == item:
+                        self._machineParams[item] = drive['path']
+                    else:
+                        new_drives.append(drive)
+                self._machineParams['drives'] = new_drives
+        # vdsm < 4.13 expect this to exist
+        self._machineParams['afterMigrationStatus'] = ''
+    @staticmethod
+    def _raiseAbortError():
+        e = libvirt.libvirtError(defmsg='')
+        # we have to override the value to get what we want
+        # err might be None
+        e.err = (libvirt.VIR_ERR_OPERATION_ABORTED,  # error code
+                 libvirt.VIR_FROM_QEMU,              # error domain
+                 'operation aborted',                # error message
+                 libvirt.VIR_ERR_WARNING,            # error level
+                 '', '', '',                         # str1, str2, str3,
+                 -1, -1)                             # int1, int2
+        raise e
+    def run(self):
+        try:
+            startTime = time.time()
+            self._setupVdsConnection()
+            self._setupRemoteMachineParams()
+            self._prepareGuest()
+            MigrationSourceThread._ongoingMigrations.acquire()
+            try:
+                if self._migrationCanceledEvt:
+                    self._raiseAbortError()
+                self.log.debug("migration semaphore acquired")
+                self._vm.conf['_migrationParams'] = {
+                    'dst': self._dst,
+                    'mode': self._mode,
+                    'method': self._method,
+                    'dstparams': self._dstparams,
+                    'dstqemu': self._dstqemu}
+                self._vm.saveState()
+                self._startUnderlyingMigration(startTime)
+                self._finishSuccessfully()
+            except libvirt.libvirtError as e:
+                if e.get_error_code() == libvirt.VIR_ERR_OPERATION_ABORTED:
+                    self.status['status']['code'] = \
+                        errCode['migCancelErr']['status']['code']
+                    self.status['status']['message'] = 'Migration canceled'
+                raise
+            finally:
+                if '_migrationParams' in self._vm.conf:
+                    del self._vm.conf['_migrationParams']
+                MigrationSourceThread._ongoingMigrations.release()
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._recover(str(e))
+            self.log.error("Failed to migrate", exc_info=True)
+    def _startUnderlyingMigration(self, startTime):
+        if self._mode == 'file':
+            hooks.before_vm_hibernate(self._vm._dom.XMLDesc(0), self._vm.conf)
+            try:
+                self._vm._vmStats.pause()
+                fname = self._vm.cif.prepareVolumePath(self._dst)
+                try:
+                finally:
+                    self._vm.cif.teardownVolumePath(self._dst)
+            except Exception:
+                self._vm._vmStats.cont()
+                raise
+        else:
+            for dev in self._vm._customDevices():
+                hooks.before_device_migrate_source(
+                    dev._deviceXML, self._vm.conf, dev.custom)
+            hooks.before_vm_migrate_source(self._vm._dom.XMLDesc(0),
+                                           self._vm.conf)
+            response = self.destServer.migrationCreate(self._machineParams)
+            if response['status']['code']:
+                self.status = response
+                raise RuntimeError('migration destination error: ' +
+                                   response['status']['message'])
+            if config.getboolean('vars', 'ssl'):
+                transport = 'tls'
+            else:
+                transport = 'tcp'
+            duri = 'qemu+%s://%s/system' % (transport, self.remoteHost)
+            if self._vm.conf['_migrationParams']['dstqemu']:
+                muri = 'tcp://%s' % \
+                       self._vm.conf['_migrationParams']['dstqemu']
+            else:
+                muri = 'tcp://%s' % self.remoteHost
+            self._vm.log.debug('starting migration to %s '
+                               'with miguri %s', duri, muri)
+            t = MigrationDowntimeThread(self._vm, int(self._downtime))
+            if MigrationMonitorThread._MIGRATION_MONITOR_INTERVAL:
+                self._monitorThread = MigrationMonitorThread(self._vm,
+                                                             startTime)
+                self._monitorThread.start()
+            try:
+                if ('qxl' in self._vm.conf['display'] and
+                        self._vm.conf.get('clientIp')):
+                    SPICE_MIGRATION_HANDOVER_TIME = 120
+                    self._vm._reviveTicket(SPICE_MIGRATION_HANDOVER_TIME)
+                maxBandwidth = config.getint('vars', 'migration_max_bandwidth')
+                #FIXME: there still a race here with libvirt,
+                # if we call stop() and libvirt migrateToURI2 didn't start
+                # we may return migration stop but it will start at libvirt
+                # side
+                self._preparingMigrationEvt = False
+                if not self._migrationCanceledEvt:
+                    self._vm._dom.migrateToURI2(
+                        duri, muri, None,
+                        libvirt.VIR_MIGRATE_LIVE |
+                        libvirt.VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER |
+                        (libvirt.VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED if
+                            self._tunneled else 0) |
+                        (libvirt.VIR_MIGRATE_ABORT_ON_ERROR if
+                            self._abortOnError else 0),
+                        None, maxBandwidth)
+                else:
+                    self._raiseAbortError()
+            finally:
+                t.cancel()
+                if MigrationMonitorThread._MIGRATION_MONITOR_INTERVAL:
+                    self._monitorThread.stop()
+    def stop(self):
+        # if its locks we are before the migrateToURI2()
+        # call so no need to abortJob()
+        try:
+            self._migrationCanceledEvt = True
+            self._vm._dom.abortJob()
+        except libvirt.libvirtError:
+            if not self._preparingMigrationEvt:
+                    raise
+class MigrationDowntimeThread(threading.Thread):
+    def __init__(self, vm, downtime):
+        super(MigrationDowntimeThread, self).__init__()
+        self.DOWNTIME_STEPS = config.getint('vars', 'migration_downtime_steps')
+        self._vm = vm
+        self._downtime = downtime
+        self._stop = threading.Event()
+        delay_per_gib = config.getint('vars', 'migration_downtime_delay')
+        memSize = int(vm.conf['memSize'])
+        self._wait = (delay_per_gib * max(memSize, 2048) + 1023) / 1024
+        self.daemon = True
+        self.start()
+    def run(self):
+        self._vm.log.debug('migration downtime thread started')
+        for i in range(self.DOWNTIME_STEPS):
+            self._stop.wait(self._wait / self.DOWNTIME_STEPS)
+            if self._stop.isSet():
+                break
+            downtime = self._downtime * (i + 1) / self.DOWNTIME_STEPS
+            self._vm.log.debug('setting migration downtime to %d', downtime)
+            self._vm._dom.migrateSetMaxDowntime(downtime, 0)
+        self._vm.log.debug('migration downtime thread exiting')
+    def cancel(self):
+        self._vm.log.debug('canceling migration downtime thread')
+        self._stop.set()
+class MigrationMonitorThread(threading.Thread):
+    _MIGRATION_MONITOR_INTERVAL = config.getint(
+        'vars', 'migration_monitor_interval')  # seconds
+    def __init__(self, vm, startTime):
+        super(MigrationMonitorThread, self).__init__()
+        self._stop = threading.Event()
+        self._vm = vm
+        self._startTime = startTime
+        self.daemon = True
+        self.progress = 0
+    def run(self):
+        def calculateProgress(remaining, total):
+            if remaining == 0:
+                return 100
+            progress = 100 - 100 * remaining / total if total else 0
+            return progress if (progress < 100) else 99
+        self._vm.log.debug('starting migration monitor thread')
+        memSize = int(self._vm.conf['memSize'])
+        maxTimePerGiB = config.getint('vars',
+                                      'migration_max_time_per_gib_mem')
+        migrationMaxTime = (maxTimePerGiB * memSize + 1023) / 1024
+        lastProgressTime = time.time()
+        lowmark = None
+        progress_timeout = config.getint('vars', 'migration_progress_timeout')
+        while not self._stop.isSet():
+            self._stop.wait(self._MIGRATION_MONITOR_INTERVAL)
+            (jobType, timeElapsed, _,
+             dataTotal, dataProcessed, dataRemaining,
+             memTotal, memProcessed, memRemaining,
+             fileTotal, fileProcessed, _) = self._vm._dom.jobInfo()
+            # from libvirt sources: data* = file* + mem*.
+            # docs can be misleading due to misaligned lines.
+            abort = False
+            now = time.time()
+            if 0 < migrationMaxTime < now - self._startTime:
+                self._vm.log.warn('The migration took %d seconds which is '
+                                  'exceeding the configured maximum time '
+                                  'for migrations of %d seconds. The '
+                                  'migration will be aborted.',
+                                  now - self._startTime,
+                                  migrationMaxTime)
+                abort = True
+            elif (lowmark is None) or (lowmark > dataRemaining):
+                lowmark = dataRemaining
+                lastProgressTime = now
+            elif (now - lastProgressTime) > progress_timeout:
+                # Migration is stuck, abort
+                self._vm.log.warn(
+                    'Migration is stuck: Hasn\'t progressed in %s seconds. '
+                    'Aborting.' % (now - lastProgressTime))
+                abort = True
+            if abort:
+                self._vm._dom.abortJob()
+                self.stop()
+                break
+            if dataRemaining > lowmark:
+                self._vm.log.warn(
+                    'Migration stalling: remaining (%sMiB)'
+                    ' > lowmark (%sMiB).'
+                    ' Refer to RHBZ#919201.',
+                    dataRemaining / Mbytes, lowmark / Mbytes)
+            if jobType == 0:
+                continue
+            self.progress = calculateProgress(dataRemaining, dataTotal)
+  'Migration Progress: %s seconds elapsed, %s%% of'
+                              ' data processed' %
+                              (timeElapsed / 1000, self.progress))
+    def stop(self):
+        self._vm.log.debug('stopping migration monitor thread')
+        self._stop.set()
diff --git a/vdsm/ b/vdsm/
index c53f1d4..6e32fcd 100644
--- a/vdsm/
+++ b/vdsm/
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@
 import libvirt
 # vdsm imports
+from migration import MigrationSourceThread
 from vdsm import constants
 from vdsm import libvirtconnection
 from vdsm import netinfo
 from vdsm import qemuImg
 from vdsm import utils
-from vdsm import vdscli
 from vdsm.config import config
-from vdsm.define import ERROR, NORMAL, doneCode, errCode, Mbytes
+from vdsm.define import ERROR, NORMAL, doneCode, errCode
 from vdsm.netinfo import DUMMY_BRIDGE
 from storage import outOfProcess as oop
 from storage import sd
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
 import caps
 import guestIF
 import hooks
-import kaxmlrpclib
 import sampling
 import supervdsm
 import vmexitreason
@@ -99,314 +98,6 @@
         return filter(lambda(x): not(x.getAttribute('device')) or
                       x.getAttribute('device') in ['disk', 'lun'],
-class MigrationSourceThread(threading.Thread):
-    """
-    A thread that takes care of migration on the source vdsm.
-    """
-    _ongoingMigrations = threading.BoundedSemaphore(1)
-    @classmethod
-    def setMaxOutgoingMigrations(cls, n):
-        """Set the initial value of the _ongoingMigrations semaphore.
-        must not be called after any vm has been run."""
-        cls._ongoingMigrations = threading.BoundedSemaphore(n)
-    def __init__(self, vm, dst='', dstparams='',
-                 mode='remote', method='online',
-                 tunneled=False, dstqemu='', abortOnError=False, **kwargs):
-        self.log = vm.log
-        self._vm = vm
-        self._dst = dst
-        self._mode = mode
-        self._method = method
-        self._dstparams = dstparams
-        self._machineParams = {}
-        self._tunneled = utils.tobool(tunneled)
-        self._abortOnError = utils.tobool(abortOnError)
-        self._dstqemu = dstqemu
-        self._downtime = kwargs.get('downtime') or \
-            config.get('vars', 'migration_downtime')
-        self.status = {
-            'status': {
-                'code': 0,
-                'message': 'Migration in progress'},
-            'progress': 0}
-        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
-        self._preparingMigrationEvt = True
-        self._migrationCanceledEvt = False
-        self._monitorThread = None
-    def getStat(self):
-        """
-        Get the status of the migration.
-        """
-        if self._monitorThread is not None:
-            # fetch migration status from the monitor thread
-            self.status['progress'] = self._monitorThread.progress
-        return self.status
-    def _setupVdsConnection(self):
-        if self._mode == 'file':
-            return
-        # FIXME: The port will depend on the binding being used.
-        # This assumes xmlrpc
-        hostPort = vdscli.cannonizeHostPort(
-            self._dst, self._vm.cif.bindings['xmlrpc'].serverPort)
-        self.remoteHost, self.remotePort = hostPort.rsplit(':', 1)
-        if config.getboolean('vars', 'ssl'):
-            self.destServer = vdscli.connect(
-                hostPort,
-                useSSL=True,
-                TransportClass=kaxmlrpclib.TcpkeepSafeTransport)
-        else:
-            self.destServer = kaxmlrpclib.Server('http://' + hostPort)
-        self.log.debug('Destination server is: ' + hostPort)
-        try:
-            self.log.debug('Initiating connection with destination')
-            status = self.destServer.getVmStats(
-            if not status['status']['code']:
-                self.log.error("Machine already exists on the destination")
-                self.status = errCode['exist']
-        except Exception:
-            self.log.error("Error initiating connection", exc_info=True)
-            self.status = errCode['noConPeer']
-    def _setupRemoteMachineParams(self):
-        self._machineParams.update(self._vm.status())
-        # patch VM config for targets < 3.1
-        self._patchConfigForLegacy()
-        self._machineParams['elapsedTimeOffset'] = \
-            time.time() - self._vm._startTime
-        vmStats = self._vm.getStats()
-        if 'username' in vmStats:
-            self._machineParams['username'] = vmStats['username']
-        if 'guestIPs' in vmStats:
-            self._machineParams['guestIPs'] = vmStats['guestIPs']
-        if 'guestFQDN' in vmStats:
-            self._machineParams['guestFQDN'] = vmStats['guestFQDN']
-        for k in ('_migrationParams', 'pid'):
-            if k in self._machineParams:
-                del self._machineParams[k]
-        if self._mode != 'file':
-            self._machineParams['migrationDest'] = 'libvirt'
-        self._machineParams['_srcDomXML'] = self._vm._dom.XMLDesc(0)
-    def _prepareGuest(self):
-        if self._mode == 'file':
-            self.log.debug("Save State begins")
-            if self._vm.guestAgent.isResponsive():
-                lockTimeout = 30
-            else:
-                lockTimeout = 0
-            self._vm.guestAgent.desktopLock()
-            #wait for lock or timeout
-            while lockTimeout:
-                if self._vm.getStats()['session'] in ["Locked", "LoggedOff"]:
-                    break
-                time.sleep(1)
-                lockTimeout -= 1
-                if lockTimeout == 0:
-                    self.log.warning('Agent ' + +
-                                     ' unresponsive. Hiberanting without '
-                                     'desktopLock.')
-                    break
-            self._vm.pause('Saving State')
-        else:
-            self.log.debug("Migration started")
-            self._vm.lastStatus = 'Migration Source'
-    def _recover(self, message):
-        if not self.status['status']['code']:
-            self.status = errCode['migrateErr']
-        self.log.error(message)
-        if self._mode != 'file':
-            try:
-                self.destServer.destroy(
-            except Exception:
-                self.log.error("Failed to destroy remote VM", exc_info=True)
-        # if the guest was stopped before migration, we need to cont it
-        if self._mode == 'file' or self._method != 'online':
-            self._vm.cont()
-        # either way, migration has finished
-        self._vm.lastStatus = 'Up'
-    def _finishSuccessfully(self):
-        self.status['progress'] = 100
-        if self._mode != 'file':
-            self._vm.setDownStatus(NORMAL, vmexitreason.MIGRATION_SUCCEEDED)
-            self.status['status']['message'] = 'Migration done'
-        else:
-            # don't pickle transient params
-            for ignoreParam in ('displayIp', 'display', 'pid'):
-                if ignoreParam in self._machineParams:
-                    del self._machineParams[ignoreParam]
-            fname = self._vm.cif.prepareVolumePath(self._dstparams)
-            try:
-                with open(fname, "w") as f:
-                    pickle.dump(self._machineParams, f)
-            finally:
-                self._vm.cif.teardownVolumePath(self._dstparams)
-            self._vm.setDownStatus(NORMAL, vmexitreason.SAVE_STATE_SUCCEEDED)
-            self.status['status']['message'] = 'SaveState done'
-    def _patchConfigForLegacy(self):
-        """
-        Remove from the VM config drives list "cdrom" and "floppy"
-        items and set them up as full paths
-        """
-        # care only about "drives" list, since
-        # "devices" doesn't cause errors
-        if 'drives' in self._machineParams:
-            for item in ("cdrom", "floppy"):
-                new_drives = []
-                for drive in self._machineParams['drives']:
-                    if drive['device'] == item:
-                        self._machineParams[item] = drive['path']
-                    else:
-                        new_drives.append(drive)
-                self._machineParams['drives'] = new_drives
-        # vdsm < 4.13 expect this to exist
-        self._machineParams['afterMigrationStatus'] = ''
-    @staticmethod
-    def _raiseAbortError():
-        e = libvirt.libvirtError(defmsg='')
-        # we have to override the value to get what we want
-        # err might be None
-        e.err = (libvirt.VIR_ERR_OPERATION_ABORTED,  # error code
-                 libvirt.VIR_FROM_QEMU,              # error domain
-                 'operation aborted',                # error message
-                 libvirt.VIR_ERR_WARNING,            # error level
-                 '', '', '',                         # str1, str2, str3,
-                 -1, -1)                             # int1, int2
-        raise e
-    def run(self):
-        try:
-            startTime = time.time()
-            self._setupVdsConnection()
-            self._setupRemoteMachineParams()
-            self._prepareGuest()
-            MigrationSourceThread._ongoingMigrations.acquire()
-            try:
-                if self._migrationCanceledEvt:
-                    self._raiseAbortError()
-                self.log.debug("migration semaphore acquired")
-                self._vm.conf['_migrationParams'] = {
-                    'dst': self._dst,
-                    'mode': self._mode,
-                    'method': self._method,
-                    'dstparams': self._dstparams,
-                    'dstqemu': self._dstqemu}
-                self._vm.saveState()
-                self._startUnderlyingMigration(startTime)
-                self._finishSuccessfully()
-            except libvirt.libvirtError as e:
-                if e.get_error_code() == libvirt.VIR_ERR_OPERATION_ABORTED:
-                    self.status['status']['code'] = \
-                        errCode['migCancelErr']['status']['code']
-                    self.status['status']['message'] = 'Migration canceled'
-                raise
-            finally:
-                if '_migrationParams' in self._vm.conf:
-                    del self._vm.conf['_migrationParams']
-                MigrationSourceThread._ongoingMigrations.release()
-        except Exception as e:
-            self._recover(str(e))
-            self.log.error("Failed to migrate", exc_info=True)
-    def _startUnderlyingMigration(self, startTime):
-        if self._mode == 'file':
-            hooks.before_vm_hibernate(self._vm._dom.XMLDesc(0), self._vm.conf)
-            try:
-                self._vm._vmStats.pause()
-                fname = self._vm.cif.prepareVolumePath(self._dst)
-                try:
-                finally:
-                    self._vm.cif.teardownVolumePath(self._dst)
-            except Exception:
-                self._vm._vmStats.cont()
-                raise
-        else:
-            for dev in self._vm._customDevices():
-                hooks.before_device_migrate_source(
-                    dev._deviceXML, self._vm.conf, dev.custom)
-            hooks.before_vm_migrate_source(self._vm._dom.XMLDesc(0),
-                                           self._vm.conf)
-            response = self.destServer.migrationCreate(self._machineParams)
-            if response['status']['code']:
-                self.status = response
-                raise RuntimeError('migration destination error: ' +
-                                   response['status']['message'])
-            if config.getboolean('vars', 'ssl'):
-                transport = 'tls'
-            else:
-                transport = 'tcp'
-            duri = 'qemu+%s://%s/system' % (transport, self.remoteHost)
-            if self._vm.conf['_migrationParams']['dstqemu']:
-                muri = 'tcp://%s' % \
-                       self._vm.conf['_migrationParams']['dstqemu']
-            else:
-                muri = 'tcp://%s' % self.remoteHost
-            self._vm.log.debug('starting migration to %s '
-                               'with miguri %s', duri, muri)
-            t = MigrationDowntimeThread(self._vm, int(self._downtime))
-            if MigrationMonitorThread._MIGRATION_MONITOR_INTERVAL:
-                self._monitorThread = MigrationMonitorThread(self._vm,
-                                                             startTime)
-                self._monitorThread.start()
-            try:
-                if ('qxl' in self._vm.conf['display'] and
-                        self._vm.conf.get('clientIp')):
-                    SPICE_MIGRATION_HANDOVER_TIME = 120
-                    self._vm._reviveTicket(SPICE_MIGRATION_HANDOVER_TIME)
-                maxBandwidth = config.getint('vars', 'migration_max_bandwidth')
-                #FIXME: there still a race here with libvirt,
-                # if we call stop() and libvirt migrateToURI2 didn't start
-                # we may return migration stop but it will start at libvirt
-                # side
-                self._preparingMigrationEvt = False
-                if not self._migrationCanceledEvt:
-                    self._vm._dom.migrateToURI2(
-                        duri, muri, None,
-                        libvirt.VIR_MIGRATE_LIVE |
-                        libvirt.VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER |
-                        (libvirt.VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED if
-                            self._tunneled else 0) |
-                        (libvirt.VIR_MIGRATE_ABORT_ON_ERROR if
-                            self._abortOnError else 0),
-                        None, maxBandwidth)
-                else:
-                    self._raiseAbortError()
-            finally:
-                t.cancel()
-                if MigrationMonitorThread._MIGRATION_MONITOR_INTERVAL:
-                    self._monitorThread.stop()
-    def stop(self):
-        # if its locks we are before the migrateToURI2()
-        # call so no need to abortJob()
-        try:
-            self._migrationCanceledEvt = True
-            self._vm._dom.abortJob()
-        except libvirt.libvirtError:
-            if not self._preparingMigrationEvt:
-                    raise
 class VolumeError(RuntimeError):
@@ -708,125 +399,6 @@
             return False
         return True
-class MigrationDowntimeThread(threading.Thread):
-    def __init__(self, vm, downtime):
-        super(MigrationDowntimeThread, self).__init__()
-        self.DOWNTIME_STEPS = config.getint('vars', 'migration_downtime_steps')
-        self._vm = vm
-        self._downtime = downtime
-        self._stop = threading.Event()
-        delay_per_gib = config.getint('vars', 'migration_downtime_delay')
-        memSize = int(vm.conf['memSize'])
-        self._wait = (delay_per_gib * max(memSize, 2048) + 1023) / 1024
-        self.daemon = True
-        self.start()
-    def run(self):
-        self._vm.log.debug('migration downtime thread started')
-        for i in range(self.DOWNTIME_STEPS):
-            self._stop.wait(self._wait / self.DOWNTIME_STEPS)
-            if self._stop.isSet():
-                break
-            downtime = self._downtime * (i + 1) / self.DOWNTIME_STEPS
-            self._vm.log.debug('setting migration downtime to %d', downtime)
-            self._vm._dom.migrateSetMaxDowntime(downtime, 0)
-        self._vm.log.debug('migration downtime thread exiting')
-    def cancel(self):
-        self._vm.log.debug('canceling migration downtime thread')
-        self._stop.set()
-class MigrationMonitorThread(threading.Thread):
-    _MIGRATION_MONITOR_INTERVAL = config.getint(
-        'vars', 'migration_monitor_interval')  # seconds
-    def __init__(self, vm, startTime):
-        super(MigrationMonitorThread, self).__init__()
-        self._stop = threading.Event()
-        self._vm = vm
-        self._startTime = startTime
-        self.daemon = True
-        self.progress = 0
-    def run(self):
-        def calculateProgress(remaining, total):
-            if remaining == 0:
-                return 100
-            progress = 100 - 100 * remaining / total if total else 0
-            return progress if (progress < 100) else 99
-        self._vm.log.debug('starting migration monitor thread')
-        memSize = int(self._vm.conf['memSize'])
-        maxTimePerGiB = config.getint('vars',
-                                      'migration_max_time_per_gib_mem')
-        migrationMaxTime = (maxTimePerGiB * memSize + 1023) / 1024
-        lastProgressTime = time.time()
-        lowmark = None
-        progress_timeout = config.getint('vars', 'migration_progress_timeout')
-        while not self._stop.isSet():
-            self._stop.wait(self._MIGRATION_MONITOR_INTERVAL)
-            (jobType, timeElapsed, _,
-             dataTotal, dataProcessed, dataRemaining,
-             memTotal, memProcessed, memRemaining,
-             fileTotal, fileProcessed, _) = self._vm._dom.jobInfo()
-            # from libvirt sources: data* = file* + mem*.
-            # docs can be misleading due to misaligned lines.
-            abort = False
-            now = time.time()
-            if 0 < migrationMaxTime < now - self._startTime:
-                self._vm.log.warn('The migration took %d seconds which is '
-                                  'exceeding the configured maximum time '
-                                  'for migrations of %d seconds. The '
-                                  'migration will be aborted.',
-                                  now - self._startTime,
-                                  migrationMaxTime)
-                abort = True
-            elif (lowmark is None) or (lowmark > dataRemaining):
-                lowmark = dataRemaining
-                lastProgressTime = now
-            elif (now - lastProgressTime) > progress_timeout:
-                # Migration is stuck, abort
-                self._vm.log.warn(
-                    'Migration is stuck: Hasn\'t progressed in %s seconds. '
-                    'Aborting.' % (now - lastProgressTime))
-                abort = True
-            if abort:
-                self._vm._dom.abortJob()
-                self.stop()
-                break
-            if dataRemaining > lowmark:
-                self._vm.log.warn(
-                    'Migration stalling: remaining (%sMiB)'
-                    ' > lowmark (%sMiB).'
-                    ' Refer to RHBZ#919201.',
-                    dataRemaining / Mbytes, lowmark / Mbytes)
-            if jobType == 0:
-                continue
-            self.progress = calculateProgress(dataRemaining, dataTotal)
-  'Migration Progress: %s seconds elapsed, %s%% of'
-                              ' data processed' %
-                              (timeElapsed / 1000, self.progress))
-    def stop(self):
-        self._vm.log.debug('stopping migration monitor thread')
-        self._stop.set()
 class TimeoutError(libvirt.libvirtError):

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Gerrit-Change-Id: Ia69c7448b66417c7bba8ae3d301e7d777ca88067
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: vdsm
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Francesco Romani <fromani at>

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