Change in vdsm[master]: vdsm: Get underlying device info moved to Device classes

vfeenstr at vfeenstr at
Tue Oct 1 11:38:45 UTC 2013

Vinzenz Feenstra has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: vdsm: Get underlying device info moved to Device classes

vdsm: Get underlying device info moved to Device classes

Change-Id: I8f797baece3601b885777784f611b420523828f7
Signed-off-by: Vinzenz Feenstra <vfeenstr at>
M vdsm/
1 file changed, 379 insertions(+), 396 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// refs/changes/32/19732/1

diff --git a/vdsm/ b/vdsm/
index 4f2f35d..d23cd21 100644
--- a/vdsm/
+++ b/vdsm/
@@ -1196,6 +1196,98 @@
         return element
+    @classmethod
+    def _getDeviceAlias(cls, device):
+        return device.getElementsByTagName('alias')[0].getAttribute('name')
+    @classmethod
+    def _getDeviceAddress(cls, device):
+        """
+        Obtain device's address from libvirt
+        """
+        address = {}
+        dom = device.getElementsByTagName('address')[0]
+        # Parse address to create proper dictionary.
+        # Libvirt device's address definition is:
+        # PCI = {'type':'pci', 'domain':'0x0000', 'bus':'0x00',
+        #        'slot':'0x0c', 'function':'0x0'}
+        # IDE = {'type':'drive', 'controller':'0', 'bus':'0', 'unit':'0'}
+        for key in dom.attributes.keys():
+            address[key.strip()] = dom.getAttribute(key).strip()
+        return address
+    @classmethod
+    def _defaultUpdate(cls, element, type, desc, devices, conf, **kwargs):
+        getAddress = kwargs.get('address', True)
+        getAddressRequired = False
+        if 'getAddressRequired' in kwargs:
+            getAddressRequired = kwargs.get('aliasRequired')
+            getAddress = getAddressRequired
+        default = desc.getElementsByTagName(element)
+        for x in default:
+            if getAddressRequired:
+                if not x.getElementsByTagName('address'):
+                    continue
+            address = None
+            if getAddress:
+                address = cls._getDeviceAddress(x)
+            alias = cls._getDeviceAliasName(x)
+            for x in devices[type]:
+                if address and not hasattr(x, 'address'):
+                    x.address = address
+                if alias and not hasattr(x, 'alias'):
+                    x.alias = alias
+                for dev in conf['devices']:
+                    if dev['type'] == type:
+                        if address and not dev.get('address'):
+                            dev['address'] = address
+                        if alias and not dev.get('alias'):
+                            dev['alias'] = alias
+    @classmethod
+    def updateFromDesc(cls, desc, devices, conf):
+        pass
+class UnknownDevice(VmDevice):
+    @classmethod
+    def updateFromDesc(cls, desc, devices, conf):
+        """
+        Obtain unknown devices info from libvirt.
+        Unknown device is a device that has an address but wasn't
+        passed during VM creation request.
+        """
+        def isKnownDevice(alias):
+            for dev in conf['devices']:
+                if dev.get('alias') == alias:
+                    return True
+            return False
+        for x in desc.childNodes:
+            # Ignore empty nodes and devices without address
+            if (x.nodeName == '#text' or
+                    not x.getElementsByTagName('address')):
+                continue
+            alias = cls._getDeviceAliasName(x)
+            if not isKnownDevice(alias):
+                address = cls._getDeviceAddress(x)
+                # I general case we assume that device has attribute 'type',
+                # if it hasn't getAttribute returns ''.
+                device = x.getAttribute('type')
+                newDev = {'type': x.nodeName,
+                          'alias': alias,
+                          'device': device,
+                          'address': address}
+                conf['devices'].append(newDev)
 class GeneralDevice(VmDevice):
@@ -1219,6 +1311,52 @@
         return ctrl
+    @classmethod
+    def updateFromDesc(cls, desc, devices, conf):
+        """
+        Obtain controller devices info from libvirt.
+        """
+        controllers = desc.getElementsByTagName('controller')
+        for x in controllers:
+            # Ignore controller devices without address
+            if not x.getElementsByTagName('address'):
+                continue
+            alias = cls._getDeviceAliasName(x)
+            device = x.getAttribute('type')
+            # Get model and index. Relevant for USB controllers.
+            model = x.getAttribute('model')
+            index = x.getAttribute('index')
+            # Get controller address
+            address = cls._getDeviceAddress(x)
+            # In case the controller has index and/or model, they
+            # are compared. Currently relevant for USB controllers.
+            for ctrl in devices[CONTROLLER_DEVICES]:
+                if ((ctrl.device == device) and
+                        (not hasattr(ctrl, 'index') or ctrl.index == index) and
+                        (not hasattr(ctrl, 'model') or ctrl.model == model)):
+                    ctrl.alias = alias
+                    ctrl.address = address
+            # Update vm's conf with address for known controller devices
+            # In case the controller has index and/or model, they
+            # are compared. Currently relevant for USB controllers.
+            knownDev = False
+            for dev in conf['devices']:
+                if ((dev['type'] == CONTROLLER_DEVICES) and
+                        (dev['device'] == device) and
+                        (not 'index' in dev or dev['index'] == index) and
+                        (not 'model' in dev or dev['model'] == model)):
+                    dev['address'] = address
+                    dev['alias'] = alias
+                    knownDev = True
+            # Add unknown controller device to vm's conf
+            if not knownDev:
+                conf['devices'].append({'type': CONTROLLER_DEVICES,
+                                        'device': device,
+                                        'address': address,
+                                         'alias': alias})
 class VideoDevice(VmDevice):
@@ -1235,6 +1373,34 @@
         video.appendChildWithArgs('model', type=self.device, **sourceAttrs)
         return video
+    @classmethod
+    def updateFromDesc(cls, desc, devices, conf):
+        """
+        Obtain video devices info from libvirt.
+        """
+        videos = desc.getElementsByTagName('video')
+        for x in videos:
+            alias = cls._getDeviceAliasName(x)
+            # Get video card address
+            address = cls._getDeviceAddress(x)
+            # FIXME. We have an identification problem here.
+            # Video card device has not unique identifier, except the alias
+            # (but backend not aware to device's aliases). So, for now
+            # we can only assign the address according to devices order.
+            for vc in devices[VIDEO_DEVICES]:
+                if not hasattr(vc, 'address') or not hasattr(vc, 'alias'):
+                    vc.alias = alias
+                    vc.address = address
+                    break
+            # Update vm's conf with address
+            for dev in conf['devices']:
+                if ((dev['type'] == VIDEO_DEVICES) and
+                        (not dev.get('address') or not dev.get('alias'))):
+                    dev['address'] = address
+                    dev['alias'] = alias
+                    break
 class SoundDevice(VmDevice):
@@ -1245,6 +1411,34 @@
         sound = self.createXmlElem('sound', None, ['address'])
         return sound
+    @classmethod
+    def updateFromDesc(cls, desc, devices, conf):
+        """
+        Obtain sound devices info from libvirt.
+        """
+        soundDevices = desc.getElementsByTagName('sound')
+        for x in soundDevices:
+            alias = cls._getDeviceAliasName(x)
+            # Get sound card address
+            address = cls._getDeviceAddress(x)
+            # FIXME. We have an identification problem here.
+            # Sound device has not unique identifier, except the alias
+            # (but backend not aware to device's aliases). So, for now
+            # we can only assign the address according to devices order.
+            for sc in devices[SOUND_DEVICES]:
+                if not hasattr(sc, 'address') or not hasattr(sc, 'alias'):
+                    sc.alias = alias
+                    sc.address = address
+                    break
+            # Update vm's conf with address
+            for dev in conf['devices']:
+                if ((dev['type'] == SOUND_DEVICES) and
+                        (not dev.get('address') or not dev.get('alias'))):
+                    dev['address'] = address
+                    dev['alias'] = alias
+                    break
 class NetworkInterfaceDevice(VmDevice):
@@ -1337,6 +1531,73 @@
                     bandwidth.appendChildWithArgs('outbound', **outbound)
         return iface
+    @classmethod
+    def updateFromDesc(cls, desc, devices, conf):
+        """
+        Obtain network interface info from libvirt.
+        """
+        # TODO use xpath instead of parseString (here and elsewhere)
+        interfaces = desc.getElementsByTagName('interface')
+        for x in interfaces:
+            devType = x.getAttribute('type')
+            mac = x.getElementsByTagName('mac')[0].getAttribute('address')
+            alias = cls._getDeviceAliasName(x)
+            if devType == 'hostdev':
+                name = alias
+                model = 'passthrough'
+            else:
+                name = x.getElementsByTagName('target')[0].getAttribute('dev')
+                model = x.getElementsByTagName('model')[0].getAttribute('type')
+            network = None
+            try:
+                if x.getElementsByTagName('link')[0].getAttribute('state') == \
+                        'down':
+                    linkActive = False
+                else:
+                    linkActive = True
+            except IndexError:
+                linkActive = True
+            source = x.getElementsByTagName('source')
+            if source:
+                network = source[0].getAttribute('bridge')
+                if not network:
+                    network = source[0].getAttribute('network')
+                    network = network[len(netinfo.LIBVIRT_NET_PREFIX):]
+            # Get nic address
+            address = cls._getDeviceAddress(x)
+            for nic in devices[NIC_DEVICES]:
+                if nic.macAddr.lower() == mac.lower():
+           = name
+                    nic.alias = alias
+                    nic.address = address
+                    nic.linkActive = linkActive
+            # Update vm's conf with address for known nic devices
+            knownDev = False
+            for dev in conf['devices']:
+                if (dev['type'] == NIC_DEVICES and
+                        dev['macAddr'].lower() == mac.lower()):
+                    dev['address'] = address
+                    dev['alias'] = alias
+                    dev['name'] = name
+                    dev['linkActive'] = linkActive
+                    knownDev = True
+            # Add unknown nic device to vm's conf
+            if not knownDev:
+                nicDev = {'type': NIC_DEVICES,
+                          'device': devType,
+                          'macAddr': mac,
+                          'nicModel': model,
+                          'address': address,
+                          'alias': alias,
+                          'name': name,
+                          'linkActive': linkActive}
+                if network:
+                    nicDev['network'] = network
+                conf['devices'].append(nicDev)
 class Drive(VmDevice):
@@ -1625,6 +1886,71 @@
         return diskelem
+    @classmethod
+    def updateFromDesc(cls, desc, devices, conf):
+        """
+        Obtain block devices info from libvirt.
+        """
+        disks = desc.getElementsByTagName('disk')
+        # FIXME!  We need to gather as much info as possible from the libvirt.
+        # In the future we can return this real data to management instead of
+        # vm's conf
+        for x in disks:
+            sources = x.getElementsByTagName('source')
+            if sources:
+                devPath = (sources[0].getAttribute('file') or
+                           sources[0].getAttribute('dev'))
+            else:
+                devPath = ''
+            target = x.getElementsByTagName('target')
+            name = target[0].getAttribute('dev') if target else ''
+            alias = cls._getDeviceAliasName(x)
+            readonly = bool(x.getElementsByTagName('readonly'))
+            boot = x.getElementsByTagName('boot')
+            bootOrder = boot[0].getAttribute('order') if boot else ''
+            devType = x.getAttribute('device')
+            if devType == 'disk':
+                # raw/qcow2
+                drv = x.getElementsByTagName('driver')[0].getAttribute('type')
+            else:
+                drv = 'raw'
+            # Get disk address
+            address = cls._getDeviceAddress(x)
+            for d in devices[DISK_DEVICES]:
+                if d.path == devPath:
+           = name
+                    d.type = devType
+                    d.drv = drv
+                    d.alias = alias
+                    d.address = address
+                    d.readonly = readonly
+                    if bootOrder:
+                        d.bootOrder = bootOrder
+            # Update vm's conf with address for known disk devices
+            knownDev = False
+            for dev in conf['devices']:
+                if dev['type'] == DISK_DEVICES and dev['path'] == devPath:
+                    dev['name'] = name
+                    dev['address'] = address
+                    dev['alias'] = alias
+                    dev['readonly'] = str(readonly)
+                    if bootOrder:
+                        dev['bootOrder'] = bootOrder
+                    knownDev = True
+            # Add unknown disk device to vm's conf
+            if not knownDev:
+                iface = 'ide' if address['type'] == 'drive' else 'pci'
+                diskDev = {'type': DISK_DEVICES, 'device': devType,
+                           'iface': iface, 'path': devPath, 'name': name,
+                           'address': address, 'alias': alias,
+                           'readonly': str(readonly)}
+                if bootOrder:
+                    diskDev['bootOrder'] = bootOrder
+                conf['devices'].append(diskDev)
 class BalloonDevice(VmDevice):
@@ -1640,6 +1966,15 @@
         m = self.createXmlElem(self.device, None, ['address'])
         return m
+    @classmethod
+    def updateFromDesc(cls, desc, devices, conf):
+        """
+        Obtain balloon device info from libvirt.
+        """
+        balloon = desc.getElementsByTagName('memballoon')
+        cls._defaultUpdate('watchdog', WATCHDOG_DEVICES, desc, devices, conf,
+                           addressRequired=False)
 class WatchdogDevice(VmDevice):
@@ -1657,6 +1992,14 @@
         return m
+    @classmethod
+    def updateFromDesc(cls, desc, devices, conf):
+        """
+        Obtain watchdog device info from libvirt.
+        """
+        cls._defaultUpdate('watchdog', WATCHDOG_DEVICES, desc, devices, conf,
+                           addressRequired=True)
 class SmartCardDevice(VmDevice):
     def getXML(self):
@@ -1673,6 +2016,13 @@
             sourceAttrs['type'] = self.specParams['type']
         return card
+    @classmethod
+    def updateFromDesc(cls, desc, devices, conf):
+        """
+        Obtain smartcard device info from libvirt.
+        """
+        cls._defaultUpdate('smartcard', SMARTCARD_DEVICES, desc, devices, conf)
 class RedirDevice(VmDevice):
@@ -1700,6 +2050,13 @@
         m.appendChildWithArgs('target', type='virtio', port='0')
         return m
+    @classmethod
+    def updateFromDesc(cls, desc, devices, conf):
+        """
+        Obtain the alias for the console device from libvirt
+        """
+        cls._defaultUpdate('console', CONSOLE_DEVICES, desc, devices, conf,
+                           address=False)
 class Vm(object):
@@ -1713,6 +2070,18 @@
     # limit threads number until the libvirt lock will be fixed
     _ongoingCreations = threading.BoundedSemaphore(4)
     MigrationSourceThreadClass = MigrationSourceThread
+    DeviceMapping = ((DISK_DEVICES, Drive),
+                     (NIC_DEVICES, NetworkInterfaceDevice),
+                     (SOUND_DEVICES, SoundDevice),
+                     (VIDEO_DEVICES, VideoDevice),
+                     (CONTROLLER_DEVICES, ControllerDevice),
+                     (GENERAL_DEVICES, GeneralDevice),
+                     (BALLOON_DEVICES, BalloonDevice),
+                     (WATCHDOG_DEVICES, WatchdogDevice),
+                     (CONSOLE_DEVICES, ConsoleDevice),
+                     (REDIR_DEVICES, RedirDevice),
+                     (SMARTCARD_DEVICES, SmartCardDevice))
     def _makeChannelPath(self, deviceName):
         return constants.P_LIBVIRT_VMCHANNELS + + '.' + deviceName
@@ -2747,7 +3116,7 @@
-        domxml.appendGraphics()
+            domxml.appendGraphics()
@@ -2785,19 +3154,12 @@
         Obtain underlying vm's devices info from libvirt.
         devicesXml = self._getDevicesXml()
-        self._getUnderlyingNetworkInterfaceInfo(devicesXml=devicesXml)
-        self._getUnderlyingDriveInfo(devicesXml=devicesXml)
+        for _, cls in self.DeviceMapping:
+            cls.updateFromDesc(devicesXml, self._devices, self.conf)
-        self._getUnderlyingSoundDeviceInfo(devicesXml=devicesXml)
-        self._getUnderlyingVideoDeviceInfo(devicesXml=devicesXml)
-        self._getUnderlyingControllerDeviceInfo(devicesXml=devicesXml)
-        self._getUnderlyingBalloonDeviceInfo(devicesXml=devicesXml)
-        self._getUnderlyingWatchdogDeviceInfo(devicesXml=devicesXml)
-        self._getUnderlyingSmartcardDeviceInfo(devicesXml=devicesXml)
-        self._getUnderlyingConsoleDeviceInfo(devicesXml=devicesXml)
         # Obtain info of all unknown devices. Must be last!
-        self._getUnderlyingUnknownDeviceInfo(devicesXml=devicesXml)
+        UnknownDevice.updateFromDesc(devicesXml, self._devices, self.conf)
     def _updateAgentChannels(self, devicesXml):
@@ -2914,19 +3276,7 @@
                 devices = self.getConfDevices()
-        devMap = {DISK_DEVICES: Drive,
-                  NIC_DEVICES: NetworkInterfaceDevice,
-                  SOUND_DEVICES: SoundDevice,
-                  VIDEO_DEVICES: VideoDevice,
-                  CONTROLLER_DEVICES: ControllerDevice,
-                  GENERAL_DEVICES: GeneralDevice,
-                  BALLOON_DEVICES: BalloonDevice,
-                  WATCHDOG_DEVICES: WatchdogDevice,
-                  REDIR_DEVICES: RedirDevice,
-                  CONSOLE_DEVICES: ConsoleDevice,
-                  SMARTCARD_DEVICES: SmartCardDevice}
-        for devType, devClass in devMap.items():
+        for devType, devClass in self.DeviceMapping:
             for dev in devices[devType]:
                 self._devices[devType].append(devClass(self.conf, self.log,
@@ -3066,10 +3416,9 @@
             with self._confLock:
-            self._getUnderlyingNetworkInterfaceInfo(
-                devicesXml=self._getDevicesXml())
-            hooks.after_nic_hotplug(nicXml, self.conf,
-                                    params=customProps)
+            NetworkInterfaceDevice.updateFromDesc(self._getDevicesXml(),
+                                                  self._devices, self.conf)
+            hooks.after_nic_hotplug(nicXml, self.conf, params=customProps)
         if hasattr(nic, 'portMirroring'):
             mirroredNetworks = []
@@ -3327,7 +3676,8 @@
             with self._confLock:
-            self._getUnderlyingDriveInfo(devicesXml=self._getDevicesXml())
+            Drive.updateFromDesc(self._getDevicesXml(), self._devices,
+                                 self.conf)
             hooks.after_disk_hotplug(driveXml, self.conf,
@@ -4397,308 +4747,6 @@
             return {'status': doneCode}
-    def _getUnderlyingDeviceAliasName(self, devXml):
-        return devXml.getElementsByTagName('alias')[0].getAttribute('name')
-    def _getUnderlyingDeviceAddress(self, devXml):
-        """
-        Obtain device's address from libvirt
-        """
-        address = {}
-        adrXml = devXml.getElementsByTagName('address')[0]
-        # Parse address to create proper dictionary.
-        # Libvirt device's address definition is:
-        # PCI = {'type':'pci', 'domain':'0x0000', 'bus':'0x00',
-        #        'slot':'0x0c', 'function':'0x0'}
-        # IDE = {'type':'drive', 'controller':'0', 'bus':'0', 'unit':'0'}
-        for key in adrXml.attributes.keys():
-            address[key.strip()] = adrXml.getAttribute(key).strip()
-        return address
-    def _getUnderlyingUnknownDeviceInfo(self, devicesXml):
-        """
-        Obtain unknown devices info from libvirt.
-        Unknown device is a device that has an address but wasn't
-        passed during VM creation request.
-        """
-        def isKnownDevice(alias):
-            for dev in self.conf['devices']:
-                if dev.get('alias') == alias:
-                    return True
-            return False
-        for x in devicesXml.childNodes:
-            # Ignore empty nodes and devices without address
-            if (x.nodeName == '#text' or
-                    not x.getElementsByTagName('address')):
-                continue
-            alias = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAliasName(x)
-            if not isKnownDevice(alias):
-                address = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAddress(x)
-                # I general case we assume that device has attribute 'type',
-                # if it hasn't getAttribute returns ''.
-                device = x.getAttribute('type')
-                newDev = {'type': x.nodeName,
-                          'alias': alias,
-                          'device': device,
-                          'address': address}
-                self.conf['devices'].append(newDev)
-    def _getUnderlyingControllerDeviceInfo(self, devicesXml):
-        """
-        Obtain controller devices info from libvirt.
-        """
-        ctrlsxml = devicesXml.getElementsByTagName('controller')
-        for x in ctrlsxml:
-            # Ignore controller devices without address
-            if not x.getElementsByTagName('address'):
-                continue
-            alias = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAliasName(x)
-            device = x.getAttribute('type')
-            # Get model and index. Relevant for USB controllers.
-            model = x.getAttribute('model')
-            index = x.getAttribute('index')
-            # Get controller address
-            address = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAddress(x)
-            # In case the controller has index and/or model, they
-            # are compared. Currently relevant for USB controllers.
-            for ctrl in self._devices[CONTROLLER_DEVICES]:
-                if ((ctrl.device == device) and
-                        (not hasattr(ctrl, 'index') or ctrl.index == index) and
-                        (not hasattr(ctrl, 'model') or ctrl.model == model)):
-                    ctrl.alias = alias
-                    ctrl.address = address
-            # Update vm's conf with address for known controller devices
-            # In case the controller has index and/or model, they
-            # are compared. Currently relevant for USB controllers.
-            knownDev = False
-            for dev in self.conf['devices']:
-                if ((dev['type'] == CONTROLLER_DEVICES) and
-                        (dev['device'] == device) and
-                        (not 'index' in dev or dev['index'] == index) and
-                        (not 'model' in dev or dev['model'] == model)):
-                    dev['address'] = address
-                    dev['alias'] = alias
-                    knownDev = True
-            # Add unknown controller device to vm's conf
-            if not knownDev:
-                self.conf['devices'].append({'type': CONTROLLER_DEVICES,
-                                             'device': device,
-                                             'address': address,
-                                             'alias': alias})
-    def _getUnderlyingBalloonDeviceInfo(self, devicesXml):
-        """
-        Obtain balloon device info from libvirt.
-        """
-        balloonxml = devicesXml.getElementsByTagName('memballoon')
-        for x in balloonxml:
-            # Ignore balloon devices without address.
-            if not x.getElementsByTagName('address'):
-                address = None
-            else:
-                address = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAddress(x)
-            alias = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAliasName(x)
-            for dev in self._devices[BALLOON_DEVICES]:
-                if address and not hasattr(dev, 'address'):
-                    dev.address = address
-                if not hasattr(dev, 'alias'):
-                    dev.alias = alias
-            for dev in self.conf['devices']:
-                if dev['type'] == BALLOON_DEVICES:
-                    if address and not dev.get('address'):
-                        dev['address'] = address
-                    if not dev.get('alias'):
-                        dev['alias'] = alias
-    def _getUnderlyingConsoleDeviceInfo(self, devicesXml):
-        """
-        Obtain the alias for the console device from libvirt
-        """
-        consolexml = devicesXml.getElementsByTagName('console')
-        for x in consolexml:
-            # All we care about is the alias
-            alias = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAliasName(x)
-            for dev in self._devices[CONSOLE_DEVICES]:
-                if not hasattr(dev, 'alias'):
-                    dev.alias = alias
-            for dev in self.conf['devices']:
-                if dev['device'] == CONSOLE_DEVICES and \
-                        not dev.get('alias'):
-                    dev['alias'] = alias
-    def _getUnderlyingSmartcardDeviceInfo(self, devicesXml):
-        """
-        Obtain smartcard device info from libvirt.
-        """
-        smartcardxml = devicesXml.getElementsByTagName('smartcard')
-        for x in smartcardxml:
-            if not x.getElementsByTagName('address'):
-                continue
-            address = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAddress(x)
-            alias = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAliasName(x)
-            for dev in self._devices[SMARTCARD_DEVICES]:
-                if not hasattr(dev, 'address'):
-                    dev.address = address
-                    dev.alias = alias
-            for dev in self.conf['devices']:
-                if dev['device'] == SMARTCARD_DEVICES and \
-                        not dev.get('address'):
-                    dev['address'] = address
-                    dev['alias'] = alias
-    def _getUnderlyingWatchdogDeviceInfo(self, devicesXml):
-        """
-        Obtain watchdog device info from libvirt.
-        """
-        watchdogxml = devicesXml.getElementsByTagName('watchdog')
-        for x in watchdogxml:
-            # PCI watchdog has "address" different from ISA watchdog
-            if x.getElementsByTagName('address'):
-                address = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAddress(x)
-                alias = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAliasName(x)
-                for wd in self._devices[WATCHDOG_DEVICES]:
-                    if not hasattr(wd, 'address') or not hasattr(wd, 'alias'):
-                        wd.address = address
-                        wd.alias = alias
-                for dev in self.conf['devices']:
-                    if ((dev['type'] == WATCHDOG_DEVICES) and
-                            (not dev.get('address') or not dev.get('alias'))):
-                        dev['address'] = address
-                        dev['alias'] = alias
-    def _getUnderlyingVideoDeviceInfo(self, devicesXml):
-        """
-        Obtain video devices info from libvirt.
-        """
-        videosxml = devicesXml.getElementsByTagName('video')
-        for x in videosxml:
-            alias = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAliasName(x)
-            # Get video card address
-            address = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAddress(x)
-            # FIXME. We have an identification problem here.
-            # Video card device has not unique identifier, except the alias
-            # (but backend not aware to device's aliases). So, for now
-            # we can only assign the address according to devices order.
-            for vc in self._devices[VIDEO_DEVICES]:
-                if not hasattr(vc, 'address') or not hasattr(vc, 'alias'):
-                    vc.alias = alias
-                    vc.address = address
-                    break
-            # Update vm's conf with address
-            for dev in self.conf['devices']:
-                if ((dev['type'] == VIDEO_DEVICES) and
-                        (not dev.get('address') or not dev.get('alias'))):
-                    dev['address'] = address
-                    dev['alias'] = alias
-                    break
-    def _getUnderlyingSoundDeviceInfo(self, devicesXml):
-        """
-        Obtain sound devices info from libvirt.
-        """
-        soundsxml = devicesXml.getElementsByTagName('sound')
-        for x in soundsxml:
-            alias = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAliasName(x)
-            # Get sound card address
-            address = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAddress(x)
-            # FIXME. We have an identification problem here.
-            # Sound device has not unique identifier, except the alias
-            # (but backend not aware to device's aliases). So, for now
-            # we can only assign the address according to devices order.
-            for sc in self._devices[SOUND_DEVICES]:
-                if not hasattr(sc, 'address') or not hasattr(sc, 'alias'):
-                    sc.alias = alias
-                    sc.address = address
-                    break
-            # Update vm's conf with address
-            for dev in self.conf['devices']:
-                if ((dev['type'] == SOUND_DEVICES) and
-                        (not dev.get('address') or not dev.get('alias'))):
-                    dev['address'] = address
-                    dev['alias'] = alias
-                    break
-    def _getUnderlyingDriveInfo(self, devicesXml):
-        """
-        Obtain block devices info from libvirt.
-        """
-        disksxml = devicesXml.getElementsByTagName('disk')
-        # FIXME!  We need to gather as much info as possible from the libvirt.
-        # In the future we can return this real data to management instead of
-        # vm's conf
-        for x in disksxml:
-            sources = x.getElementsByTagName('source')
-            if sources:
-                devPath = (sources[0].getAttribute('file') or
-                           sources[0].getAttribute('dev'))
-            else:
-                devPath = ''
-            target = x.getElementsByTagName('target')
-            name = target[0].getAttribute('dev') if target else ''
-            alias = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAliasName(x)
-            readonly = bool(x.getElementsByTagName('readonly'))
-            boot = x.getElementsByTagName('boot')
-            bootOrder = boot[0].getAttribute('order') if boot else ''
-            devType = x.getAttribute('device')
-            if devType == 'disk':
-                # raw/qcow2
-                drv = x.getElementsByTagName('driver')[0].getAttribute('type')
-            else:
-                drv = 'raw'
-            # Get disk address
-            address = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAddress(x)
-            for d in self._devices[DISK_DEVICES]:
-                if d.path == devPath:
-           = name
-                    d.type = devType
-                    d.drv = drv
-                    d.alias = alias
-                    d.address = address
-                    d.readonly = readonly
-                    if bootOrder:
-                        d.bootOrder = bootOrder
-            # Update vm's conf with address for known disk devices
-            knownDev = False
-            for dev in self.conf['devices']:
-                if dev['type'] == DISK_DEVICES and dev['path'] == devPath:
-                    dev['name'] = name
-                    dev['address'] = address
-                    dev['alias'] = alias
-                    dev['readonly'] = str(readonly)
-                    if bootOrder:
-                        dev['bootOrder'] = bootOrder
-                    knownDev = True
-            # Add unknown disk device to vm's conf
-            if not knownDev:
-                iface = 'ide' if address['type'] == 'drive' else 'pci'
-                diskDev = {'type': DISK_DEVICES, 'device': devType,
-                           'iface': iface, 'path': devPath, 'name': name,
-                           'address': address, 'alias': alias,
-                           'readonly': str(readonly)}
-                if bootOrder:
-                    diskDev['bootOrder'] = bootOrder
-                self.conf['devices'].append(diskDev)
     def _getUnderlyingDisplayPort(self, xml):
         Obtain display port info from libvirt.
@@ -4710,71 +4758,6 @@
         port = graphics.getAttribute('tlsPort')
         if port:
             self.conf['displaySecurePort'] = port
-    def _getUnderlyingNetworkInterfaceInfo(self, devicesXml):
-        """
-        Obtain network interface info from libvirt.
-        """
-        # TODO use xpath instead of parseString (here and elsewhere)
-        ifsxml = devicesXml.getElementsByTagName('interface')
-        for x in ifsxml:
-            devType = x.getAttribute('type')
-            mac = x.getElementsByTagName('mac')[0].getAttribute('address')
-            alias = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAliasName(x)
-            if devType == 'hostdev':
-                name = alias
-                model = 'passthrough'
-            else:
-                name = x.getElementsByTagName('target')[0].getAttribute('dev')
-                model = x.getElementsByTagName('model')[0].getAttribute('type')
-            network = None
-            try:
-                if x.getElementsByTagName('link')[0].getAttribute('state') == \
-                        'down':
-                    linkActive = False
-                else:
-                    linkActive = True
-            except IndexError:
-                linkActive = True
-            source = x.getElementsByTagName('source')
-            if source:
-                network = source[0].getAttribute('bridge')
-                if not network:
-                    network = source[0].getAttribute('network')
-                    network = network[len(netinfo.LIBVIRT_NET_PREFIX):]
-            # Get nic address
-            address = self._getUnderlyingDeviceAddress(x)
-            for nic in self._devices[NIC_DEVICES]:
-                if nic.macAddr.lower() == mac.lower():
-           = name
-                    nic.alias = alias
-                    nic.address = address
-                    nic.linkActive = linkActive
-            # Update vm's conf with address for known nic devices
-            knownDev = False
-            for dev in self.conf['devices']:
-                if (dev['type'] == NIC_DEVICES and
-                        dev['macAddr'].lower() == mac.lower()):
-                    dev['address'] = address
-                    dev['alias'] = alias
-                    dev['name'] = name
-                    dev['linkActive'] = linkActive
-                    knownDev = True
-            # Add unknown nic device to vm's conf
-            if not knownDev:
-                nicDev = {'type': NIC_DEVICES,
-                          'device': devType,
-                          'macAddr': mac,
-                          'nicModel': model,
-                          'address': address,
-                          'alias': alias,
-                          'name': name,
-                          'linkActive': linkActive}
-                if network:
-                    nicDev['network'] = network
-                self.conf['devices'].append(nicDev)
     def _setWriteWatermarks(self):

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I8f797baece3601b885777784f611b420523828f7
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: vdsm
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Vinzenz Feenstra <vfeenstr at>

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