Change in vdsm[master]: Split vdsm init script into pieces

zhshzhou at zhshzhou at
Thu May 23 03:54:23 UTC 2013

Zhou Zheng Sheng has posted comments on this change.

Change subject: Split vdsm init script into pieces

Patch Set 3:

Thanks very much, Alon.

Here are my response to the problems.

1. About setting a environment variable to refer to the path, I agree with you.

2. About moving code of sourcing /etc/init.d/functions out of, I have a proposal. Can we consider using a --with-initd-functions=/etc/init.d/functions option in configure? We move the code of sourcing /etc/init.d/functions from to, then will source env-*.sh. If initd-functions is enabled, will be packaged and installed, so that sourced. For other distro specific things, we can also put them into, and enable it  by --with-XXX.

3. Which specific functionalities you mean to enable and to disable? Do you mean creating a small init-common function with [--background] [--pid-file=file] [--lock-file] [--respawn] options, and invoking it in init.d script, systemd service definition and Upstart job definition? This init-common function is somewhat like the "daemon"/"start_daemon" function. The should provide a default init-common implementation using start_daemon provided in /lib/lsb/init-functions, and as proposed in 2, if --with-initd-functions, the will be sourced and provides its own init-common implementation to override the default one.

4. I didn't quite catch up with your thoughts for this problem. I read the code of the patches from oVirt Engine from the links you gave me. Do you mean in different init systems, we can invoke init-common with different options? For example Upstart provides respawn and daemonize abilities already, so we can invoke init-common without --respawn and --background.

5. I believe libvirt configuration refactoring can be in future patches, not in this patch.

As regard to the limitation of hooks, yes we can not create dependency for them, but in current we do not have the dependency calculating ability as well. Another problem I want to solve is I like the idea sourcing all the hooks into a single shell process and invoking them. Currently we run every hook in a new process. To solve these two problems, we can implement a run_tasks script to source all vdsm init tasks and calculate the dependencies, then run the tasks in the order of topological sorting. This can be done in future patches. I can accept the hook limitations in this patch.

I can submit a new patch set after we reach to an agreement.

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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Change-Id: I0c652704000c764c6e6f248605c6a3f4f3af5ace
Gerrit-PatchSet: 3
Gerrit-Project: vdsm
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Zhou Zheng Sheng <zhshzhou at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Alon Bar-Lev <alonbl at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Dan Kenigsberg <danken at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Mark Wu <wudxw at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Zhou Zheng Sheng <zhshzhou at>
Gerrit-Reviewer: oVirt Jenkins CI Server

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