Change in vdsm[master]: [WIP] vm: cleanup of - removed old api references

mpoledni at mpoledni at
Tue Aug 13 20:03:11 UTC 2013

Martin Polednik has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: [WIP] vm: cleanup of - removed old api references

[WIP] vm: cleanup of
- removed old api references

Change-Id: I2712148b670c9f85beaea40a0b2e870d829b2b4b
Signed-off-by: mpolednik <mpoledni at>
M vdsm/
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// refs/changes/47/18047/1

diff --git a/vdsm/ b/vdsm/
index a0b7310..e16a316 100644
--- a/vdsm/
+++ b/vdsm/
@@ -1811,172 +1811,6 @@
                 dev['target'] = int(self.conf.get('memSize')) * 1024
         return devices
-    def buildConfDevices(self):
-        """
-        Return the "devices" section of this Vm's conf.
-        If missing, create it according to old API.
-        """
-        # For BC we need to save previous behaviour for old type parameters.
-        # The new/old type parameter will be distinguished
-        # by existence/absence of the 'devices' key
-        devices = {}
-        # Build devices structure
-        if self.conf.get('devices') is None:
-            with self._confLock:
-                self.conf['devices'] = []
-            devices[DISK_DEVICES] = self.getConfDrives()
-            devices[NIC_DEVICES] = self.getConfNetworkInterfaces()
-            devices[SOUND_DEVICES] = self.getConfSound()
-            devices[VIDEO_DEVICES] = self.getConfVideo()
-            devices[CONTROLLER_DEVICES] = self.getConfController()
-            devices[GENERAL_DEVICES] = []
-            devices[BALLOON_DEVICES] = []
-            devices[WATCHDOG_DEVICES] = []
-            devices[SMARTCARD_DEVICES] = self.getConfSmartcard()
-            devices[REDIR_DEVICES] = []
-            devices[CONSOLE_DEVICES] = []
-        else:
-            devices = self.getConfDevices()
-        # libvirt only support one watchdog device
-        if len(devices[WATCHDOG_DEVICES]) > 1:
-            raise ValueError("only a single watchdog device is supported")
-        if len(devices[WATCHDOG_DEVICES]) == 1:
-            if not 'specParams' in devices[WATCHDOG_DEVICES][0]:
-                devices[WATCHDOG_DEVICES][0]['specParams'] = {}
-            if not 'model' in devices[WATCHDOG_DEVICES][0]['specParams']:
-                devices[WATCHDOG_DEVICES][0]['specParams']['model'] = \
-                    'i6300esb'
-            if not 'action' in devices[WATCHDOG_DEVICES][0]['specParams']:
-                devices[WATCHDOG_DEVICES][0]['specParams']['action'] = 'none'
-        if len(devices[CONSOLE_DEVICES]) > 1:
-            raise ValueError("Only a single console device is supported")
-        # Normalize vdsm images
-        for drv in devices[DISK_DEVICES]:
-            if isVdsmImage(drv):
-                self._normalizeVdsmImg(drv)
-        # Preserve old behavior. Since libvirt add a memory balloon device
-        # to all guests, we need to specifically request not to add it.
-        if len(devices[BALLOON_DEVICES]) == 0:
-            devices[BALLOON_DEVICES].append({
-                'type': BALLOON_DEVICES,
-                'device': 'memballoon',
-                'specParams': {
-                    'model': 'none'}})
-        return devices
-    def getConfController(self):
-        """
-        Normalize controller device.
-        """
-        controllers = []
-        # For now we create by default only 'virtio-serial' controller
-        controllers.append({'type': CONTROLLER_DEVICES,
-                            'device': 'virtio-serial'})
-        return controllers
-    def getConfVideo(self):
-        """
-        Normalize video device provided by conf.
-        """
-        vcards = []
-        if self.conf.get('display') == 'vnc':
-            devType = 'cirrus'
-        elif self.conf.get('display') == 'qxl':
-            devType = 'qxl'
-        monitors = int(self.conf.get('spiceMonitors', '1'))
-        vram = '65536' if (monitors <= 2) else '32768'
-        for idx in range(monitors):
-            vcards.append({'type': VIDEO_DEVICES, 'specParams': {'vram': vram},
-                           'device': devType})
-        return vcards
-    def getConfSmartcard(self):
-        """
-        Normalize smartcard device (now there is only one)
-        """
-        cards = []
-        if self.conf.get('smartcard'):
-            cards.append({'device': SMARTCARD_DEVICES,
-                          'specParams': {'mode': 'passthrough',
-                                         'type': 'spicevmc'}})
-        return cards
-    def getConfSound(self):
-        """
-        Normalize sound device provided by conf.
-        """
-        scards = []
-        if self.conf.get('soundDevice'):
-            scards.append({'type': SOUND_DEVICES,
-                           'device': self.conf.get('soundDevice')})
-        return scards
-    def getConfNetworkInterfaces(self):
-        """
-        Normalize networks interfaces provided by conf.
-        """
-        nics = []
-        macs = self.conf.get('macAddr', '').split(',')
-        models = self.conf.get('nicModel', '').split(',')
-        bridges = self.conf.get('bridge', DEFAULT_BRIDGE).split(',')
-        if macs == ['']:
-            macs = []
-        if models == ['']:
-            models = []
-        if bridges == ['']:
-            bridges = []
-        if len(models) < len(macs) or len(models) < len(bridges):
-            raise ValueError('Bad nic specification')
-        if models and not (macs or bridges):
-            raise ValueError('Bad nic specification')
-        if not macs or not models or not bridges:
-            return ''
-        macs = macs + [macs[-1]] * (len(models) - len(macs))
-        bridges = bridges + [bridges[-1]] * (len(models) - len(bridges))
-        for mac, model, bridge in zip(macs, models, bridges):
-            if model == 'pv':
-                model = 'virtio'
-            nics.append({'type': NIC_DEVICES, 'macAddr': mac,
-                         'nicModel': model, 'network': bridge,
-                         'device': 'bridge'})
-        return nics
-    def getConfDrives(self):
-        """
-        Normalize drives provided by conf.
-        """
-        # FIXME
-        # Will be better to change the self.conf but this implies an API change
-        # Remove this when the API parameters will be consistent.
-        confDrives = self.conf.get('drives', [])
-        if not confDrives:
-            confDrives.extend(self.__legacyDrives())
-        confDrives.extend(self.__removableDrives())
-        for drv in confDrives:
-            drv['type'] = DISK_DEVICES
-            drv['format'] = drv.get('format') or 'raw'
-            drv['propagateErrors'] = drv.get('propagateErrors') or 'off'
-            drv['readonly'] = False
-            drv['shared'] = False
-            # FIXME: For BC we have now two identical keys: iface = if
-            # Till the day that conf will not returned as a status anymore.
-            drv['iface'] = drv.get('iface') or drv.get('if', 'ide')
-        # Update indices for drives devices
-        self.normalizeDrivesIndices(confDrives)
-        return confDrives
     def updateDriveIndex(self, drv):
         if not drv['iface'] in self._usedIndices:
             self._usedIndices[drv['iface']] = []
@@ -2825,9 +2659,9 @@
     def _run(self):"VM wrapper has started")
         self.conf['smp'] = self.conf.get('smp', '1')
+        devices = self.getConfDevices()
         if not 'recover' in self.conf:
-            devices = self.buildConfDevices()
             # Update self.conf with updated devices
             # For old type vmParams, new 'devices' key will be
@@ -2851,10 +2685,7 @@
             # For BC we should to keep running VM run after vdsm upgrade.
             # So, because this vm doesn't have normalize conf we need to build
             # it in recovery flow
-            if not self.conf.get('devices'):
-                devices = self.buildConfDevices()
-            else:
-                devices = self.getConfDevices()
+            pass
         devMap = {DISK_DEVICES: Drive,
                   NIC_DEVICES: NetworkInterfaceDevice,

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I2712148b670c9f85beaea40a0b2e870d829b2b4b
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: vdsm
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Martin Polednik <mpoledni at>

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