Change in vdsm[master]: Separate adding libvirt network from configuring host networ...

wudxw at wudxw at
Mon Apr 29 06:26:34 UTC 2013

Mark Wu has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: Separate adding libvirt network from configuring host network.

Separate adding libvirt network from configuring host network.

It makes it simpler to test the network configure functions, and
also make the code a little bit cleaner.

Change-Id: Ie974e17538ed92cbf8d3d23d8c23f276cf3b3bc3
Signed-off-by: Mark Wu <wudxw at>
M vdsm/
M vdsm/netconf/
2 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// refs/changes/05/14305/1

diff --git a/vdsm/ b/vdsm/
index b5cca25..e358b95 100755
--- a/vdsm/
+++ b/vdsm/
@@ -302,20 +302,22 @@
     if bridged:
-        configurator.configureBridge(network, vlan, bonding, nics, ipaddr,
-                                     netmask, mtu, gateway, bondingOptions,
-                                     async, **options)
+        iface = configurator.configureBridge(network, vlan, bonding, nics,
+                                             ipaddr, netmask, mtu, gateway,
+                                             bondingOptions, async, **options)
     elif vlan:
-        configurator.configureVlan(network, vlan, None, bonding, nics,
-                                   ipaddr, netmask, mtu, gateway,
-                                   bondingOptions, async, **options)
+        iface = configurator.configureVlan(vlan, None, bonding, nics, ipaddr,
+                                           netmask, mtu, gateway,
+                                           bondingOptions, async, **options)
     elif bonding:
-        configurator.configureBond(network, bonding, nics, ipaddr, netmask,
-                                   mtu, gateway, None, bondingOptions, async,
-                                   **options)
+        iface = configurator.configureBond(network, bonding, nics, ipaddr,
+                                           netmask, mtu, gateway, None,
+                                           bondingOptions, async, **options)
     elif nics:
-        configurator.configureNic(network, nics[0], None, bonding, ipaddr,
-                                  netmask, mtu, gateway, async, **options)
+        iface = configurator.configureNic(network, nics[0], None, bonding,
+                                          ipaddr, netmask, mtu, gateway, async,
+                                          **options)
+    configurator.configureNetwork(network, bridged, iface)
 def assertBridgeClean(bridge, vlan, bonding, nics):
diff --git a/vdsm/netconf/ b/vdsm/netconf/
index ff5b66f..ef8478c 100644
--- a/vdsm/netconf/
+++ b/vdsm/netconf/
@@ -65,60 +65,58 @@
             self.configWriter = None
             self._libvirtAdded = set()
-    def configureBridge(self, network, vlan=None, bonding=None, nics=None,
+    def configureNetwork(self, network, bridged, iface):
+        self.configWriter.createLibvirtNetwork(network, True, iface)
+    def configureBridge(self, bridge, vlan=None, bonding=None, nics=None,
                         ipaddr=None, netmask=None, mtu=None, gateway=None,
                         bondingOptions=None, async=False, bootproto=None,
-        self.configWriter.addBridge(network, ipaddr=ipaddr, netmask=netmask,
+        self.configWriter.addBridge(bridge, ipaddr=ipaddr, netmask=netmask,
                                     mtu=mtu, gateway=gateway,
                                     bootproto=bootproto, **options)
-        ifdown(network)
+        ifdown(bridge)
         bootproto = None
         if vlan:
-            iface = self.configureVlan(None, vlan, bridge=network,
-                                       bonding=bonding, nics=nics, mtu=mtu,
-                                       bondingOptions=bondingOptions,
-                                       bootproto=bootproto, **options)
+            self.configureVlan(vlan, bridge=bridge, bonding=bonding,
+                               nics=nics, mtu=mtu,
+                               bondingOptions=bondingOptions,
+                               bootproto=bootproto, **options)
         elif bonding:
-            iface = self.configureBond(None, bonding, nics, bridge=network,
-                                       bondingOptions=bondingOptions, mtu=mtu,
-                                       bootproto=bootproto, **options)
-        elif nics:
-            mtu = self.configWriter.getMaxMtu(nics, mtu)
-            for nic in nics:
-                iface = self.configureNic(None, nic, bridge=network, mtu=mtu,
-                                          bootproto=bootproto, **options)
-        else:
-            iface = None
-        ifup(network, async)
-        self.configWriter.createLibvirtNetwork(network, True, iface)
-    def configureVlan(self, network, vlan, bridge=None, bonding=None,
-                      nics=None, ipaddr=None, netmask=None, mtu=None,
-                      gateway=None, bondingOptions=None, async=False,
-                      bootproto=None, **options):
-        iface = (bonding or nics[0])
-        self.configWriter.addVlan(vlan, iface, network=bridge, mtu=mtu,
-                                  bridged=bridge is not None, ipaddr=ipaddr,
-                                  netmask=netmask, gateway=gateway,
-                                  bootproto=bootproto, **options)
-        iface += '.' + vlan
-        bootproto = None
-        if bonding:
-            self.configureBond(None, bonding, nics, bridge=None,
+            self.configureBond(bonding, nics, bridge=bridge,
                                bondingOptions=bondingOptions, mtu=mtu,
                                bootproto=bootproto, **options)
         elif nics:
             mtu = self.configWriter.getMaxMtu(nics, mtu)
             for nic in nics:
-                self.configureNic(None, nic, bridge=None, mtu=mtu,
+                self.configureNic(nic, bridge=bridge, mtu=mtu,
+                                  bootproto=bootproto, **options)
+        ifup(bridge, async)
+    def configureVlan(self, vlan, bridge=None, bonding=None,
+                      nics=None, ipaddr=None, netmask=None, mtu=None,
+                      gateway=None, bondingOptions=None, async=False,
+                      bootproto=None, **options):
+        iface = (bonding or nics[0])
+        self.configWriter.addVlan(vlan, iface, bridge=bridge, mtu=mtu,
+                                  ipaddr=ipaddr, netmask=netmask,
+                                  gateway=gateway, bootproto=bootproto,
+                                  **options)
+        iface += '.' + vlan
+        bootproto = None
+        if bonding:
+            self.configureBond(bonding, nics, bridge=None,
+                               bondingOptions=bondingOptions, mtu=mtu,
+                               bootproto=bootproto, **options)
+        elif nics:
+            mtu = self.configWriter.getMaxMtu(nics, mtu)
+            for nic in nics:
+                self.configureNic(nic, bridge=None, mtu=mtu,
                                   bootproto=bootproto, **options)
         ifup(iface, async)
-        if network:
-            self.configWriter.createLibvirtNetwork(network, False, iface)
         return iface
-    def configureBond(self, network, bonding, nics, ipaddr=None,
+    def configureBond(self, bonding, nics, ipaddr=None,
                       netmask=None, mtu=None, gateway=None, bridge=None,
                       bondingOptions=None, async=False, bootproto=None,
@@ -129,15 +127,13 @@
                                      netmask=netmask, gateway=gateway,
                                      bootproto=bootproto, **options)
         for nic in nics:
-            self.configureNic(None, nic, bonding=bonding, mtu=mtu,
+            self.configureNic(nic, bonding=bonding, mtu=mtu,
                               bootproto=None, **options)
         ifup(bonding, async)
-        if network:
-            self.configWriter.createLibvirtNetwork(network, False, bonding)
         return bonding
-    def configureNic(self, network, nic, bridge=None, bonding=None,
+    def configureNic(self, nic, bridge=None, bonding=None,
                      ipaddr=None, netmask=None, mtu=None, gateway=None,
                      async=False, bootproto=None, **options):
         self.configWriter.addNic(nic, bonding=bonding, bridge=bridge, mtu=mtu,
@@ -147,8 +143,6 @@
         if not bonding:
             ifup(nic, async)
-        if network:
-            self.configWriter.createLibvirtNetwork(network, False, nic)
         return nic
     def configureBonding(self, bond, nics, bridge=None, mtu=None,
@@ -608,14 +602,14 @@
         self._createConfFile(conf, name, ipaddr, netmask, gateway,
                              bootproto, mtu, onboot, **kwargs)
-    def addVlan(self, vlanId, iface, network, mtu=None, bridged=True,
-                ipaddr=None, netmask=None, gateway=None, bootproto=None,
+    def addVlan(self, vlanId, iface, bridge=None, mtu=None, ipaddr=None,
+                netmask=None, gateway=None, bootproto=None,
                 onboot='yes', **kwargs):
         """ Create ifcfg-* file with proper fields for VLAN """
         name = '%s.%s' % (pipes.quote(iface), vlanId)
         conf = 'VLAN=yes\n'
-        if bridged:
-            conf += 'BRIDGE=%s\n' % pipes.quote(network)
+        if bridge:
+            conf += 'BRIDGE=%s\n' % pipes.quote(bridge)
         self._createConfFile(conf, name, ipaddr, netmask, gateway,
                              bootproto, mtu, onboot, **kwargs)

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ie974e17538ed92cbf8d3d23d8c23f276cf3b3bc3
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: vdsm
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Mark Wu <wudxw at>

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