Change in vdsm[master]: test: Add test cases for domxml generation

wudxw at wudxw at
Mon Oct 15 05:36:45 UTC 2012

Mark Wu has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: test: Add test cases for domxml generation

test: Add test cases for domxml generation

Change-Id: I1b0f9956084df8cec81f93a1a95944437e00c3e4
Signed-off-by: Mark Wu <wudxw at>
M tests/
A tests/
2 files changed, 380 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// refs/changes/44/8544/1

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index a5e4c64..2b61dde 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ \ \ \
+ \ \ \ \
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d224ce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+# Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license
+import re
+import libvirtvm
+from vdsm import constants
+from testrunner import VdsmTestCase as TestCaseBase
+class TestLibvirtvm(TestCaseBase):
+    PCI_ADDR = \
+        'bus="0x00" domain="0x0000" function="0x0" slot="0x03" type="pci"'
+    PCI_ADDR_DICT = {'slot': '0x03', 'bus': '0x00', 'domain': '0x0000',
+                     'function': '0x0', 'type': 'pci'}
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        TestCaseBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.conf = {'vmName': 'testVm',
+                     'vmId': '9ffe28b6-6134-4b1e-8804-1185f49c436f',
+                     'smp': '8', 'memSize': '1024'}
+    def assertXML(self, element, expectedXML, tagName=None, attrName=None):
+        if tagName is None:
+            converted = element.toprettyxml()
+        else:
+            for node in element.getElementsByTagName(tagName):
+                # Use attribute to tell a specific elements from others
+                # with the same tag name.
+                if not attrName or attrName and node.hasAttribute(attrName):
+                    converted = node.toprettyxml()
+        self.assertEqual(re.sub('\n\s*', ' ', converted).strip(' '),
+                         re.sub('\n\s*', ' ', expectedXML).strip(' '))
+    def testDomXML(self):
+        expectedXML = """
+           <domain type="kvm">
+              <name>testVm</name>
+              <uuid>9ffe28b6-6134-4b1e-8804-1185f49c436f</uuid>
+              <memory>1048576</memory>
+              <currentMemory>1048576</currentMemory>
+              <vcpu>8</vcpu>
+              <devices/>
+           </domain>"""
+        domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, expectedXML)
+    def testOSXML(self):
+        OSXML = """
+            <os>
+                 <type arch="x86_64" machine="pc">hvm</type>
+                 <boot dev="%s"/>
+                 <smbios mode="sysinfo"/>
+            </os>"""
+        qemu2libvirtBoot = {'a': 'fd', 'c': 'hd', 'd': 'cdrom', 'n': 'network'}
+        for k, v in qemu2libvirtBoot.iteritems():
+            self.conf['boot'] = k
+            expectedXML = OSXML % v
+            domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+            domxml.appendOs()
+            self.assertXML(domxml.dom, expectedXML, 'os')
+        OSXML = """
+            <os>
+                <type arch="x86_64" machine="pc">hvm</type>
+                <initrd>/tmp/initrd-2.6.18.img</initrd>
+                <kernel>/tmp/vmlinuz-2.6.18</kernel>
+                <cmdline>console=ttyS0 1</cmdline>
+                <smbios mode="sysinfo"/>
+            </os>"""
+        del self.conf['boot']
+        self.conf['kernel'] = '/tmp/vmlinuz-2.6.18'
+        self.conf['initrd'] = '/tmp/initrd-2.6.18.img'
+        self.conf['kernelArgs'] = 'console=ttyS0 1'
+        domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+        domxml.appendOs()
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, OSXML, 'os')
+    def testFeaturesXML(self):
+        featuresXML = """
+            <features>
+                  <acpi/>
+            </features>"""
+        domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+        domxml.appendFeatures()
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, featuresXML, 'features')
+    def testSysinfoXML(self):
+        sysinfoXML = """
+            <sysinfo type="smbios">
+              <system>
+                <entry name="manufacturer">%s</entry>
+                <entry name="product">%s</entry>
+                <entry name="version">%s</entry>
+                <entry name="serial">%s</entry>
+                <entry name="uuid">%s</entry>
+              </system>
+            </sysinfo>"""
+        product = 'oVirt Node'
+        version = '17-1'
+        serial = 'A5955881-519B-11CB-8352-E78A528C28D8_00:21:cc:68:d7:38'
+        sysinfoXML = sysinfoXML % (constants.SMBIOS_MANUFACTURER,
+                                   product, version, serial, self.conf['vmId'])
+        domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+        domxml.appendSysinfo(product, version, serial)
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, sysinfoXML, 'sysinfo')
+    def testConsoleXML(self):
+        consoleXML = """
+            <console type="pty">
+                <target port="0" type="virtio"/>
+            </console>"""
+        domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+        domxml.appendConsole()
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, consoleXML, 'console')
+    def testClockXML(self):
+        clockXML = """
+            <clock adjustment="-3600" offset="variable">
+                <timer name="rtc" tickpolicy="catchup"/>
+            </clock>"""
+        self.conf['timeOffset'] = '-3600'
+        domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+        domxml.appendClock()
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, clockXML, 'clock')
+    def testCpuXML(self):
+        cpuXML = """
+          <cpu match="exact">
+              <model>Opteron_G4</model>
+              <topology cores="2" sockets="2" threads="2"/>
+              <feature name="sse4.1" policy="require"/>
+              <feature name="sse4.2" policy="require"/>
+              <feature name="svm" policy="disable"/>
+          </cpu> """
+        cputuneXML = """
+          <cputune>
+              <vcpupin cpuset="2-3" vcpu="1"/>
+              <vcpupin cpuset="0-1" vcpu="0"/>
+          </cputune> """
+        self.conf['cpuType'] = "Opteron_G4,+sse4_1,+sse4_2,-svm"
+        self.conf['smpCoresPerSocket'] = 2
+        self.conf['smpThreadsPerCore'] = 2
+        self.conf['cpuPinning'] = {'0': '0-1', '1': '2-3'}
+        domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+        domxml.appendCpu()
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, cpuXML, 'cpu')
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, cputuneXML, 'cputune')
+    def testChannelXML(self):
+        channelXML = """
+          <channel type="unix">
+             <target name="%s" type="virtio"/>
+             <source mode="bind" path="%s"/>
+          </channel>"""
+        path = '/tmp/channel-socket'
+        name = 'org.linux-kvm.port.0'
+        channelXML = channelXML % (name, path)
+        domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+        domxml._appendAgentDevice(path, name)
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, channelXML, 'channel')
+    def testInputXML(self):
+        mouseXML = """
+          <input bus="ps2" type="mouse"/>"""
+        domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+        domxml.appendInput()
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, mouseXML, 'input')
+        tabletXML = """
+          <input bus="usb" type="tablet"/>"""
+        self.conf['tabletEnable'] = 'true'
+        domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+        domxml.appendInput()
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, tabletXML, 'input')
+    def testGraphicsXML(self):
+        vncXML = """
+            <graphics autoport="yes" keymap="en-us" passwd="*****"
+                      passwdValidTo="1970-01-01T00:00:01" port="-1" type="vnc">
+                <listen network="vdsm-vmDisplay" type="network"/>
+            </graphics>"""
+        self.conf['display'] = 'vnc'
+        self.conf['displayPort'] = '-1'
+        self.conf['displayNetwork'] = 'vmDisplay'
+        self.conf['keyboardLayout'] = 'en-us'
+        domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+        domxml.appendGraphics()
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, vncXML, 'graphics')
+        spiceChannelXML = """
+            <channel type="spicevmc">
+                <target name="com.redhat.spice.0" type="virtio"/>
+            </channel>"""
+        spiceXML = """
+            <graphics autoport="yes" keymap="en-us" passwd="*****"
+                      passwdValidTo="1970-01-01T00:00:01" port="-1"
+                      tlsPort="-1" type="spice">
+                <channel mode="secure" name="main"/>
+                <channel mode="secure" name="inputs"/>
+                <channel mode="secure" name="cursor"/>
+                <channel mode="secure" name="playback"/>
+                <channel mode="secure" name="record"/>
+                <channel mode="secure" name="display"/>
+                <listen network="vdsm-vmDisplay" type="network"/>
+            </graphics>"""
+        self.conf['spiceSecureChannels'] = \
+                      "smain,sinputs,scursor,splayback,srecord,sdisplay"
+        self.conf['display'] = 'qxl'
+        self.conf['displaySecurePort'] = '-1'
+        domxml = libvirtvm._DomXML(self.conf, self.log)
+        domxml.appendGraphics()
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, spiceChannelXML, 'channel', 'type')
+        self.assertXML(domxml.dom, spiceXML, 'graphics')
+    def testBalloonXML(self):
+        balloonXML = '<memballoon model="virtio"/>'
+        dev = {'device': 'memballoon', 'type': 'balloon',
+               'specParams': {'model': 'virtio'}}
+        balloon = libvirtvm.BalloonDevice(self.conf, self.log, **dev)
+        self.assertXML(balloon.getXML(), balloonXML)
+    def testSoundXML(self):
+        soundXML = '<sound model="ac97"/>'
+        dev = {'device': 'ac97'}
+        sound = libvirtvm.SoundDevice(self.conf, self.log, **dev)
+        self.assertXML(sound.getXML(), soundXML)
+    def testVideoXML(self):
+        videoXML = """
+            <video>
+                <model heads="1" type="vga" vram="8192"/>
+            </video>"""
+        dev = {'device': 'vga', 'specParams': {'vram': '8192'}}
+        video = libvirtvm.VideoDevice(self.conf, self.log, **dev)
+        self.assertXML(video.getXML(), videoXML)
+    def testInterfaceXML(self):
+        interfaceXML = """
+            <interface type="bridge"> <address %s/>
+                <mac address="52:54:00:59:F5:3F"/>
+                <model type="virtio"/>
+                <source bridge="ovirtmgmt"/>
+                <filterref filter="no-mac-spoofing"/>
+                <boot order="1"/>
+                <driver name="vhost"/>
+                <tune>
+                    <sndbuf>0</sndbuf>
+                </tune>
+            </interface>""" % self.PCI_ADDR
+        dev = {'nicModel': 'virtio', 'macAddr': '52:54:00:59:F5:3F',
+               'network': 'ovirtmgmt', 'address': self.PCI_ADDR_DICT,
+               'device': 'bridge', 'type': 'interface',
+               'bootOrder': '1', 'filter': 'no-mac-spoofing'}
+        self.conf['custom'] = {'vhost': 'ovirtmgmt:true', 'sndbuf': '0'}
+        iface = libvirtvm.NetworkInterfaceDevice(self.conf, self.log, **dev)
+        self.assertXML(iface.getXML(), interfaceXML)
+    def testControllerXML(self):
+        ideXML = """
+            <controller index="0" type="ide">
+                <address %s/>
+            </controller>""" % self.PCI_ADDR
+        dev = {'device': 'ide', 'index': '0', 'address': self.PCI_ADDR_DICT}
+        ide = libvirtvm.ControllerDevice(self.conf, self.log, **dev)
+        self.assertXML(ide.getXML(), ideXML)
+        virtioSerialXML = """
+            <controller index="0" ports="16" type="virtio-serial">
+                <address %s/>
+            </controller>""" % self.PCI_ADDR
+        dev = {'device': 'virtio-serial', 'address': self.PCI_ADDR_DICT}
+        virtioSerial = libvirtvm.ControllerDevice(self.conf, self.log, **dev)
+        self.assertXML(virtioSerial.getXML(), virtioSerialXML)
+        usbXML = """
+            <controller index="0" model="ich9-ehci1" type="usb">
+                <master startport="0"/>
+                <address %s/>
+            </controller>""" % self.PCI_ADDR
+        dev = {'device': 'usb', 'model': 'ich9-ehci1', 'index': '0',
+               'master': {'startport': '0'}, 'address': self.PCI_ADDR_DICT}
+        usb = libvirtvm.ControllerDevice(self.conf, self.log, **dev)
+        self.assertXML(usb.getXML(), usbXML)
+    def testRedirXML(self):
+        redirXML = """
+            <redirdev type="spicevmc">
+                <address %s/>
+            </redirdev>""" % self.PCI_ADDR
+        dev = {'device': 'spicevmc', 'address': self.PCI_ADDR_DICT}
+        redir = libvirtvm.RedirDevice(self.conf, self.log, **dev)
+        self.assertXML(redir.getXML(), redirXML)
+    def testDriveXML(self):
+        SERIAL = '54-a672-23e5b495a9ea'
+        cdromXML = """
+            <disk device="cdrom" snapshot="no" type="file">
+                <source file="/tmp/fedora.iso" startupPolicy="optional"/>
+                <target bus="ide" dev="hdc"/>
+                <readonly/>
+                <serial>%s</serial>
+            </disk>""" % SERIAL
+        dev = {'index': '2', 'propagateErrors': 'off', 'iface': 'ide',
+               'name': 'hdc', 'format': 'raw', 'device': 'cdrom',
+               'path': '/tmp/fedora.iso', 'type': 'disk', 'readonly': 'True',
+               'shared': 'False', 'serial': SERIAL}
+        cdrom = libvirtvm.Drive(self.conf, self.log, **dev)
+        self.assertXML(cdrom.getXML(), cdromXML)
+        rawBlockXML = """
+            <disk device="disk" snapshot="no" type="block">
+                <source dev="/dev/mapper/lun1"/>
+                <target bus="virtio" dev="vda"/>
+                <serial>%s</serial>
+                <driver cache="none" error_policy="stop"
+                        io="native" name="qemu" type="raw"/>
+            </disk>""" % SERIAL
+        dev = {'index': '0', 'propagateErrors': 'off', 'iface': 'virtio',
+               'name': 'vda', 'format': 'raw', 'device': 'disk',
+               'path': '/dev/mapper/lun1', 'type': 'disk', 'readonly': 'False',
+               'shared': 'False', 'serial': SERIAL}
+        rawBlock = libvirtvm.Drive(self.conf, self.log, **dev)
+        # Patch Drive.blockDev to skip the block device checking.
+        rawBlock._blockDev = True
+        self.assertXML(rawBlock.getXML(), rawBlockXML)
+        qcow2VirtioXML = """
+            <disk device="disk" snapshot="no" type="file">
+                <source file="/tmp/disk1.img"/>
+                <target bus="virtio" dev="vda"/>
+                <shareable/>
+                <serial>%s</serial>
+                <driver cache="writethrough" error_policy="enospace"
+                        io="threads" name="qemu" type="qcow2"/>
+            </disk>""" % SERIAL
+        dev = {'index': '0', 'propagateErrors': 'on', 'iface': 'virtio',
+               'name': 'vda', 'format': 'cow', 'device': 'disk',
+               'path': '/tmp/disk1.img', 'type': 'disk', 'readonly': 'False',
+               'shared': 'True', 'serial': SERIAL}
+        self.conf['custom'] = {'viodiskcache': 'writethrough'}
+        qcow2Virtio = libvirtvm.Drive(self.conf, self.log, **dev)
+        # Patch Drive.blockDev to skip the block device checking.
+        qcow2Virtio._blockDev = False
+        self.assertXML(qcow2Virtio.getXML(), qcow2VirtioXML)

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I1b0f9956084df8cec81f93a1a95944437e00c3e4
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: vdsm
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Mark Wu <wudxw at>

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