Change in vdsm[master]: Initial commit of the tool for starting VM without the manag...

Pablo.Iranzo at Pablo.Iranzo at
Mon Nov 26 14:48:38 UTC 2012

Pablo Iranzo Gómez has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: Initial commit of the tool for starting VM without the manager being available

Initial commit of the tool for starting VM without the manager being available

Change-Id: I9a70b31ce0730194880406701316f219c9f92ceb
Signed-off-by: Pablo <Pablo.Iranzo at>
A contrib/forceVMstart/
1 file changed, 490 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// refs/changes/73/9473/1

diff --git a/contrib/forceVMstart/ b/contrib/forceVMstart/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41fe068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/forceVMstart/
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Licensed to you under the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Require Packages: python-iniparse
+import getopt
+import sys
+import commands
+import os
+import socket
+from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
+        from iniparse import ConfigParser
+        print "Package python-iniparse is required, please install"
+        print "#yum install python-iniparse -y"
+        sys.exit(1)
+# Adding vdsm .pyc libraries to python path
+	import vdscli
+	print "Cannot import vdscli, please contact Red Hat support"
+	sys.exit(1)
+	import vdsClient
+	print "Cannot import vdsClient, please contact Red Hat support"
+	sys.exit(1)
+# General Macros	
+VERSION = "1.0.0"
+VDSM_PORT = "54321"
+DEBUG = "False" # True or False
+class vdsmEmergency:
+	##########################################################################
+	# __init__()								 #
+	# Description: Initialize method					 #
+	##########################################################################
+	def __init__(self):
+		sslRet = self.checkSSLvdsm()
+		self.useSSL = sslRet
+		self.truststore = None
+	##########################################################################
+	# do_connect()                                                           #
+	# Description: Do a connection with vdsm daemon                          #
+	##########################################################################
+	def do_connect(self, server, port):
+		print "Trying to connect to vdsmd host (%s).." % server
+		# Connection Validation
+		sk = socket.socket()
+		try:
+			sk.connect((server, int(VDSM_PORT)))
+		except Exception, e:
+			print "Unable to connect %s" % server 
+			sk.close()
+			return -1
+		self.s = vdscli.connect(server + ':' + port, self.useSSL, self.truststore)
+		print "OK, Connected to vdsmd!"
+		return 0
+	##########################################################################
+	# checkRoot()                                                            #
+	# Description: check if the user running the script is root              #
+	##########################################################################
+	def checkRoot(self):
+		if os.geteuid() != 0:
+			print "You must be root to run this script."
+			sys.exit(2)
+	##########################################################################
+	# getIpRHEVM()								 #
+	# Description: get the IP from RHEVM Interface				 #
+	##########################################################################
+	def getIpRHEVM(self):
+		# TODO: avoid this kind of hack, find a better approach (vdsClient provide the IP of rhevm interface?)
+		strCmd = "ifconfig  rhevm | grep \"inet addr\" | cut -d \':\' -f 2 | cut -d \' \' -f 1"
+		retCmd = commands.getstatusoutput(strCmd)
+		if retCmd[0] != 0:
+			print "Error getting IP from rhevm interface"
+			sys.exit(1)
+		return retCmd[1]
+	##########################################################################
+	# checkSSLvdsm()                                                         #
+	# Description: check if vdsm is running as SSL or without it             #
+	##########################################################################
+	def checkSSLvdsm(self):
+		cfg = ConfigParser()
+		cfg.get('vars', 'ssl')
+		return
+	##########################################################################
+	# checkVmRunning()                                                       #
+	# Description: check if the vms are running				 #
+	##########################################################################
+	def checkVmRunning(self, otherHostsList, VmsToStart):
+		hosts = None
+		vms   = None
+		i = 0
+		j = 0
+		if otherHostsList == None:
+			return -1
+		if VmsToStart == None:
+			return -1
+		vms   = VmsToStart.split(",")
+		hosts = otherHostsList.split(",")
+		# Let's check if all other Hosts are running the VirtualMachine
+		while (i <> len(hosts)):
+			ret = VE.do_connect(hosts[i], VDSM_PORT)
+			if ret < 0:
+				sys.exit(1)
+			response = self.s.list()
+			if response['status']['code'] != 0:
+            			print "cannot execute list operation, err:" + response['status']['message']
+			# Checking VM status
+			for s in self.s.getAllVmStats()['statsList']:
+				j = 0
+				# print all vms in each host
+				while j < len(vms):
+					if DEBUG == "True":
+						print len(vms)
+                                		print s['vmId']
+						print hosts[i]
+                                		print vms[j]
+					vmIdCurr = self.getVmId(vms[j])
+					if DEBUG == "True":
+						print vmIdCurr
+						print s['vmId'] 
+					if s['vmId'] == vmIdCurr and s['status'] == "Up":
+						print "Cannot continue, the VM %s is running in host %s" % (vms[j], hosts[i])
+						sys.exit(1)
+					j = j + 1
+			# counter for hosts
+			i = i + 1
+		print "OK, the vm(s) specified are not running on the host(s) informed, continuing.."
+	##########################################################################
+	# checkSPM()                                                             #
+	# Description: check if the host which is running this script is the SPM #
+	##########################################################################
+	def checkSPM(self):
+		self.spUUID = None
+		self.spmStatus = None
+		ip_rhevm_interface = self.getIpRHEVM()
+		self.do_connect(ip_rhevm_interface, VDSM_PORT)
+		try:
+			list = self.s.getConnectedStoragePoolsList()
+		except:
+			print "Cannot execute getConnectedStoragePoolsList()"
+			sys.exit(1)
+		for entry in list['poollist']:
+			self.spUUID = entry 
+		if not self.spUUID:
+			print "Cannot locate Storage Pools List.. aborting!"
+			sys.exit(1)
+		try:
+			status = self.s.getSpmStatus(self.spUUID)
+		except:
+			print "Cannot execute getSpmStatus()"
+			sys.exit(1)
+		self.spmStatus = status['spm_st']['spmStatus']
+		if self.spmStatus <> "SPM":
+			print "This host is not the current SPM, status [%s]" % self.spmStatus
+			sys.exit(1)
+	######################################################################
+	# getVmId()	                                                     #
+	# Description: get the vmId from the vmName used as argument         #
+	######################################################################
+	def getVmId(self, vmName):
+		path = "/rhev/data-center/%s/vms" % (self.spUUID)
+		# First verify which domainID contain de XML files
+                try:
+                        dirList = os.listdir(path)
+                except:
+                        print "Cannot locate the dir with ovf files.. aborting!"
+                        sys.exit(1)
+		#Read all content of xml(s) file(s)
+                for fname in dirList:
+                        pathOVF = path + "/" + fname + "/" + fname + ".ovf"
+                        dom = parse(pathOVF)
+                        # Getting vmId field
+                        i = 0 
+                        attr = 0
+                        for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('Section'):
+                                while ( i <  len(node.attributes)):
+                                        attr = node.attributes.items()
+                                        if attr[i][0] == "ovf:id":
+                                        	vmId = attr[i][1]
+                                        i = i + 1
+                        # Getting vmName field
+                        for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('Content'):
+                                if node.childNodes[0].firstChild <> None:
+                                        if node.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue == vmName:
+						return vmId
+        def _parseDriveSpec(self, spec):
+            if ',' in spec:
+                d = {}
+                for s in spec.split(','):
+                    k, v = s.split(':', 1)
+                    if k == 'domain': d['domainID'] = v
+                    if k == 'pool': d['poolID'] = v
+                    if k == 'image': d['imageID'] = v
+                    if k == 'volume': d['volumeID'] = v
+                    if k == 'boot': d['boot'] = v
+                    if k == 'format': d['format'] = v
+                return d
+            return spec
+	######################################################################
+	# readXML()	                                                     #
+	# Description: read all xml available pointed to Direcory path and   #
+	#              parse for specific fields                             #
+	######################################################################
+	def readXML(self, VmsStotart, destHostStart):
+		# number of Vms found
+		nrmVms = 0
+		cmd = {}
+		# Path to XML files
+		# example default path:
+		# /rhev/data-center/1a516f64-f091-4785-9278-362037513408/vms
+		path = "/rhev/data-center/%s/vms" % (self.spUUID)
+		# First verify which domainID contain de XML files
+		try:
+			dirList = os.listdir(path)
+		except:
+			print "Cannot locate the dir with ovf files.. aborting!"
+			sys.exit(1)
+		#Read all content of xml(s) file(s)
+		for fname in dirList:
+			pathOVF = path + "/" + fname + "/" + fname + ".ovf" 
+			cmd['display']="vnc"
+                        cmd['kvmEnable']="True"
+                        cmd['tabletEnable']="True"
+                        cmd['vmEnable']="True"
+                        cmd['irqChip']="True"
+                        cmd['nice']=0
+                        cmd['keyboardLayout']="en-us"
+                        cmd['acpiEnable']="True"
+                        cmd['tdf']="True"
+			dom = parse(pathOVF)
+			# Getting vmId field
+			i = 0 
+			attr = 0
+			for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('Section'):
+				while ( i <  len(node.attributes)):
+					attr = node.attributes.items()
+					if attr[i][0] == "ovf:id":
+						cmd["vmId"] = attr[i][1]
+					i = i + 1
+			# Getting vmName field
+			for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('Content'):
+				if node.childNodes[0].firstChild <> None:
+					self.vmName = node.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue
+					cmd['vmName'] = self.vmName
+			# Getting image and volume
+			i = 0
+			attr = 0
+			for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('Disk'):
+				while (i <>  len(node.attributes)):
+					attr = node.attributes.items()
+					if attr[i][0] == "ovf:fileRef":
+						storage = attr[i][1]
+						data = storage.split("/")
+						image  = data[0]
+						volume = data[1]
+                        		i += 1
+			# Getting VM format, boot
+			i = 0
+			attr =0
+			for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('Disk'):
+				while (i <>  len(node.attributes)):
+					attr = node.attributes.items()
+					if attr[i][0] == "ovf:volume-format":
+						format = attr[i][1]
+					if attr[i][0] == "ovf:boot":
+						vmBoot = attr[i][1]
+					if attr[i][0] == "ovf:disk-interface":
+						ifFormat = attr[i][1]
+					i += 1
+			if format == "COW":
+				vmFormat = ":cow"
+			elif format == "RAW":
+				vmFormat = ":raw"
+			if ifFormat == "VirtIO":
+				ifDisk = "virtio"
+			elif ifFormat == "IDE":
+				ifDisk = "ide"
+			drives = []
+			# Getting Drive, bridge, memSize, macAddr, smp, smpCoresPerSocket
+			for node in dom.getElementsByTagName('Item'):
+				# Getting Drive
+				if node.childNodes[0].firstChild <> None:
+					str = node.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue
+					if str.find("Drive") > -1:
+                                                tmp = "pool:" + self.spUUID + ",domain:" + node.childNodes[7].firstChild.nodeValue + ",image:" + image +  ",volume:" + volume + ",boot:" + vmBoot +  ",format" + vmFormat + ",if:" + ifDisk
+                                                #param,value = tmp.split("=",1)
+                                                drives += [self._parseDriveSpec(tmp)]
+                                                cmd['drives'] = drives
+				# Getting bridge
+				nicMod = None
+				if node.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue == "Ethernet adapter on rhevm":
+					if node.childNodes[3].firstChild.nodeValue == "3":
+						nicMod = "pv" #VirtIO
+					elif node.childNodes[3].firstChild.nodeValue == "2":
+						nicMod = "e1000" #e1000
+					elif node.childNodes[3].firstChild.nodeValue == "1":
+						nicMod = "rtl8139" #rtl8139
+					cmd['nicModel'] = nicMod
+                                        cmd['bridge'] = node.childNodes[4].firstChild.nodeValue
+				# Getting memSize field
+				str = node.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue
+				if str.find("MB of memory") > -1:
+					cmd['memSize'] = node.childNodes[5].firstChild.nodeValue
+				# Getting smp and smpCoresPerSocket fields
+				str = node.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue
+				if str.find("virtual cpu") > -1:
+					cmd["smp="] = node.childNodes[4].firstChild.nodeValue
+					cmd["smpCoresPerSocket"] = node.childNodes[5].firstChild.nodeValue
+				# Getting macAddr field
+				if node.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue == "Ethernet adapter on rhevm":
+					if len(node.childNodes) > 6:
+						cmd['macAddr'] = node.childNodes[6].firstChild.nodeValue
+					# if node.childNodes < 6 it`s a template entry, so ignore
+					if len(node.childNodes) > 6:
+						# print only vms to start
+						try:
+							checkvms = VmsToStart.split(",")
+						except:
+							print "Please use , between vms name, avoid space"
+							self.usage()
+						i = 0
+						while (i <> len(checkvms)):
+							if self.vmName == checkvms[i]:
+								nrmVms = nrmVms + 1
+								self.startVM(cmd, destHostStart)
+							i += 1
+		print "Total VMs found: %s" % nrmVms
+	######################################################################
+	# startVM()	                                                     #
+	# Description: start the VM                                          #
+	######################################################################
+	def startVM(self, cmd, destHostStart):
+		self.do_connect(destHostStart, VDSM_PORT)
+		#print cmd
+		#cmd1 = dict(cmd)
+		#print cmd1
+		ret = self.s.create(cmd)
+		#print ret
+		print "Triggered VM [%s]" % self.vmName
+	######################################################################
+	# usage()                                                            #
+	# Description: shows the program params                              #
+	######################################################################
+	def usage(self):
+		print "Usage: " +  sys.argv[0] + " [OPTIONS]"
+		print "\t--destHost      \t RHEV-H host which will start the VM" 
+		print "\t--otherHostsList\t All RHEV-H hosts" 
+		print "\t--vms           \t Specify the Names of which VMs to start"
+		print "\t--version        \t List version release" 
+		print "\t--help           \t This help menu\n"
+		print "Example:"
+		print "\t" + sys.argv[0] + " --destHost LinuxSrv1 --otherHostsList Megatron,Jerry --vms vm1,vm2,vm3,vm4"
+		sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	otherHostsList = ''
+	VmsToStart = None
+	destHostStart = None
+	VE = vdsmEmergency()
+	try:
+		opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "Vd:ho:v:", ["destHost=", "otherHostsList=", "vms=", "help", "version"])
+	except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+		# print help information and exit:
+		print(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
+		VE.usage()
+		sys.exit(2)
+	for o, a in opts:
+		if o in ("-d", "--destHost"):
+			destHostStart = a
+			print ""
+		elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
+			VE.usage()
+			sys.exit()
+		elif o in ("-o", "--otherHostsList"):
+			otherHostsList = a
+		elif o in ("-v", "--vms"):
+			VmsToStart = a
+		elif o in ("-V", "--version"):
+			print VERSION
+		else:
+			assert False, "unhandled option"
+	argc = len(sys.argv)
+	if argc < 2:
+		VE.usage()
+	VE.checkSPM()
+	# Include the destHost to verify 
+	otherHostsList += ",%s" % destHostStart
+	VE.checkVmRunning(otherHostsList, VmsToStart)
+	VE.readXML(VmsToStart, destHostStart)

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I9a70b31ce0730194880406701316f219c9f92ceb
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: vdsm
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Pablo Iranzo Gómez <Pablo.Iranzo at>

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