No subject

Fri Nov 9 03:22:17 UTC 2012

known network was raised by danken, it was referred to as the management
network, this network would be used for pulling the full host network
configuration from the centralized location, at this point the engine.

About the timing for retrieving the configuration, there are several
approaches. One of them was described by Alon, and I think he'll join
this discussion and maybe put it in his own words, but the idea was to
'keep' the network synchronized at all times. When the host have
communication channel to the engine and the engine detects there is a
mismatch in the host configuration, the engine initiates 'apply network
configuration' action on the host.

Using this approach we'll have a single path of code to maintain and
that would reduce code complexity and bugs - That's quoting Alon Bar Lev
(Alon I hope I did not twisted your words/idea).

On the other hand the above approach makes local tweaks on the host
(done manually by the administrator) much harder.

Any other approaches ?

I'd like to add a more general question to the discussion what are the
advantages of taking the dynamic approach?
So far I collected two reasons:

-It is a 'cleaner' design, removes complexity on VDSM code, easier to
maintain going forward, and less bug prone (I agree with that one, as
long as we keep the retrieving configuration mechanism/algorithm simple).

-It adheres to the idea of having a stateless hypervisor - some more
input on this point would be appreciated

Any other advantages?

discussing the benefits of having the persisted


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