[vdsm] Future of Vdsm network configuration

Itamar Heim iheim at redhat.com
Sun Nov 18 08:52:23 UTC 2012

On 11/18/2012 07:55 AM, Gary Kotton wrote:
> On 11/17/2012 09:13 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
>> On 11/17/2012 11:56 AM, Gary Kotton wrote:
>>> On 11/17/2012 11:00 AM, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> After discussion calm down, I want to once again to ask a question.
>>>> Why isn't this discussion focusing on the interface vdsm will use to
>>>> access "network provider"? Why should vdsm core care which "network
>>>> technology" it actually uses?
>>> Quantum?
>> 1. that's still a specific implementation.
> I tend to disgree, Quantum is an interface enabling one to manage
> virtual networks. If I understand correctly this is similar to what Alon
> is suggesting. At the end of the day VDSM will need to interface with
> linuxbridge, openvswitch, nics that provide SRIOV etc. This may be done
> either by VDSM or Quantum agents (in some case there may be no Quantum
> agents - for example if a NVP controller is used). Quantum enables VDSM
> and oVirt to consume external technologies that are currently not
> supported today. For example, if one want to use openvswicth. There is a
> open source implementation of OVS that is managed by Quantum. That is, a
> Quantum agent builds and manages all flows. Do you want VDSM to do this?
>> 2. last i checked, it is far from covering the API needed by vdsm for
>> provisioning network configurations, rather than just consuming them?
>> (i.e., i don't remember quantum ever intends to provide an api to bond
>> physical interfaces, etc).
> Quantum agents may do this. Yes, it will entail some hooks in VDSM but
> it will provide a large majority of the work that you guys are talking
> about. The added bonus is that it works with a number of technologies
> that are not supported by VDSM. I have yet to understand why VDSM has to
> invent the wheel again.
> At the moment there is a lot of work being done in Quantum to expose
> additional services - for example LBaaS. It would be interesting to know
> if the current networking plans address this. This should be something
> on the radar and in my opinion is something essential to any networking
> infrastructure.

i didn't see anything in quantum leading me to feel it plans to expose a 
stable api for configuring/provisioning itself?

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