[vdsm] Future of Vdsm network configuration

Mark Wu wudxw at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Nov 14 15:42:21 UTC 2012

On 11/14/2012 07:53 PM, Gary Kotton wrote:
> On 11/14/2012 11:53 AM, Livnat Peer wrote:
>> On 14/11/12 00:28, Adam Litke wrote:
>>> On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 09:46:43AM -0500, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Dan Kenigsberg"<danken at redhat.com>
>>>>> To: vdsm-devel at fedorahosted.org
>>>>> Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 4:07:30 PM
>>>>> Subject: [vdsm] Future of Vdsm network configuration
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Nowadays, when vdsm receives the setupNetowrk verb, it mangles
>>>>> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files and restarts the network
>>>>> service, so they are read by the responsible SysV service.
>>>>> This is very much Fedora-oriented, and not up with the new themes
>>>>> in Linux network configuration. Since we want oVirt and Vdsm to be
>>>>> distribution agnostic, and support new features, we have to change.
>>>>> setupNetwork is responsible for two different things:
>>>>> (1) configure the host networking interfaces, and
>>>>> (2) create virtual networks for guests and connect the to the world
>>>>> over (1).
>>>>> Functionality (2) is provided by building Linux software bridges, and
>>>>> vlan devices. I'd like to explore moving it to Open vSwitch, which
>>>>> would
>>>>> enable a host of functionalities that we currently lack (e.g.
>>>>> tunneling). One thing that worries me is the need to reimplement our
>>>>> config snapshot/recovery on ovs's database.
>>>>> As far as I know, ovs is unable to maintain host level parameters of
>>>>> interfaces (e.g. eth0's IPv4 address), so we need another
>>>>> tool for functionality (1): either speak to NetworkManager directly,
>>>>> or
>>>>> to use NetCF, via its libvirt virInterface* wrapper.
>>>>> I have minor worries about NetCF's breadth of testing and usage; I
>>>>> know
>>>>> it is intended to be cross-platform, but unlike ovs, I am not aware
>>>>> of a
>>>>> wide Debian usage thereof. On the other hand, its API is ready for
>>>>> vdsm's
>>>>> usage for quite a while.
>>>>> NetworkManager has become ubiquitous, and we'd better integrate with
>>>>> it
>>>>> better than our current setting of NM_CONTROLLED=no. But as DPB tells
>>>>> us,
>>>>> https://lists.fedorahosted.org/pipermail/vdsm-devel/2012-November/001677.html 
>>>>> we'd better offload integration with NM to libvirt.
>>>>> We would like to take Network configuration in VDSM to the next level
>>>>> and make it distribution agnostic in addition for setting the
>>>>> infrastructure for more advanced features to be used going forward.
>>>>> The path we think of taking is to integrate with OVS and for feature
>>>>> completeness use NetCF, via its libvirt virInterface* wrapper. Any
>>>>> comments or feedback on this proposal is welcomed.
>>>>> Thanks to the oVirt net team members who's input has helped writing
>>>>> this
>>>>> email.
>>>> Hi,
>>>> As far as I see this, network manager is a monster that is a huge 
>>>> dependency
>>>> to have just to create bridges or configure network interfaces... 
>>>> It is true
>>>> that on a host where network manager lives it would be not polite 
>>>> to define
>>>> network resources not via its interface, however I don't like we 
>>>> force network
>>>> manager.
>>>> libvirt is long not used as virtualization library but system 
>>>> management
>>>> agent, I am not sure this is the best system agent I would have 
>>>> chosen.
>>>> I think that all the terms and building blocks got lost in time... 
>>>> and the
>>>> result integration became more and more complex.
>>>> Stabilizing such multi-layered component environment is much harder 
>>>> than
>>>> monolithic environment.
>>>> I would really want to see vdsm as monolithic component with full 
>>>> control over
>>>> its resources, I believe this is the only way vdsm can be stable 
>>>> enough to be
>>>> production grade.
>>>> Hypervisor should be a total slave of manager (or cluster), so I 
>>>> have no
>>>> problem in bypassing/disabling any distribution specific tool in 
>>>> favour of
>>>> atoms (brctl, iproute), in non persistence mode.
>>>> I know this derive some more work, but I don't think it is that 
>>>> complex to
>>>> implement and maintain.
>>>> Just my 2 cents...
>>> I couldn't disagree more.  What you are suggesting requires that we 
>>> reimplement
>>> every single networking feature in oVirt by ourselves.  If we want 
>>> to support
>>> the (absolutely critical) goal of being distro agnostic, then we 
>>> need to
>>> implement the same functionality across multiple distros too. This 
>>> is more work
>>> than we will ever be able to keep up with.  If you think it's hard 
>>> to stabilize
>>> the integration of an external networking library, imagine how hard 
>>> it will be
>>> to stabilize our own rewritten and buggy version.  This is not how 
>>> open source
>>> is supposed to work.  We should be assembling distinct, modular, 
>>> pre-existing
>>> components together when they are available.  If NetworkManager has 
>>> integration
>>> problems, let's work upstream to fix them.  If it's dependencies are 
>>> too great,
>>> let's modularize it so we don't need to ship the parts that we don't 
>>> need.
>> I agree with Adam on this one, reimplementing the networking management
>> layer by ourselves using only atoms seems like duplication of work that
>> was already done and available for our use both by NM and by libvirt.
>> Yes, it is not perfect (far from it actually) but I think we better
>> focus our efforts around adding new functionalities to VDSM and
>> improving the current robustness of the code (we have issues regardless
>> of any external component we're using).
>> For the sake of being distribution agnostic I support the original plan
>> proposed by danken, using OVS combined with libvirt virInterface* 
>> wrapper.
> The addition of OVS is nice and refreshing (it is the new black). The 
> issue with OVS is that a controller is required, there are a number of 
> proprietary once and there are open source solutions. 
> Something/someone needs to configure and manage the OVS. Just adding 
> the libvirt support is not enough - in a nut shell this is just a 
> matter of setting the network type for the vnic and passing a few 
> additional parameters. Managing and assigning physical NICs to OVS is 
> interesting and challenging. Do you guys have any thoughts about how 
> you want to go about this?
Can we just start with running ovs in standalone mode at first? It could 
have the basic forward function based on MAC-learning and 
bond/vlans/tunnel function by specifying related options when adding a new
port. We could connect each physical nic for vm network with an ovs 
bridge, and then the VM can get
external network access.  I agree with that without adding a controller, 
we can't get a unified control panel. But I think the standalone mode 
could fit current oVirt network model well.
Gary, please correct me if I am wrong or any suggestions from you?

> Thanks
> Gary
>> Livnat
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