[vdsm] Agenda for tomorrow's call

Dan Kenigsberg danken at redhat.com
Mon May 21 14:31:11 UTC 2012

On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 10:55:44PM +0300, Ayal Baron wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to discuss the following on our upcoming call:
> - reviewers are missing!
> - reviewers/verifiers are missing for pep8 patches. I would like to
>   ask a volunteer to aggregate them all in one branch, and get some
>   folks from Red Hat QE to run some sanity test on them.

Adam would find a volunteer to do that.

Regarding the new image model - Adam, could you see if your model fits
Saggi's futuristic take (and vice versa)? Eduardo told me that he does
not see the "Image" as an object that should be modeled at all. I hope
he has constructive suggestions to Adam's API.

Ayal suggests that Adam ramp us up regarding cherrypy and his REST
patches in general. Maybe something more dramatic than ping'ing about
patches, such as an online review, would move this forward.

> - functional tests: Wenchao Xia's http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#change,4454
>   and Adam Litke's http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#change,4451

Adam's version gained some valuable acks. I do find the terms
tests/run_tests_local.sh.in / check-local confusing. In one case "local"
means "check source tree, not installed instance". In the second case
"local" means "run static tests on source tree, not unit tests".

But if we do not come up with a better name, we can stay with this

> - Saggi's unicode fixes to betterPopen

Federico would review today.

> - Stories about negative flows hurt by commit 1676396f18cf5c300d87e181
>   "Change safelease APIs to match SANLock flow"

Minor change posted upstream

> - Upcoming oVirt-3.1 release: when to break from master branch?

We could strive to push MOM integration. The burden would mainly lie on
Mark and Adam - we need to have it pushed to Vdsm by May 28th so we can
give a candidate vdsm for oVirt-3.1 on June 1st.

Don, Justin and Ricky from Netapp (forgive me if I got your names
wrong) are to integrate libstorage, netapp controller and vdsm, for
provisioning NFS exports.


(this time, I'm not faking someone else's envelope)

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