[SSSD-users] Public ssh key in AD

Lukas Slebodnik lslebodn at redhat.com
Fri Aug 28 12:11:40 UTC 2015

On (28/08/15 13:49), Davor Vusir wrote:
>On 2015-08-27 14:40, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
>>On (27/08/15 12:29), Davor Vusir wrote:
>>>On 2015-08-27 08:39, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
>>>>On (27/08/15 08:21), Davor Vusir wrote:
>>>>>Back to the first terminal:
>>>>>[root at server-1 ~]# service sssd stop && rm -Rf /var/lib/sss/db/* && rm -Rf
>>>>>/var/lib/sss/mc/* && service sssd start
>>>>>Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  sssd.service
>>>>>Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  sssd.service
>>>>>[root at server-1 ~]# sss_ssh_authorizedkeys PublicKeyUser
>>>>>ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E...
>>>>>[root at server-1 ~]#
>>>>You could immediatelly run as root "sss_ssh_authorizedkeys PublicKeyUser"
>>>>after restarting sssd with new configuration.
>>>Same result as before.
>>so the problem is not with public ssh key :-)
>>>>>[root at server-1 ~]# getent group ct-linuxuberadmins
>>>>>[root at server-1 ~]# service sssd stop && rm -Rf /var/lib/sss/db/* && rm -Rf
>>>>>/var/lib/sss/mc/* && service sssd start
>>>>>Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  sssd.service
>>>>>Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  sssd.service
>>>>>[root at server-1 ~]# getent group ct-linuxservicesadmins
>>>>users are not listed due to enabeld option ignore_group_members.
>>>>I would be more interested in output of command.
>>>>"id PublicKeyUser" with enabled and disabled subdomain provider.
>>>"subdomains_provider = none":
>>>[root at server-1 ~]# id PublicKeyUser
>>>uid=10051785(PublicKeyUser) gid=10000513(domain users) groups=10000513(domain
>>>[root at its-srv001-t ~]#
>>>"#subdomains_provider = none":
>>>uid=10051785(PublicKeyUser) gid=10000513(domain users) groups=10000513(domain
>>>users),10257368(ct-lg-admins),... all other groups...
>>So here is a problem. User does not have all groups with disabled
>>subdomain provider. If you disable subdmain provider then
>>you also disable autodiscovery of domain sids.
>>So it might cause missing groups.
>I see.
>>Are all user's groups from the same domain?
>All users and groups are from the same domain. No subdomains but forest
>>You can try to configure default dommain with options:
>>man sssd-ldap
>>     -> ldap_idmap_default_domain_sid
>>     -> ldap_idmap_default_domain
>>BTW there is was a bug https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/2635
>>which prevents using ldap_idmap_default_domain_sid with disabled subdomain.
>>The bug is fixed in rhel6.7, but not in rhel7.1
>Setting these solved it. Thank you. And I'll bear it in mind for 7.1. Strange
>though that these settings are needed when all user accounts and groups have
>got uidnumber and gidnumber assigned.
If id mapping is enabled then attributes uidnumber and gidnumber
are ignored and UID and GID is generated from SID.

man sssd-ldap -> ID MAPPING (-> Mapping Algorithm)

>man sss-ad could be clearer on that the domains NetBIOS name is to be used
>for  ldap_idmap_default_domain.
>But I'm still somewhat confused that SSSD treats trusted forests as
>subdomains. Maybe it's because SSSD doesn't care whether it's a forest trust
>or not (a trust is trust, so to speak) and lacks the functionality to
>distinguish the two and therefore adds them as subdomains. Maybe I have to
>configure [capaths] in krb5.conf.
>I'm grateful for your time and guidance, Lukas. It has certainly helped me to
>understand SSSD more deeply. And thank you for a good product.
I'm glad I could help at least with something.

Feel free to file upstream tickets

So we can improve documentation or missing descriptions.
You can also propose something in ticket because we know many internal
details and something can be obvious for us.

Maybe someone else co


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