[SSSD-users] Caching credentials while online

Dmitri Pal dpal at redhat.com
Fri Aug 15 08:11:19 UTC 2014

On 08/15/2014 01:18 AM, Jacob Weber wrote:
>> Can you file a RFE?
> Sure: https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/2408
>> Could you check in the logs what takes the longest during the whole
>> request? If your server is really fast, maybe you can add
>> debug_microseconds to the config file to increase the resolution..
> I tried, but I'm not seeing a particular area that's slower than others. I can try looking more carefully when I have some time.
> The lookup doesn't make a huge difference in one request, but it adds up.
> In particular, this machine runs Subversion over Apache, and authenticates against the system users (using SSSD). Unfortunately SVN over Apache makes a ton of separate requests. Since SSSD doesn't cache, I'm probably going to look into having Apache use a method that does, like mod_ldap.
>> Maybe the new option could cover both the initgroups and authentication,
>> not sure. It's a bit of slippery slope, because on a Linux system
>> authentication is actually the only moment where groups are set. On the
>> other hand, group membership don't change that often..
> Plus, if you're doing offline caching, you're already going down that slope...
> Jacob
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Is this just authentication?
Because if it is you might consider things like SSO.
Kerberos for example.
While mod_auth_kerb would do the renegotiation on every request which 
most likely be a bit slow the new module mod_auth_gssapi has session 
support that sets cookies after the initial negotiation. That should be 
much faster and I expect it to need your requirement.
Have you considered this as an alternative?
If you need more details of how that all works let me know.

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.

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