[SSSD] Design Discussion: D-Bus Signal: Notify Property Changed

Pavel Březina pbrezina at redhat.com
Tue Jun 9 12:17:31 UTC 2015


= D-Bus Signal: Notify Property Changed =

Related ticket(s):
  * https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/2233

Related design page(s):
  * https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/wiki/DesignDocs/DBusResponder

=== Problem statement ===

This design document describes how to implement 
org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.!PropertiesChanged signal for SSSD 
objects exported in the IFP responder.

== D-Bus Interface ==

=== org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties ===

==== Signals ====

* !PropertiesChanged(s interface_name, {sv} changed_properties, as 
  * interface_name: name of the interface on which the properties are 
  * changed_properties: changed properties with new values
  * invalidated_properties: changed properties but the new values are 
not send with them
  * this signal is emitted for every property annotated with 
org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.!EmitsChangedSignal, this annotation may 
be also used for the whole interface meaning that every property within 
this interface emits the signal

=== Overview of the solution ===

Changes in properties are detected in new LDB plugin inside a ''mod'' 
hook. The plugin writes list of changed properties in a TDB-based 
changelog which is periodically consumed by IFP responder. IFP then 
emits !PropertiesChanged signal per each modified object.

=== Implementation details ===

==== TDB Format ====

* '''TDB Name''': ''ifp_changelog.tdb''
* '''Key''': dn of modified object
* '''Value''': chained list of modified properties in the form 

==== IFP Side ====

1. TDB database is created on IFP start and deleted on IFP termination.
  * on IFP start:
   * if TDB file does not exist it is created
   * if TDB file exist (unexpected termination of IFP) it is flushed, we 
do not care about the data inside
  * on correct IFP termination
   * the TDB file is deleted
2. A periodic task ''IFP: notify properties changed'' is created, it is 
responsible for emitting the ''!PropertiesChanged'' signal
  * Periodic task flow:
   1. Lock TDB for read-only access
   2. Traverse the TDB and remember dn and properties for all modified 
   3. Flush TDB
   4. Release the lock
   5. Create and emit D-Bus signal per each object that is exported on 
IFP bus and supports ''!PropertiesChanged'' signal

==== LDB Plugin Side ====

1. If TDB file does not exist just quit
2. If modified object supports the signal store it in the TDB

=== Configuration changes ===

In IFP section:
* '''ifp_notification_interval''': period of ''IFP: notify properties 
changed'', disabled if 0, default 300 (5 minutes)

=== How To Test ===

1. Hook onto ''!PropertiesChanged'' signal, e. g. with ''dbus-monitor'̈́'
2. Trigger change of user/group
3. Signal should be recieved

=== Questions ===

1. Do we want to use ''changed_properties'' or ''invalidated_properties''

=== Authors ===
  * Pavel Březina <pbrezina at redhat.com>

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