[SSSD] [PATCHES] SSSDConfig: Port missing parts to python3

Petr Viktorin pviktori at redhat.com
Thu Jan 29 12:09:55 UTC 2015

On 01/29/2015 01:05 PM, Bohuslav Kabrda wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> ehlo,
>> some parts of sssd was not properly ported to python3.
>> I know there were changes related to unicode, string and bytes.
>> I am not sure whether my patches for read and open are correct,
>> especially patch "SSSDConfig: os.write".
>> SSSDConfig (python-sssdconfig is used by authconfig and ipa-client-install?
>> So I don't want to break it.
>> Please review patches or propose better version.
>> LS
> Not sure why I missed so many things in my original patch (maybe I searched just for *.py, not *.py.in ;)). Anyway:
> - Patch 1 LGTM, I only don't understand why you need to import "exceptions" module (and why only in Python 2). Note that Python 2 documentation says that "This module never needs to be imported explicitly". [1]
> - Patch 2 LGMT, but I think you could just write:
> 'long': long if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else int
> (but that's just nitpicking...)
> - Patch 3: this depends. Is the object that you're writing binary or text? I think what you want to do is keep "wb" mode and encode output to a certain encoding (utf8?). So this could be:
> of = open(outputfile, "wb")
> output = self.dump(self.opts).encode("utf-8")
> of.write(output)
> The problem is that the "str" type in Python 2 is sort of polymorphic, in that it can behave both as binary bytestring and as unicode - but .encode() works on it nonetheless. In Python 3 you have either "bytes" (binary string) or "str" (unicode text string) and you have to choose which one you want to write ("wb" mode is for "bytes", while "w" is for "str"). If "self.dump(self.opts)" returns "str" in Python 3, then I suggest you use '.encode("utf-8")' on it and leave the mode "wb". This should keep working in Python 2.
> - Patch 4 LGTM
> - Patch 5 LGTM
> Slavek
> [1] https://docs.python.org/2/library/exceptions.html#module-exceptions

Patch 1/5: Note that even under Python 2, `except ValueError, KeyError:` 
would not work (it catches ValueError, and stores the exception instance 
under the name KeyError); please test these changes well.

Patch 4/5: you can use io.StringIO in both 2.6+ and 3.x+

Petr Viktorin

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