[SSSD] KRB5CCNAME variable broken in second concurrent login shell - bug?

Joschi Brauchle joschi.brauchle at tum.de
Wed Oct 15 12:37:59 UTC 2014

We have a weird problem with the KRB5CCNAME environment variable that 
seems to be an SSSD bug.

------------ /etc/sssd/sssd.conf ------------
# Set CCache to Kerberos default
krb5_ccachedir = /run/user/%U
krb5_ccname_template = DIR:%d/krb5cc
------------ /etc/sssd/sssd.conf ------------

Now, user "ne96soh" logs in to the machine for the FIRST time and does a 
kerberized ldapsearch:
ne96soh at tueilnt-student01:~$ echo $KRB5CCNAME
ne96soh at tueilnt-student01:~$ klist
Ticket cache: DIR::/run/user/3036404/krb5cc/tktZoweZq
ne96soh at tueilnt-student01:~$ ldapsearch ...<using GSSAPI>
... <succeeds>

but then logs into the machine a SECOND concurrent time (i.e. leaving 
first session open):
ne96soh at tueilnt-student01:~$ echo $KRB5CCNAME
ne96soh at tueilnt-student01:~$ klist
Ticket cache: DIR::/run/user/3036404/krb5cc/tktZoweZq
ne96soh at tueilnt-student01:~$ ldapsearch ...<using GSSAPI>
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Local error (-2)
         additional info: SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: 
Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information (No 
Kerberos credentials available)

For me, the format of 'DIR::/run/user/3036404/krb5cc/tktZoweZq' in the 
second login seems strange! Is this a valid format?

When I manuelly reset the KRB5CCNAME variable in the second login shell 
to its original value 'DIR:/run/user/3036404/krb5cc', then the 
ldapsearch using GSSAPI succeeds.

The reason of all this seems to be that SSSD reuses existing ccaches for 
already logged on users, but possibly mixes up formats there.
------------ /var/log/sssd_default.log ------------
(Wed Oct 15 14:04:54 2014) [sssd[be[default]]] [krb5_auth_send] 
(0x4000): Ccache_file is [DIR::/run/user/3036404/krb5cc/tktZoweZq] and 
is  active and TGT is  valid.
(Wed Oct 15 14:04:54 2014) [sssd[be[default]]] [krb5_find_ccache_step] 
(0x0080): Saved ccache DIR::/run/user/3036404/krb5cc/tktZoweZq if of 
different type than ccache in configuration file, reusing the old ccache
(Wed Oct 15 14:04:54 2014) [sssd[be[default]]] 
[safe_remove_old_ccache_file] (0x0400): New and old ccache file are the 
same, no one will be deleted.
(Wed Oct 15 14:04:54 2014) [sssd[be[default]]] [krb5_mod_ccname] 
(0x4000): Save ccname [DIR::/run/user/3036404/krb5cc/tktZoweZq] for user 
------------ /var/log/sssd_default.log ------------

Best regards,
Dipl.-Ing. Joschi Brauchle, M.S.

Institute for Communications Engineering (LNT)
Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM)
80290 Munich, Germany

Tel (work): +49 89 289-23474
Fax (work): +49 89 289-23490
E-mail: joschi.brauchle at tum.de
Web: http://www.lnt.ei.tum.de/

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