[SSSD] [PATCH] AD: Remove GPO dependency on libsamba-security

Yassir Elley yelley at redhat.com
Mon May 12 18:38:05 UTC 2014


The attached patch addresses a previous discussion about incorporating private samba functionality into the gpo code. The consensus was:
* Don't link to private samba libraries!
* If possible, use equivalent sssd functions
* Else, re-implement (i.e. essentially copy) the samba functions in the sssd codebase

There were three functions that the GPO code was using from libsamba-security, and this patch replaces them with sssd equivalents or samba re-implementations as follows:
* samba's string_to_sid() replaced with sss_idmap_sid_to_smb_sid()
* samba's dom_sid_equal() reimplemented in 35 lines
* samba's ndr_pull_security_descriptor() reimplemented in 445 lines (placed in separate ad_gpo_ndr.c file b/c of size)

This patch depends on a previously submitted patch ("AD: LDAP component of GPO-based access control"), which has not yet been pushed to master, but is expected to do so in the near future.

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