[SSSD] Is there a way to check last time SSS cache was updated?

Viviano, Brad Viviano.Brad at epa.gov
Thu Jun 26 16:56:21 UTC 2014


    I'm running SSSd under RHEL6 using Redhat's standard RPM's (sssd-1.9.2-129). In the last two weeks I've had on two different systems develop a situation where sssd wasn't updating its cache, so new users and group updates from LDAP where not getting picked up. SSSd was still running, but using "getent" wouldn't return information about the user and they could not login. Once I diagnosed the problem, I restarted sssd and it immediately picked up the changes and everything was fine.

    Which leads me to my question. Is there a way to determine the last time the sss cache was updated successfully for a particular domain? I'd like to write a Nagios plugin that could alert me if sssd gets stuck again. I didn't know if it was as simple as checking the timestamp on the associated "cache_DOMAIN.ldb" file or not. I didn't think to check the timestamp on the two systems that had problems, I was too focused on resolving the issue.


            -Brad Vivaino

Brad Viviano
High Performance Computing & Scientific Visualization
Lockheed Martin, Supporting the EPA
Research Triangle Park, NC

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