[SSSD] sssdpac_verify() treats krb5_pac_verify() error as fatal - mspac_verify() does not

Thomas Sondergaard ts at medical-insight.com
Mon Aug 4 14:10:04 UTC 2014

On 04-08-2014 15:38, Jakub Hrozek wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 04, 2014 at 03:10:17PM +0200, Thomas Sondergaard wrote:
>> On 04-08-2014 13:40, Jakub Hrozek wrote:
>>> On Mon, Aug 04, 2014 at 02:24:47PM +0300, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 03 Aug 2014, Thomas Sondergaard wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I've run into a GSSAPI authentication problem that has caused me a little
>>>>> time to diagnose, but turns out to only occur with sssd_pac_plugin.so
>>>>> present. I am not an AD, Kerberos or sssd expert, so let me just present
>>>>> the information I have collected.
>>>>> Our code, which uses GSSAPI, fails with the following error on a Fedora 20
>>>>> box with sssd-client (sssd_pac_plugin.so) installed with the following
>>>>> error codes:
>>>>> major: 851968='Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more
>>>>> information', minor: 22='Invalid argument'
>>>>> KRB5_TRACE does not give any useful indication for what goes wrong.
>>>>> With sssd-client (sssd_pac_plugin.so) removed the GSSAPI authentication
>>>>> works. With KRB5_TRACE I get the following warning:
>>>>> [23801] 1407018816.872001: PAC checksum verification failed:
>>>>> -1765328196/Bad encryption type
>>>>> Looking at the code, I find that without sssd_pac_plugin.so installed the
>>>>> following verification function is used:
>>>>> static krb5_error_code
>>>>> mspac_verify(krb5_context kcontext,
>>>>>             krb5_authdata_context context,
>>>>>             void *plugin_context,
>>>>>             void *request_context,
>>>>>             const krb5_auth_context *auth_context,
>>>>>             const krb5_keyblock *key,
>>>>>             const krb5_ap_req *req)
>>>>> {
>>>>>    krb5_error_code code;
>>>>>    struct mspac_context *pacctx = (struct mspac_context *)request_context;
>>>>>    if (pacctx->pac == NULL)
>>>>>        return EINVAL;
>>>>>    code = krb5_pac_verify(kcontext, pacctx->pac,
>>>>>                           req->ticket->enc_part2->times.authtime,
>>>>>                           req->ticket->enc_part2->client, key, NULL);
>>>>>    if (code != 0)
>>>>>        TRACE_MSPAC_VERIFY_FAIL(kcontext, code);
>>>>>    /*
>>>>>     * If the above verification failed, don't fail the whole
>>>>> authentication,
>>>>>     * just don't mark the PAC as verified.  A checksum mismatch can occur
>>>>> if
>>>>>     * the PAC was copied from a cross-realm TGT by an ignorant KDC, and
>>>>> Apple
>>>>>     * Mac OS X Server Open Directory (as of 10.6) generates PACs with no
>>>>>     * server checksum at all.
>>>>>     */
>>>>>    return 0;
>>>>> }
>>>>> This incarnation of the mspac_verify() function is from
>>>>> commit 76ebe5d07c1002b674eb1c4e3ab35f6001eec91c
>>>>> Author: Greg Hudson <ghudson at mit.edu>
>>>>> Date:   Wed Feb 16 23:34:37 2011 +0000
>>>>>    Don't reject AP-REQs based on PACs
>>>>>    Experience has shown that it was a mistake to fail AP-REQ verification
>>>>>    based on failure to verify the signature of PAC authdata contained in
>>>>>    the ticket.  We've had two rounds of interoperability issues with the
>>>>>    hmac-md5 checksum code, an interoperability issue OSX generating
>>>>>    unsigned PACs, and another problem where PACs are copied by older KDCs
>>>>>    from a cross-realm TGT into the service ticket.  If a PAC signature
>>>>>    cannot be verified, just don't mark it as verified and continue on
>>>>>    with the AP exchange.
>>>>>    ticket: 6870
>>>>>    target_version: 1.9.1
>>>>>    tags: pullup
>>>>>    git-svn-id: svn://anonsvn.mit.edu/krb5/trunk@24640
>>>>> dc483132-0cff-0310-8789-dd5450dbe970
>>>>> With sssd-client (sssd_pac_plugin.so) installed the function
>>>>> sssdpac_verify is used instead, which looks like this
>>>>> (sssd-client-1.11.6-1):
>>>>> static krb5_error_code sssdpac_verify(krb5_context kcontext,
>>>>>                                      krb5_authdata_context context,
>>>>>                                      void *plugin_context,
>>>>>                                      void *request_context,
>>>>>                                      const krb5_auth_context
>>>>> *auth_context,
>>>>>                                      const krb5_keyblock *key,
>>>>>                                      const krb5_ap_req *req)
>>>>> {
>>>>>    krb5_error_code kerr;
>>>>>    int ret;
>>>>>    krb5_pac pac;
>>>>>    struct sssd_context *sssdctx = (struct sssd_context *)request_context;
>>>>>    struct sss_cli_req_data sss_data;
>>>>>    int errnop;
>>>>>    if (sssdctx == NULL || sssdctx->data.data == NULL) {
>>>>>        return EINVAL;
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    kerr = krb5_pac_parse(kcontext, sssdctx->data.data,
>>>>>                          sssdctx->data.length, &pac);
>>>>>    if (kerr != 0) {
>>>>>        return EINVAL;
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    kerr = krb5_pac_verify(kcontext, pac,
>>>>>                           req->ticket->enc_part2->times.authtime,
>>>>>                           req->ticket->enc_part2->client, key, NULL);
>>>>>    if (kerr != 0) {
>>>>>        return EINVAL;
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    sss_data.len = sssdctx->data.length;
>>>>>    sss_data.data = sssdctx->data.data;
>>>>>    ret = sss_pac_make_request(SSS_PAC_ADD_PAC_USER, &sss_data,
>>>>>                               NULL, NULL, &errnop);
>>>>>    if (ret != 0) {
>>>>>        /* Ignore the error */
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    return 0;
>>>>> }
>>>>> The krb5_pac_verify header documentation from krb5.h has this to say:
>>>>> * @note A checksum mismatch can occur if the PAC was copied from a
>>>>> cross-realm
>>>>> * TGT by an ignorant KDC; also Apple Mac OS X Server Open Directory (as of
>>>>> * 10.6) generates PACs with no server checksum at all.  One should
>>>>> consider
>>>>> * not failing the whole authentication because of this reason, but,
>>>>> instead,
>>>>> * treating the ticket as if it did not contain a PAC or marking the PAC
>>>>> * information as non-verified.
>>>>> So, sssdpac_verify() treats krb5_pack_verify() errors as fatal, whereas
>>>>> krb5's mspac_verify() does not. This is all the information that I have
>>>>> gathered. It looks to me like sssd-client (sssd_pac_plugin.so) is not
>>>>> doing this right, but I'm looking forward to your comments.
>>>> I think you are on the right way here. We need to shortcut to return 0
>>>> there instead of EINVAL because unverified PAC wouldn't need to be added
>>>> to the cache.
>>>> Jakub, can you change the    if (kerr != 0) {
>>>>         return EINVAL;
>>>>     }
>>>> to    if (kerr != 0) {
>>>>         return 0;
>>>>     }
>>>> here?
>>>> Unfortunately, since tracing code is not available outside internals of
>>>> libkrb5, we cannot inject TRACE_MSPAC_VERIFY_FAIL(kcontext, kerr); here.
>>> Thanks for looking into the issue. Attached is a patch that changes the
>>> verification failure. Thomas, can you test the patch? If not, what
>>> version on what OS are you running? Perhaps I can prepare you a test
>>> build..
>> Don't worry about a test build. I will test your patch.
>> Regards,
>> Thomas
> Sorry about the delay, I was in a meeting until now. There is a test
> build available here:
>      https://jhrozek.fedorapeople.org/sssd-test-builds/sssd-pac-verify/

Your patch solves the problem. I have not tested whether it introduces 
other problems, but my code works now with the new sssd-client installed.



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