[SSSD] [PATCH] mmap_cache: Use two chains for hash collision.

Lukas Slebodnik lslebodn at redhat.com
Wed Sep 11 15:39:50 UTC 2013

On (11/09/13 16:30), Michal Židek wrote:
>On 09/11/2013 04:16 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
>>On Wed, 2013-09-11 at 15:58 +0200, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
>>>On (11/09/13 09:39), Simo Sorce wrote:
>>>>On Wed, 2013-09-11 at 12:24 +0200, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
>>>>>Two patches are attached.
>>>>>The 1st patch reverts commit 4662725ffef62b3b2502481438effa7c8fef9f80.
>>>>>"mmap_cache: Skip records which doesn't have same hash"
>>>>>  --next patch lokks nicer with recerted commit 4662725ffe
>>>>>The 2nd patch changes behaviour of record chaining.
>>>>NACK, you cannot just change the record structure w/o bumping the whole
>>>>mmap MAJOR version number.
>>>>If we are not I am thinking whether we should do some other
>>>>optimizations to keep the size down.
>>>>For example, hashes are generally relatively small quantities as we do
>>>>not allow huge tables. If we can limit tables size to a max of 65k
>>>>elements we could change the hash type from uint32_t to uint16_t, and
>>>>end up using the same size we are using now.
>>>>We already limit the total mmap size to 4G as rel_prt_t is a uint32_t,
>>>>and in practice we'll never allow maps with a very large size as it eats
>>>>into the memory available to 32 bit processes.
>>>>So perhaps 65k for the hash tables is an acceptable limit. (I think we
>>>>currently have a 100k limit which is probably a little bit overblown as
>>>>a default anyway.
>>>I would rather reduce "uint64_t expire" into "uint32_t expire_offset"
>>>expire_offset will be time since creation of mmap cache.
>>>and uint64_t "creation_time" will be stored in "struct sss_mc_ctx"
>>Uhmm, I do agree that 4billion seconds offset is probably ok, but then
>>it means the information is split in 2 different places, and this will
>>make clients more complicated, as clients will have to keep track of the
>>creation time + expiration offset now ...
>>>Do you agree?
>>I am not 100% convinced yet, although I do agree that it would save
>>quite some space.
>>>Do I need to increment SSS_MC_MAJOR_VNO or only SSS_MC_MINOR_VNO?
>>Major, you are completely changing the structure, an older client cannot
>>be allowed to use the new map unless it explicitly know the layout
>Well, if we already have to change the major version, I would go with
>the two 32 bit next1 and nex2 members. If we really want to keep the
>current size of the record (btw. why? We have to change the major ver.
>anyway) then I like the two 16 bit pointers next1 and next2 more than
>the 32 bit time offset (the memcache is just another cache layer, so it
>does not have to be "gigantic"... 16 bit pointers are just fine IMO).
I don't like 16 bit next pointers.

Default value of hash table size is 100000 (for passwd)
It is 53% greater value than UINT_16_MAX.
If we decided to enlarge this default value in future, we would be still
limited by UINT_16_MAX.

I think it is not good idea to reduce size of next pointers.


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