[SSSD] [PATCHES] Heimdal Support

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Thu Oct 17 11:49:30 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 10/17/2013 07:35 AM, Benjamin Franzke wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've tried to use sssd with heimdal, there were some fixes to be
> done. Are you intrested in reviewing and integrating them?
> They are available at: https://git.bnfr.net/sssd/log/?h=heimdal-1 
> Note: They are on top of other build fixes i've send to the list
> (but thats visible in the log).
> This compiles without warnings and passes all make tests. Actually
> i've added alternatives for deprecated (in terms of heimdal) 
> kerberos functions to avoid warnings there.
> I've tested this in a samba 4 environment (with the sssd-ad
> module).

Just for the record, Heimdal support has come up before. Historically,
our answer has been this: "SSSD upstream does not officially support
using SSSD with Heimdal. This is because the SSSD upstream works
closely with the MIT Kerberos upstream to have features that we need
incorporated there."

In the past, we've allowed the community to contribute patches to work
with Heimdal because there are some platforms out there that seem to
prefer it, but the people who have contributed this have a habit of
disappearing. We've always held to the idea that it's not the
responsibility of the core upstream to maintain the Heimdal patches.

As move further along and the IPA and AD providers rely on
ever-increasing MIT-specific features, I think the value of supporting
Heimdal at all upstream continues to decrease.

I'd honestly prefer to propose that SSSD drops its Heimdal support
entirely and stop giving the impression that it might work. If we
don't do this, a secondary option would be to add a new configure flag
for Heimdal usage that makes it clear that Heimdal support is largely

I'd honestly be more interested in taking a samba-like approach here
and making it possible to statically build-in a copy of MIT Kerberos
for those platforms that only have Heimdal (such as the BSDs), since
this would allow those platforms to enjoy all of the advance
functionality that SSSD-with-MIT can offer (such as FreeIPA
cross-realm trusts).

Benjamin: Please do not take this as an attack on you. This is a
long-standing issue upstream and one that just keeps coming up.
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