[SSSD] the full_name_format default value

Jakub Hrozek jhrozek at redhat.com
Mon May 13 08:19:37 UTC 2013

Hi Stef and the list,

I was about to close SSSD upstream ticket #1917 but I wanted to check if
we're all on the same page. Sorry for copying the whole devel list, but
I know there's already been quite some discussions about how to handle
the fully qualified names properly.

Turns out that the fqname format actually is user at domain already, but for
AD domains, the realmd sets it to "domain\user", in particular, sets the
"full_name_format" param to "%2$s\%1$s". I think the whole confusion came
from the fact that the re_expression default in SSSD that parses the
input is different in AD/IPA and the other providers, while the output
full_name_format is currently always the same, so the realmd sets it on
its own.

With the recent fixes for discovering the NeBIOS name dynamically (#1468)
and allowing the NetBIOS name in the fq format (#1648), I believe the right
thing now would for realmd to stop setting the "full_name_format" parameter
altogether and name the domain according to the AD domain name (rhbz#960270).

Then the users could simply rely on the default user at domain fqdn output
and set the short\name themselves if needed.

Does it all make sense? Can I simply close #1917 as worksforme? Would
you prefer an upstream or rhbz bug against realmd to stop setting
"full_name_format=%2$s\%1$s" ?

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