[SSSD] Unable to resolv netgroup with sssd

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Mon Jul 8 12:42:27 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 07/08/2013 08:30 AM, Mathieu Bouillaguet wrote:
> The sssd .conf is in attached in my first message in this thread.
> I will try to upgrade sssd to the version from RH 6.4 and see how
> it works.

Sorry, I missed that. Still, the config you included there doesn't
agree with the logs in that same email. The logs show it trying the
LOCAL domain first and then failing to send the request to the AOP
domain, while the sssd.conf lists:

domains = AOP, LOCAL

Also, if I'm reading that right, the domain format looks like
entry!DOMAIN in fully-qualified form, yes? (Although you didn't
qualify this lookup, so it shouldn't matter...)

Are you actually using the LOCAL domain from SSSD? As in, have you
added users/groups to the LOCAL domain using the sss_* tools? Some
people set up the LOCAL domain unnecessarily (SSSD runs after
/etc/passwd is processed and is supplementary to it). If the LOCAL
domain is not in play, does the netgroup lookup still fail?

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