[SSSD] [PATCHES] ad srv: prefer servers that are in the same domain as client

Pavel Březina pbrezina at redhat.com
Fri Aug 23 17:36:22 UTC 2013

On 08/23/2013 05:44 PM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 08, 2013 at 01:24:17PM +0200, Pavel Březina wrote:
>> On 08/08/2013 03:32 AM, Simo Sorce wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2013-08-07 at 13:56 +0200, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
>>> [..]
>>> nitpicking some more given Lucas nacked.
>>>>> +static errno_t ad_sort_servers(struct ares_srv_reply **list, void *pvt)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    struct ad_srv_plugin_state *state = NULL;
>>>>> +    struct ares_srv_reply dummy[3] = {{NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0}};
>>> I think this can be done by simply writing:
>>> 	struct ares_srv_reply dummy[3] = { 0 };
>>>>> +    struct ares_srv_reply *head = &dummy[0];
>>>>> +    struct ares_srv_reply *tail = &dummy[0];
>>>>> +    struct ares_srv_reply *in_head = &dummy[1];
>>>>> +    struct ares_srv_reply *in_tail = &dummy[1];
>>>>> +    struct ares_srv_reply *out_head = &dummy[2];
>>>>> +    struct ares_srv_reply *out_tail = &dummy[2];
>>>>> +    struct ares_srv_reply *cur = NULL;
>>>>> +    struct ares_srv_reply *next = NULL;
>>>>> +    const char *domain = NULL;
>>>>> +    errno_t ret;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if (list == NULL) {
>>>>> +        ret = EINVAL;
>>>>> +        goto done;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if (*list == NULL || (*list)->next == NULL) {
>>>>> +        ret = EOK;
>>>>> +        goto done;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    state = talloc_get_type(pvt, struct ad_srv_plugin_state);
>>>>> +    domain = state->discovery_domain;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    /* first sort by rfc2782 */
>>>>> +    ret = resolv_sort_srv_reply(list);
>>>>> +    if (ret != EOK) {
>>>>> +        DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, ("resolv_sort_srv_reply() failed "
>>>>> +                                    "[%d]: %s\n", ret, strerror(ret)));
>>>>> +        goto done;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    /* when several servers share priority, prefer the one that is located
>>>>> +     * in the same domain as client (e.g. child domain instead of forest
>>>>> +     * root) */
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    next = *list;
>>>>> +    do {
>>>>> +        cur = next;
>>>>> +        next = cur->next;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        if (is_host_in_domain(cur->host, domain)) {
>>>>> +            in_tail->next = cur;
>>>>> +            in_tail = in_tail->next;
>>>>> +            in_tail->next = NULL;
>>>>> +        } else {
>>>>> +            out_tail->next = cur;
>>>>> +            out_tail = out_tail->next;
>>>>> +            out_tail->next = NULL;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        if (next == NULL || cur->priority != next->priority) {
>>>>> +            /* priority has changed or we have reached the end of the srv list,
>>>>> +             * we will merge the lists */
>>>>> +            APPEND_ARES_LIST(tail, in_head, in_tail);
>>>>> +            APPEND_ARES_LIST(tail, out_head, out_tail);
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +    } while (next != NULL);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    *list = head->next;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    ret = EOK;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +done:
>>>>> +    return ret;
>>>>> +}
>>>> I am sorry, but this linked list sorting is not very readable.
>>>> There is a lot of "struct ares_srv_reply" pointers:
>>>>      head, tail, in_head, in_tail, out_head, out_tail, cur, next
>>>> I tried to visualize this sorting with pencil and paper, but
>>>> it was a real mess.
>>>> I would prefer to:
>>>>    either: use similar approach like in reply_priority_sort
>>>>            from file src/resolv/async_resolv.c (merger-sort)
>>>>    or: don't change this function, but unit test should be written for this
>>>>        function
>>> Why not simply make this a doubly linked list and use the functions in
>>> src/util/dlinklist.h ?
>> I'm working with struct ares_srv_reply that comes from ares api.
>>> Or if you really have to use single linked, maybe add a slinklist.h file
>>> in util/ that does things as much as possible like dlinklist.h so that
>>> we use the same style.
>> Done.
> I was wondering if we make the ordering plugin a property of the SRV
> lookup plugin and set it either using fo_set_srv_lookup_plugin() or with
> a new function? In general, I think that the sorting would be only used
> by the same provider as the lookup plugin, so it would be nice if we
> could avoid new parameters for a generic function and keep the API
> clean.

Hmm, then I guess I can move the whole functionality into the plugin 
itself. Instead of sorting ares result in fo_discover_srv*, we can sort 
fo_server_info in the AD plugin. It will require some changes I wanted 
to avoid, but its doable.

Does this sound right?

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