[SSSD] [PATCH 1/2] libsss_idmap: function to calculate range

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at redhat.com
Tue Apr 23 15:26:10 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 04/23/2013 10:37 AM, Michal Židek wrote:
> Also one more question. How should I amend the -version-info value
> for libsss_idmap in Makefile.am? Currently it is 0:1:0. Should it
> be 1:0:0 now?

With your patch as written, yes you will need to change it to 1:0:0
(because you modified a public function and two public data
structures). This will effect a soname bump and require that consumers
rebuild against this.

It also means that you will need to make an announcement on
Fedora-devel about the soname bump and make sure to coordinate the
update so that all projects relying on this library rebuild together.
Please do not do this in Fedora 18.

A quick repoquery suggests that only SSSD and FreeIPA are consuming
this library in Fedora (as expected), but it's not impossible that
there are third-party tools out there consuming the library for their
own purposes, so please be sure to announce.

Unfortunately, I don't really see any way of avoiding the bump.
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