[SSSD] A test repository with SSSD 1.9 for RHEL-6.3

Jakub Hrozek jhrozek at redhat.com
Thu Oct 18 09:23:53 UTC 2012


even though RHEL-6.4 is still brewing, I think there might be some
interest in trying out the 1.9.x series of the SSSD on RHEL-6.3.

So I went ahead and built the SSSD 1.9.2 in a RHEL-6.3 buildroot:

The NVR of these test packages will be lower than those in 6.4 to keep
the upgrade path clean. The only missing functionality is the PAC
responder, which means this SSSD version won't be able to work with
an AD domain that is in a trust relationship with an IPA 3.x domain. I
had to disable the PAC responder as it requires Kerberos 1.10.

Because some new functionality required tweaking the SELinux policy, you
will encounter AVC denials when the new fast cache is accessed. That
said, my quick smoke testing went fine and we will be glad to hear test
results or bug reports.

Using the repository comes with a warning - this is NOT an official Red
Hat supported repository. The packages have NOT gone through formal QA. If
it breaks your RHEL-6.3 installation, you get to keep the pieces.

This is the repo configuration I used:
name=SSSD 1.9.x built for latest stable RHEL

name=SSSD 1.9.x built for latest stable RHEL - Source

Happy testing!

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