[SSSD] RFC: dropping upstream support of RHEL5 starting with 1.10

Jakub Hrozek jhrozek at redhat.com
Thu Nov 22 16:47:52 UTC 2012


many new features rely on library APIs and features that are only available
in recent versions of SSSD dependencies. As a result, the code often needs
#ifdefs and special branches in order to at least compile or run on RHEL5.

So far we've been doing nightly builds also for RHEL5 and fixing issues
as we were finding them. But recently we are considering dropping support
for RHEL5 -- it is causing some engineering effort and at the same time
the audience is probably very limited. If you are running super-stable
enterprise distribution, chances are you are not all that interested in
the latest and possibly very unstable SSSD version.

The proposal would be to keep building and supporting the 1.9.x branch
for RHEL5 and switch to using RHEL6 as the oldest supported release
starting from the 1.10 upstream version. Of course we would still accept
patches from any potential contributors.

Any objections against the plan?

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