[SSSD] My solution to keep an update cache of all LDAP entries. Is there a better way?

Mark London mrl at psfc.mit.edu
Sat Jun 30 12:52:03 UTC 2012

Here is my solution to have a persistant uptodate local cache of all 
ldap entries, so as to avoid very long delays when a user issues a 
command that causes a large number of LDAP lookups, i.e. by doing a "ls 
-l /home":

 enumerate = true
 enum_cache_timeout = 86400
 ldap_purge_cache_timeout = 0
 ldap_enumeration_refresh_timeout = 300

I set the cache timeout to be 24 hours, and do an enumerate every 5 minutes.

What I would like to know, is why such long delays (i.e. minutes) occurs 
when doing an "ls -l /home".  Is it because it has to write out each 
entry into the local database?   Just curious. :)  Thanks.

Mark London

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